Author: S.M. Wilson

Blog Tour | The Infinity Files – Interview with S.M Wilson

Posted March 9, 2021 by Emma in 2021 Books, Blog Tour, Interview, UKYA, YA / 0 Comments

Hello my lovely readers. It’s been a while again, I know, but I’m here to bring you such a treat. Today I’m part of the blog tour for The Infinity Files by S.M. Wilson. She has written an amazing Hunger Games vs Jurassic Park trilogy called The Extinction Trials that I loved. This year Susan has brought a new duopoly in space, featuring adventure, action, treasure hunt and an infinite library. How cool does that sound?! As part of the blog tour I am interviewing the lovely Susan all about her new book. But before that here is a little bit more about The Infinity Files.

Blog Tour | The Infinity Files – Interview with S.M WilsonThe Infinity Files by S.M. Wilson
Published by Usborne Publishing on March 4, 2021
Genres: Sci-Fi, Young Adult
Amazon | Book Depository | Waterstones

Get in. Get Out. ⁠⠀Keep to the task.⁠⠀Leave no trace. ⁠⠀⁠⠀Ash Yang dreamed of being a starfighter pilot. But when she crashes out of her final test – literally – she somehow lands the most powerful job in the universe. As Guardian of the Infinity Files she must secretly planet-hop through the galaxies, stealing or returning treasures that have the power to stop wars...or start them.⁠⠀⁠⠀But when her home planet is the one at war, can she get the job done?⁠⠀



Interview with S. M. Wilson

1. Firstly, can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb?

The Library at the end of the Universe (which was the original title of this book) is the storage place for the Infinity Files, a huge, cavernous place on an outpost that no one would find, enclosed inside a dome with only the stars for neighbours.

2. Dinosaurs to Planet hopping through space, what is your process like to creating new series?

It’s just wherever my imagination takes me.  I’ve always loved space, and always wanted to set a story in my own space system.  Names of planets is definitely the hardest thing!

3. What inspired you to write The Infinity Files?

Star Trek and Star Wars.  Every time.  They are my favourite sci fi series and there’s a little of both in The Infinity Files.

4. As part of The Infinity Files, was there any space research you had to do for the storyline?

I didn’t base the story on real life space – more the Star Wars and Star Trek type space worlds.  Only thing that can’t change is the fact that sound or wind don’t exist in space – spoiled an idea I had, but never mind!

5. What was your favourite aspect to write in The Infinity Files?

I’m torn between the library and the space training academy.  In my secret life I would like to visit both.  I would probably fail at every aspect of the space training, and would likely get lost for hours in the library, but I still like to consider these things!

6. Are your main characters ever based on real people in your life?

Not at all.  Some might have similarities to characters I admire in TV or film, but the Infinity Files need a brand new, independent cast, with room to get up to mischief!

7. The design of your new book is stunning, who designed the cover and do you have any input in the design?

The design is down to the fabulous team at Usborne, Will Steele who is the cover designer and Martin Grohs who is the cover illustrator.  There were a number of different covers before this one came around, and I loved the colours immediately.

8. I read from your acknowledgements this is pretty much a lockdown book, how has lockdown been for your writing?

As a nurse in public health, first working on Covid testing, and then working in Covid immunisation, lockdown has been a blur.  I’ve been working really long hours, often seven days a week throughout the whole of it, and the end is not yet in sight.  I am hoping for a very long holiday at the end of all this.  Writing in lockdown was actually a bit of relief and it meant I could think about something other than Covid.

9. What was your favourite aspect of the book to write?

The space battles – always the space battles.  Aren’t they always the best bit in books, TV or films?

10. Funny story, I have two generations of readers of your books, me with your YA books and my nan loves your Mills and Boon books. My question is what is it like writing for different audiences? How to compartmentalise your plot lines and writing, does it ever mix?

As a nurse, writing medical romance is my natural fit.  The medical stuff is second nature, and the romance is good to write because for Mills and Boon there is always going to be a happy ever after.  For YA, the world is my oyster, as you can see with dinosaurs and space.  I’d love to write a mystery, but not quite sure I have the planning skills.  So, far there has been no crossover between both types of writing.

11. I feel this has a Guardians of the Galaxy vibe, are you Marvel fan? Or if you’re not what are you favourite space adventures?

My favourite space adventures are definitely Star Trek the Next Generation, and Star Wars 4-6.  I liked Guardian of the Galaxy, and Robert Downey’s Iron man stole a little piece of my heart, but Captain Picard will always be my first choice

12. Finally, if you ever got asked to go into space would you go?

I’m a Type 1 diabetic so would be ruled out of any space expeditions.  I’d love the adventure, but not sure I would like the current arrangements for going to the bathroom in space…

Thank you so so much Susan for coming on to my blog. I can’t wait to read this book. Eeek. Thank you to Usborne for arranging and sending me a copy of the book. 

The Infinity Files is OUT NOW! I also have a sneaky code NVERJUDGE10 that you can use to buy yourself a copy on Book Depository. Code runs out 14th March!
