Posted August 14, 2014 by Emma in Blog / 8 Comments

Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss #1)
by Stephanie Perkins
Publisher – Usborne
Release Date – January 1st 2014
Buy – Amazon | Book Depository

Anna has everything figured out – she was about to start senior year with her best friend, she had a great weekend job, and her huge work crush looked as if it might finally be going somewhere… Until her dad decides to send her 4383 miles away to Paris. On her own.

But despite not speaking a word of French, Anna finds herself making new friends, including Etienne, the smart, beautiful boy from the floor above. But he’s taken – and Anna might be too. Will a year of romantic near-missed end with the French kiss she’s been waiting for?

Can two people be more than just friends? With the release of Isla and the Happily Ever After, this was the series that I wanted to read this summer. Set in the most beautiful and romantic city in the world, Anna is shipped off to Paris to finish her study at the School of America. Alone and afraid of being in such a foreign city, Anna is faced with family challenges, rivals, complicated relationships and a boy named Etienne St. Claire.
Surrounded by her gang; Mer, Josh, Rashmi and St. Claire she finally found some hope in a place like this… starting something new can be nerve wracking as is anything in life, starting a new job, meeting new people, we’ve all been there. Mer is such outgoing and totally refreshing character to read about, her personality shines through the book and through Anna’s friendship. I found Rashmi to be quite a timid and quiet sort of character, I hoped she would break the ice a bit during the book, only it was towards the end that we saw something about her. And Josh, hmm from their relationship between Rashmi and himself, I felt as if he was losing himself through their romance. (I can’t wait for Isla.) However, I was glad that the end proved to have worked for everyone…
Finally St. Claire, or Etienne…he certainly has an air about him, his stride, his appearance, makes everyone want to just stop, pause and let your mouth drop down in admiration and pure specimen of gorgeousness. I mean, hello an English Accent from an America boy, talk about multi-talented in all aspects. And combine that with the fact that we are set in Paris, the city of romance, could this really get any better!? I think not…
Stephaine Perkins creates the perfect novel of a beautiful friendships, progressing into a slow burning romance. After reading On the Fence by Kasie West, I’ve been looking for something that utilises the beauty of their friendship to be something more. The character growth between all the characters is certainly something to talk about. This novel is a mix of romance, friendships, family dramas, and an English accent… I can’t wait to read Lola and the Boy Next Door.
Rating – 4

8 responses to “REVIEW – ANNA AND THE FRENCH KISS by Stephanie Perkins

  1. I'm glad you enjoyed this, Emma! ANNA is one of my favorite contemporary romances and I just adore Perkins's writing and her characterization. Lovely review, dear!

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed Anna. I think it was one of the first contemporary romances I read. I loved those characters, all of them were so amazing and Lola and the Boy Next Door didn't disappoint me either. I hope you'll like that too. I'm going to start Isla today soo let's hope it's great. 🙂
    Great reviews. 🙂

  3. lol I love how you described Etienne. That is certainly true and it really brings back memories. I loved this one too and I'm so happy you enjoyed it as well. I cannot wait to see what you think of Cricket as he is fave of mine 😉 I'll be waiting for your review for Lola. Great review, Em 🙂

  4. I picked up Anna one day and read a few chapters but didn't end up finishing it, I definitely should have stuck with it because I want to get to know St. Claire! I've heard so many raves about it. Lovely review, I should give this another go.

  5. YAY!!!! So glad you enjoyed this one Emma! I absolutely loved this book and can't wait to get my hands on Isla. I'm such a big fan of books that feature friends-to-lovers (so to speak) romances, I think that's why I love Kasie West so much too. She and Stephanie Perkins are auto-buys for me!

  6. I am so glad to see you enjoyed this, Emma!! 🙂 I read this ages ago and adored it (and Etienne) so I am very happy to see you weren't let down.

    It was just so much fun to watch their relationship develop though. It was the best kind of slow burn and their banter :') OMG THEIR BANTER *happy sigh* I may just want to re-read this one soon!

    Lovely review, Emma!!! 🙂

    Rashika @ The Social Potato