The DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend
by Kody Keplinger
Publisher – Hodder Children’s Books (Film Tie-In Book)
Release Date – February 25th 2015
Buy – Amazon | Book DepositorySeventeen-year-old Bianca Piper is cynical and loyal, and she doesn’t think she’s the prettiest of her friends by a long shot. She’s also way too smart to fall for the charms of man-slut and slimy school hottie Wesley Rush. In fact, Bianca hates him. And when he nicknames her “Duffy,” she throws her Coke in his face.
But things aren’t so great at home right now. Desperate for a distraction, Bianca ends up kissing Wesley. And likes it. Eager for escape, she throws herself into a closeted enemies-with-benefits relationship with Wesley.
Until it all goes horribly awry. It turns out that Wesley isn’t such a bad listener, and his life is pretty screwed up, too. Suddenly Bianca realizes with absolute horror that she’s falling for the guy she thought she hated more than anyone.
With the movie fast approaching in the UK, next week I believe, The DUFF was this month’s book club and ti was an opportunity to read it before the movie comes out. The DUFF is very much like Gossip Girl and it also reminded me of Stella by Helen Eve, which sadly was a book I really couldn’t get on with. But The DUFF surprised me and it had a lot of positive messages under the surface of the novel.
Bianca, high school student and apparently a Designated, Ugly, Fat, Friend. She is essentially the piggy in the middle so to peak when it comes to Wesley Rush who thinks, hitting on her will make him score a hit with her other friends. B felt insulted and damn right annoyed, I would be too, so their relationship starts off with a Cherry Coke chucked in his face. You go girl!!!! At home, her life is a completely a different story when her family is completely breaking apart. When her dad receives divorce papers her whole world turns upside down and she doesn’t what to do… so she escapes into Wesley Rush literally. She feel at peace when sex has become the only object that can truly distract her from life…But how long can it be before it’s spiraling out of control, and she forgets her friends and her life. Sex can have consequences especially those close to you.
Unlike her friends, B hates going to the club, Nest, so instead she talks a thirty-year old barman called Joe for the whole evening while being her friend’s chaperon. She hates people like Wesley Rush, a womaniser to get who he wants and what he wants. Especially when he called her a DUFF. Way to go Wesley your really going to get her on your side. Yes The DUFF is a bullying and offensive word but through the novel, Wesley also mentions that it can be good thing, because your surrounded by these people. We are an aspect of being The DUFF in someway shape or form. That’s what I loved about this novel, that there was a moral and positive message to the story. Your able to see and to the likeness of the characters through your own experiences and life observations.
Before I read this I read Trouble, it was similar in some ways but not in others. What it did remind me of was the ADULT film of Love & Other Drugs starring Anna Hathaway. (I highlight adult because in comparison to this book, it really isn’t suitable for younger ages.) At first Bianca and Wesley were as bad as each other, all they really wanted was the sexual experience and euphoria of it and they forget about the outside world completely. I admit that I didn’t dislike this side of B as I think this was a stepping stone for what is to come for her emotionally and life-altering. Her heart, was bruised, cut and broken from family and friends and Wesley was there in a way she never knew till the very end. Neither of them knew there feelings for each other before it was too late. All it was, was an affair, but you can say as the plot line progressed it was an affair of the heart.
The saying Books are better than Films will be tested like most major motion pictures based on the YA novels. Whilst I’m looking forward to the film immensely. I’m curious as it how it really differs. I’ve seen the trailer and I have my doubts so I can’t wait to see it next week and draw my own conclusions. This was an incredible novel, thought provoking, intelligent, realistic and raw. It has its own originality. Bravo, Miss Keplinger.
Rating – 4.5
As part of this review Hachette books wanted me to add this strong message:
Labelling is a huge issue in our society today, The Duff are partnering up with Ditch the Label which is a charity who are trying to overcome this, if anyone of you are suffering with any bullying make sure you check out for advice and someone to talk to.

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I totally remember enjoying reading DUFF a few years back. Really looking forward to the movie. Great review 🙂
Janhvi @ The Readdicts
I loved the DUFF and I can't wait to watch the movie. Thank you for stopping by. 🙂
I was not expecting to like the book and even less as much as I did too! As you say, such strong and positive messages in it! It deals with friends and family and with sex in a very positive and also responsible way, consequences to everything we do!
Fantastic review Emma!
Me neither it was amazing. And I can't wait to see the movie and continue to read her books. Such a great book for our club read. Thanks Pili!
I remember loving this book, I can't wait to see the movie! So happy you enjoyed it as well. 🙂
Thank you. Cant wait to see the movie either. 🙂
I love that there are books like these and that they have and reach their targeted audience, but they're kinda not for me. They actually make me feel old, lol. I'll probably do things backwards and see the movie first, which will likely make me want to read the book too. But I doubt I'll ignore it altogether. It's just not in me.
Haha. Yeah I can see what you mean. I think I will feel more like that as I get older. 🙂
I haven't read it, but now I know about it I will be visiting Amazon a.s.a.p to get it, plus my daughter and I can't wait to see the film.
Hope you enjoy the film!!!
I'm really glad that you ended up enjoying this one too Emma, I was a little wary at first of Wesley's character, but I loved the amount of growth that both Bianca and Wesley were able to go through, also how they were there for one another. I hope we both end up enjoying the film!
I thought the characters development was just amazing. I hope we both enjoy the film too!
Oh I really want to try!!! I didn't remember about the movie but it sounds so much fun, I want to see it as well now! thanks for the review!
Your welcome. Hope you get to try this book and the film soon. Thanks for stopping by!
To be honest, I'm way more excited about watching the movie than reading the book! While I'm okay with sex-positive books and all that, I don't really prefer reading a book with TOO much sex, so I'm actually pretty glad the movie doesn't center on that at all. But I'm glad you loved the book, Emma! I hope you enjoy the movie as well!
Faye at The Social Potato
Oh that's good that movie saw a different side to the book. I enjoyed the book because of the characters. Through the sex that they decided they needed to grow up more together. But I can see what you mean. Thanks Faye!
I liked this book. I think the movie seems pretty different and haven't seen it yet. Hope you enjoy it!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen at YA Romantics
I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to read more of her books. Thanks for stopping by too. 🙂
I was surprised that I loved The Duff as much as I did. I didn't think I'd fall so hard for Wesley because he was such a jerk in the beginning, but I ended up adoring both Bianca and Wesley by the end. I hear the movie is nothing like the book, so I don't know if I'll go see it. Maybe when it comes out on DVD. Wonderful review, Emma! 🙂
Me too, I think it was about the positive messages and character development. Although I did think Wes a jerk to begin with. lol. Yes I'm waiting for the DVD too! Thank you Rachel!
I've the movie and now I'm really curious about the book! The movie had A LOT of stereotyped, it swimmed in them, but, still, there was something refreshing about it too – the DUFF thing for instance ahah. I think you're gonna like it, although I did hear people say the movie is nothing like the book :///
Oh it amazing to see how you saw the film first before the book. I'll be interested to see what you think about it!
I imagine this book may upset some parents, given that the kids in it make some unwise decisions. Still, the book advocates healthy messages, like safe sex and positive self-image. More than that, this book achieved a rare, magical thing: the characters felt like real people and I could hardly put the book down.
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