Hi Everyone and welcome to my stop of the Conspiracy Girl blog tour. I have already reviewed this book last month and I thoroughly enjoyed. Her thriller books are brilliant, so if you haven’t read her latest I would recommend The Sound, another set thriller, mystery YA novel. Today the lovely, Sarah has written a Guest Post for me as well as a giveaway of lots of signed books and prizes so don’t forget to scroll down to the end of the post to enter. Before, I introduce Sarah’s guest post, here is a little more about the book…
Conspiracy Girl
by Sarah Alderson
Publisher – Simon & Schuster
Release Date – February 12th 2015
Buy – Amazon | Book DepositoryEverybody knows about the Cooper Killings.
There was only one survivor – fifteen year-old Nic Preston.
Now eighteen, Nic is trying hard to rebuild her life. But then one night her high-security apartment is broken into. It seems the killers are back to finish the job.
Finn Carter – hacker, rule breaker, player – is the last person Nic ever wants to see again. He’s the reason her mother’s murderers walked free. But as the people hunting her close in, Nic has to accept that her best chance of staying alive is by staying close to Finn.And the closer they get to the truth, and to each other, the greater the danger becomes.
Nic’s life is based on a conspiracy until Finn arrived to uncover the truth… Have you ever been fascinated or believed in any conspiracies before, that influenced this novel or generally?
Actually the idea for the book came from an article I read in Smithsonian Magazine. I don’t want to give away what the conspiracy is because if you read the book it will ruin it, but suffice to say it’s based on a real event involving one of the biggest and most recognisable luxury brands in the world and one of the most lucrative and glamorous industries in the world. The story involved an eye-popping conspiracy and death threats. I was amazed when I read it and thought ‘that would make such a great background to a book.’
I do tend to be a cynic and a sceptic when I hear official stories. I think we have to be critical readers – question everything we’re told and everything we read. Always ask – who is telling me this and why? What is their agenda?
I love a good conspiracy story. UFOs, the twin towers, JFK, Princess Di… I’m always intrigued.

Sarah is the author of Hunting Lila (winner of the Kingston Book Award), Losing Lila, Fated, The Sound, Out of Control and Conspiracy Girl (all Simon & Schuster).
Having spent most of her life in London, Sarah quit her job in the non profit sector in 2009 and took off on a round the world trip with her husband and daughter on a mission to find a new place to call home (a journey that was documented on this blog and which is shortly to be turned into a book).
After almost a year spent travelling the world, they settled in Bali where they lived for five beautiful years before the vagabonding urge became too great and they decided to embark on Can We Live Here part two. They are currently located somewhere between India, London, Canada and the US.
As well as writing young adult novels and screenplays, Sarah also writes adult fiction for Pan Macmillan (Simon & Schuster in the US) under the name Mila Gray.
Her first adult novel, Come Back To Me, was published in June 2014. The second, This One Moment, will be out in August 2015.
Sarah has co-written the Hunting Lila screenplay, which is currently in the early stages of production, and continues to blog about her life and travels.
Giveaway is International and four prizes are up for grabs!
1 prize of 1 x signed copy of Out of Control, 1 x signed CG, 1 x signed The Sound, signed bookmarks
2 prizes of signed copies of CG, signed bookmarks
1 prize of having a character named after you in next book
I've had my eye on this one for sometime! love the interview and graphics so much <3
I just read her Out of Control and loved it! I want to read everything by this author now!
It's always interesting and intriguing when it's about conspiracies. Thanks for the post!
I tend to scoff at conspiracy theories, because they're usually pretty easy to debunk. Some people only look at one side of the picture and see something they want to see. I do know there are some real ones out there, though, more on an individual level. This book sounds good.
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