Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless
by Liz Czukas
Publisher – HarperTEEN
Release Date – December 9th 2014
Buy – Amazon | Book Depository
Top Five Things That Are Ruining Chloe’s Day
5) Working the 6:30 a.m. shift at GoodFoods Market
4) Crashing a cart into a customer’s car right in front of her snarky coworker Sammi
3) Trying to rock the “drowned rat” look after being caught in a snowstorm
2) Making zero progress with her crush, Tyson (see #3)
1) Being accused—along with her fellow teenage employees—of stealing upwards of $10,000
Chloe would rather be anywhere than locked in work jail (aka the break room) with five of her coworkers . . . even if one of them is Tyson. But if they can band together to clear their names, what looks like a total disaster might just make Chloe’s list of Top Ten Best Moments.

After reading so much positive reviews of
Ask Again Later, I was interested to see what made Mrs Czukas’s books. As the lovely Sam from Realm of Fiction has recommended this book plenty we thought to do a buddy read of it together. I rather enjoyed the simplicity, the ease and relaxation that comes with a novel like this.
Top Ten Clues You’re Clueless is a very good expectation to behold with me, I know Sam had higher expectation after reading her previous novel. I thought to do my review a little differently, to compliment the style of the book and Chloe’s character.
10) Tyson – This isn’t so much a criticism on the book more like…I NEED MORE of him. He was always in the shadows of the book. It was only towards the end of the novel that I really saw his loyalty and kind heart that I wanted him and maybe Chloe’s and Tyson’s relationship to develop more.
9) The Detective Angle – It really felt like towards the middle of book that we were in a detective story which I loved. This angle intensified the story and the pace. Gathering intel Chloe’s fellow colleagues, and to find them to be quite interesting as well as uncovering some saucy truths and tales.
8) A Christmas feel – Both Sam and I were feeling quite Christmassy when it was set on Christmas Eve, with the xmas songs blasting through the sound system. It was certainly a book, that you could read by a warm fire, and a hot cup of coco.
7) The Written Style – (see point 6…as well) Is there anything else to say apart from this lady know how to write about the feels of friendship, and to make your heart swell towards the end.
6) The Lists – The Lists added a texture to the book and the connection between reality, and how someone mind works as well as getting to know Chloe and the people around her in a strategic way. Sort of like a battle plan throughout the novel.
5) The Plotline – After hearing so much on
Ask Again Later, I sort of did but didn’t know what to expect. If you get my meaning. However, the plot itself was more character driven, with the diversity of it and it entwined with each other. It also highlighted the truth of today and reality and how we perceive others.
4) The Characters – They each have their own set of weirdness, drama and heart in one. We find that throughout this book, these character like a collection of genres mixed together. We get a flare of the diverse world we live in, each character with their contrasting and unique personalities.
3) The MC – Chloe was just an average girl with Type 1 Diabetes and working towards an unknown future. Who also has a major crush on one of her work colleagues, a red head, working her way through her mum’s detective novels, a control freak of a mother and the ‘new’ girl at school. We very rarely see a glimpse at her everyday life, the first chapter see’s a beginning and end to what life is like at home. (Which isn’t a bad thing.) But the whole novel for me wasn’t entirely focused on Chloe, but more as a narrative for the whole story. It’s as if Liz didn’t want us to judge or solely focus on her but on everyone.
2) GoodFoods – I must admit a novel set in a supermarket was a revelation in terms of YA novels. I don’t think I’ve ever read one quite like TTCYC!
1) The Friendship – I’m a huge fan of novel that relinquish in the values of friendship and basic ‘friendship 101’. Chloe seemed like an outcast when in fact everyone was throughout the novel. It was only when she and her co-workers where accused of stealing money that they really bent their heads together and figured each out as we well as the thief!
1) The timing of the book – The whole is set in one day…unless for me I’m not used to it. I found that it was rather slowing going at first, which didn’t give me the hopeful start I was looking for. The pace was rather annoying if I’m honest, but then as we headed towards the middle of the book it really started to kick back into action.
2) Predictable – At times it was a little cliche at times with the theft of the money and ‘who done it?’ scenario.
3) Romance – We could have done with more romance throughout the book, but maybe that’s just because I’m a huge fan of friendships to romances in these sort of novel. We instead only got a glimpse at it towards the very end. But it still ended the book marvelously. Although, any snipped we saw were cleverly and subtly done.
*A working progress
Rating – 3.5
I'm really not one for predictable plot lines but this seems like such a cute read–I'll have to check it out when I'm in the mood for a light read. Wonderful review, Emma–I adore the format! 🙂
I'm really not one for predictable plot lines but this seems like such a cute read–I'll have to check it out when I'm in the mood for a light read. Wonderful review, Emma–I adore the format! 🙂
No, I'm not really for predictable reads as they can get a bit boring or lack any excitement. But it sort of lightened up as we got to the second half of the book. Hope you get to read this one soon, Keertana! 🙂
such a cute review for a cute book! I am very excited to read this and i am totally fine with 24 hour settings 🙂 definitely check out Ask Again Later if you enjoyed this one!
– Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf
Yes, I think I'd like to read more 24 hour settings books, to really get the feel for the timing of the book. I will definitely check it AAL soon! Thanks Juhina! 🙂
I really enjoyed Ask Again Later and I'm hoping I will equally enjoy this one! And since your list of things you enjoyed is longer than the list of things that bothered you, I'm quite hopeful it will!
Thanks for your review Emma!
I hope you really get to enjoy this one, Pili. I'm really hoping to read Ask Again Later after so many fun and cute reviews for it. Thank you! 🙂
I love how the title hints at something detective-ish, but I wasn't sure. I'm glad we do get something though 😉 Yeah? So it's good to read during the holidays? Yay! AHHHH. I AM A LIST PERSON. OBSESSED WITH ALL THINGS LISTS. YESSS I APPPPPPROVE!! I'm glad you loved the characters and found the lead great too 🙂 Sorry you didn't love the romance though, but at least you got something which is better than nothing 😀 I'm glad you enjoyed this as a whole, Emma!
I'm thinking of doing some reviews in lists, it really helps me organise me and my thoughts, in any review or my life. Hehe. Yes it was detective-ish and that really stimulated the novel. Hope you get to read this one soon, Siiri! 🙂
Oh I have seen this one around and that title is really hard to miss! 🙂 I do like the sound of it and I haven't read any book with holiday in it! I need to get to it someday. That romance doesn't sound like something I'd like either, but well I still want to read this one. Great review, Emma 🙂
Me either. It's been a long time for a holiday book, though I wished I waited a little longer, so I don't feel too christmassy to early. hehe. Hope you get to read this one soon, Tanja! 🙂
Wonderful review! I love the way you set your review out like the book. Your positive points have definitely swayed me towards picking this one up. It looks a little juvenile for my tastes, but I've learnt not to judge a book by its cover. Hopefully I like it as much as you! Brilliant review 🙂
Joy @ Thoughts By J
This sounds cute, and I like the fact there's a mystery built in. I'm happy to hear the ending as far as the romance goes was pleasing but I'd probably want more like you, Emma. Wonderful review! 🙂
I've read Ask Again Later by the same author and really loved that one, her books are just so much fun and I love the fact that this is set in a supermarket (FOOD!) and the lists sounds like a lot of fun. Lovely review Emma!
Oh I remember reading Ask Again Later by Liz Czukas and LOVING it so so much! it was light and funny and totally cute and I feel like this one would be too! Great to hear you enjoyed this one so much 🙂 Lovely review !