Blog Tour – Review: Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend by Louise Rozett

Posted June 28, 2013 by Emma in Blog / 11 Comments

Today, I’m part of the Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend by YA Bound Book Tours. I’m really glad to be part of this tour and this post. My stop is a Review of both Confessions of an Angry & Almost Girlfriend, I’m excited about this post by my surprising reviews and happy that I found such an exceptional writer to a sequel, so I hope y’all enjoy it! But first here is a little more about the book…

Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend (Confessions #2)
by Louise Rozett
Release Date: 06/18/13
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Buy: GoodreadsAmazonBarnes & Noble

Summary from Goodreads:

Rose Zarelli has big plans for sophomore year—everything is going to be different. This year, she’s going to be the talented singer with the killer voice, the fabulous girl with the fashionista best friend, the brainiac who refuses to let Jamie Forta jerk her around…

…but if she’s not careful, she’s also going to be the sister who misses the signals, the daughter who can only think about her own pain, the “good girl” who finds herself in mid-scandal again (because no good deed goes unpunished) and possibly worst of all…the almost-girlfriend.

When all else fails, stop looking for love and go find yourself.


This sequel was very surprising in my eyes. As you will learn from Confessions of an Angry Girl after this review, I had some issues and some rants about the minds of 14 years old’s at the time it was written. But this was by the most exceptional read that have read in the last few weeks… I was hesitant I have to admit after the first book of the series, thinking what else could they really fantasize about but actually Rose has matured and grown up for her age, but still acting as a normal, current teenager. Rose is presented as a teenager stuck between love, life,  future quandaries of reality and drama. When Jamie Forta returns with more burdens, his unacquainted love still burns between them. The attraction between has never seized it has matured and even sparked higher but at a somewhat constant level throughout the book. However, Regina will always play with fire with Rose, she tries to do the right thing when everything turns out wrong.

What we see is Rose’s personality blossom throughout the whole book, she has gone from runner to now a rock star in a band. She has a rawness in her words and how she delivers them with such passion and emotions that its hard not to end on a high. What I also admired was the passion and strive to achieve her dreams is her best friend, Tracy. What I admired was how she turned a ‘Slut List’ against her into ‘The Sharp List’ on her fashion which makes an A-lister among the school population. It amazes me how gullible she was in book one her own drama between herself and Matt, to a single, sophisticated young entrepreneur and that’s how I see her…

Louise bases her books on the atypical stereotypes of a teenager portrayed through Rose’s life in both Confessions of an Angry-Girl and then again through Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend in a very positive way. This particular book I couldn’t put down and it truly show the progression of writing and standard that I believe Louise has done in both of her novels so far… I will be intrigued to find out what will become of Rose’s character in Junior Year…

Rating: 4/4.5

Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions #1)
by Louise Rozett
Release Date: 08/28/12
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
288 pages

Like some books, it isn’t for everyone… but its a catch 22, half is on my part and half on the plot line. I don’t want to sound critical of this book but it just didn’t settle right on me and I was a little disappointed with it. With high hopes and expectations comes regret and disappointment.

Confessions of an Angry Girl begins with a girl, Rose, saddened by her father’s death, abandoned by her mother by her emotional grief and succumbed to a typical teenage dramas featuring, love, life, loss, boys and mainly sex. Entering the world of growing up happens to her best friend Tracy, thus anything she does, Rose accompanies in the thought process… Is this good or bad thing. Rose doesn’t know. She is a smart girl focused on her studies rather than a lady of leisure, until she meets Jamie Forta.

Rose is unknown to the world she lives in and I think her character has been awkwardly placed in this novel. She didn’t fit in, period! This is were its partly my view of the novel, I felt this was a very young book for me to read and I just didn’t connect with the characters, apart from Jamie. His character alone didn’t tempt me to continue, the romance. In once sense it was so up and down you wanted to stop but I have this urge whether or not Rose will conquer her emotions with Jamie… But in an ideal world do 14 year old’s really think about committing with someone and losing their V now, or is it just me… I hope not! The absurdity and reality of life is based on sex in Tracy’s world and this is where it just collapsed on me, she didn’t listen to reason but to a jock who wanted more.

Louise bounds different stereotypes of a young teenage girl and shapes her into something she is not. This effects my review negatively, but nowadays I can see the attraction as well. The start of the series holds relative expectations, noting that its aimed at maybe younger readers. Overall, it was an average read, this is not a negative review and please don’t take it as one, it just my view.

Rating: 3

About the Author

Louise Rozett is an author, a playwright, and a recovering performer. She made her YA debut with Confessions of an Angry Girl, published by Harlequin Teen. The next book in the series, Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend, is due out June 2013. She lives with her 120-pound Bernese Mountain dog Lester (named after Lester Freamon from THE WIRE, of course) in one of the world’s greatest literary meccas, Brooklyn…and also in sunny Los Angeles. (Being bi-coastal is fun!) Visit for more info.



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11 responses to “Blog Tour – Review: Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend by Louise Rozett

  1. I must read this series soon! I was going to request it from Net Galley but declined… *kicks self* I'm glad you enjoyed it. But I'm confused – is your rating 4, 4.5 or 3?! It is probably just me being stupid – I'm not with it today at all 😉

    Great review! Thanks for sharing, Emma 🙂

  2. OH you have a new blog design (please don't say you've had this for ages and I've only JUST noticed?!) – it's really nice!

    I loved this book waaay too much as well. I just don't know what it was, there's something so good about this book that just makes you whisk through it.
    Lovely review 🙂

  3. Loved your reviews, Emma! I like the growth in Rose – I hope we'll see a book about Rose in her junior year.

    BTW, is that a new header banner? I like how you layered the fonts 🙂

  4. Glad Confessions of an Almost Girlfriend worked so much better than Angry Girl Emma! I really enjoyed book one, so now I'm thinking I'll absolutely love book two, and I'm excited to see Rose grow and mature a bit as she figures things out. Thanks so much for visiting my blog as well, I'm a new follower!

  5. I've heard so many amazing things about this series! I'm really sorry to hear that the first book didn't work out all too well for you. When your hopes are high, it is definitely easy to end up disappointed! (And, um, WHAT? 14 year olds are thinking of committing and doing what now? Woah!) However, I love how you loved the sequel more! Seeing authors AND characters mature throughout a series is always a pleasure.

    Lovely reviews, Emma!

    P.S. loving the new blog design! especially the color scheme!

  6. I have yet to read the first book! I have to admit that I'm a little worried to read it though because the main character just sounds so YOUNG. But I'm really glad you enjoyed the sequel! It seems like the main character has really grown and has new passions. I love it when a character is passionate and devoted to what they love. I'll have to check out book one soon, thanks for the wonderful review and post, Emma!

  7. I'm so glad that you loved the second book more Emma, I loved seeing Rose's growth, the decisions she made in the first book could be hugely frustrating, but I loved how much she had matured. I also can't wait to see how things will turn out in the next book! Lovely review! 🙂

  8. Great reviews, Emma! I was so unsure about this series over the last few months, but I seem to have done a complete u-turn in the last 2 or 3 weeks. All these positive reviews, particularly for the sequel, have been more than convincing! It's also great to hear about Rose's growth as a character. I'm looking forward to meeting her now. 🙂