The Originals: The Rise (The Originals #1)
by Julie Plec
Publisher – Hachette Children’s Books
Release Date – February 5th 2015 (UK)
Buy – Amazon | Book DepositoryFamily is power. The Original vampire family swore it to each other a thousand years ago. They pledged to remain together always and forever. But even when you’re immortal, promises are hard to keep.
Arriving in New Orleans in 1722, Original vampire siblings Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah Mikaelson believe they’ve escaped their dangerous past. But the city is lawless, a haven for witches and werewolves unwilling to share territory. The siblings are at their mercy…especially after Klaus meets the beautiful and mysterious Vivianne. Her impending marriage is key to ending the war between the supernatural factions—and Klaus’s attraction to her could destroy the uneasy alliance. As Elijah works toward securing a piece of the city for his family, and Rebekah fights her unexpected feelings for a French captain, will Klaus’s volatile desires bring their world crashing down—and tear them apart for good?
First derived from The Vampire Diaries books by L.J Smith, came the TV show, which then after a few series came the spin off, The Originals. Now based on the TV series, comes the novels. After a recent lover of The Originals, I was super excited to receive this book review, only after Glass posted a picture on Instagram. We then said we would buddy read it as we are major fangirls of the series. (I’m Team Elijah, girls!)
Before, New Orleans became a home for them, it was just a city, including the supernatural, witches and werewolves. When three strangers arrived inland, it became a tense and dangerous place to live especially in the 1700s, the unknown and bloody world around them. When a treaty is being held between the witches and werewolves, the city is at it most vulnerable and tension is rife for the clans and the city. When Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah come between them, they are each others mercy and promise to try and bridge an alliance but who do it favour the most. Thus begins a war, between witches, werewolves and now vampires. The Original Vampires. New Orleans, a home that they have both learned to love and hate, when their greatest happiness can be destroyed with minutes.
When I first begun this book, I felt like I transported instantly to the 1700s and that Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah never left the screen at all. What helps is the fact that you already have the characters so you can visualise them as if it was another episode. What I loved was the alternate POVs especially Elijah’s and Klaus as if the book was read out loud to you, this particular aspect reminded me of how it all started with The Vampire Diaries with Elena and Stefan. Each plotline was different from the show which I admired, we saw a different side to each of the other characters whilst having their personalities shining through. Klaus stiring up trouble where it’s needed in his eyes. Elijah protecting his family and finding comfort where it is needed. And Rebekah searching to find happiness and love.
However, whilst I enjoyed the characteristic aspect of the novel, I found that the story lacked follow through. The is certainly more room for potential that could be explored. It could be seen to be very melodramatic at times, but its The Original’s were talking, Klaus loves to make a fuss, Elijah, I’d say in his lovely voice, less dramatic, and Rebekah, well she is kick-ass, drama queen by nature of her life and her happiness. But in the end, they will always be together forever.
The Originals: The Rise is a great addition to the TV series and for that I’m looking forward to continuing the series, to find out what other messes that Klaus likes to drive them into. But for those who want to start out with this novel first, I wouldn’t recommend it as you won’t get the feels as the TV show. I’m always for read the book before the movie/TV show, but in this instance, I disagree with that.
Rating – 3.5

I only read I think the first 2 books of the Vampire Diaries and I didn't really get too much into it or the TV show, but I'm glad to hear that you as a fan enjoyed this one!
Yeah I sort of stopped half-way through the TVD series, but I think you have to really watch the show before reading this one. It was really good though. Thank you, Pili!
After seeing you and Glass read and review this only made me really curious in this one. She did say thought to watch the series first before getting to this book, so I'll have to wait a while. I can't wait to get started! (Plus dude on the cover is hoooot!)
Faye at The Social Potato
I hope you get to watch this series, Faye. I find it so much better than The Vampire Diaries, and you are right, Klaus (the dude on the cover) is hot!
I haven't seen the TV Series but I've been seeing this one quite a bit today so it's nice to get your feedback. Not sure this is for me but I'm glad you found aspects to love.
You should see the series Keetana. Love it! I really did enjoy it overall. Thanks for stopping by!
I still need to start the 2nd season of this series. I like to let them pile up and then binge watch. This sounds like it would be a good read while I wait.
I haven't started the second season yet, I have to wait for the DVD to come out. Which totally sucks! It certainly would be. I hope you get to it soon! 🙂
Oh I've heard a lot about The Originals TV series! I know a friend of mine who loves the show and I have been curious about it ever since. I'm glad that you ended up enjoying this one, Emma! I guess it can never truly be as amazing as the TV show, eh? xD
Lovely review, hun <33
Haha. No it can never live up to the show, but once you have them in your head to the story, you are already half-way there. I recommend The Originals, both book and show!!!! 😀 Thank you Mel! 🙂
Ah this book. You know I used to love VD but in the end it was too much the same and I gave up. I tried this TV show and well I wasn't that impressed and I was a little bored after 3 episodes so I gave up as well. So I'm not sure about the book, I'm not that attracted after my feelings about the show.
Oh that's such a shame, I'm starting to feel the same way with VD at the mo. But I love The Originals. 🙂
I absolutely love the tv show so I am kind of excited they are making it into a book series now as well (kind of the opposite of how they usually do it!).
I know I was the same. Your favourite show in a book what could be better. I can't wait to see what you think!
Hm. I'm not sure about this one Emma! I read a book a few years ago (can't remember it now – something to do with Little Red Riding Hood) that was a movie first, and then the book was written on that and it didn't work for me at all. It felt really flat, and I'm kind of getting that feeling from this one as well which is a shame. Glad the show is fantastic though!
I have a problem usually too when I see the film or show first then read the book. Like The 100 I'm a little afraid of reading them! Thanks Jenny!
I know that Glass is crazy about this series. I used to watch Vampire Diaries but gah just too much drama. I tend to avoid it ever since. But still The Originals seem really different but still I don't think I will read it. I will rather watch it. Great review, Em 🙂
The Vampire Diaries, is certainly getting on my nerves at the moment too. But The Originals is certainly different. I hope you do get to give it a try soon, Tanja! Thank you! 🙂