Hi Everyone! Today I have a different post for you all about An Ember in the Ashes. I’ve heard so much about this book and a lot of people around the blog have certainly said this is one of their most anticipated reads of 2015. I have to say I haven’t really read much about it, but when the very publishers asked if I wanted a copy I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. As part of the package, Harper Voyager set us a challenge to join the #FantasyIRL tag where we asked ourselves the questions on the cards and maybe it will open up a wider conversation about power, freedom, control and destiny and how they affect us. But here is a little bit more about the book.

An Ember in the Ashes
by Sabaa Tahir
Publisher – Harper Voyager
Release Date – June 4th 2015
Buy – Amazon | Book Depository
Set in a terrifyingly brutal Rome-like world, An Ember in the Ashes is an epic fantasy debut about an orphan fighting for her family and a soldier fighting for his freedom. It’s a story that’s literally burning to be told.
What if you were the spark that could ignite a revolution?
For years Laia has lived in fear. Fear of the Empire, fear of the Martials, fear of truly living at all. Born as a Scholar, she’s never had much of a choice.
For Elias it’s the opposite. He has seen too much on his path to becoming a Mask, one of the Empire’s elite soldiers. With the Masks’ help the Empire has conquered a continent and enslaved thousands, all in the name of power.
When Laia’s brother is taken she must force herself to help the Resistance, the only people who have a chance of saving him. She must spy on the Commandant, ruthless overseer of Blackcliff Academy. Blackcliff is the training ground for Masks and the very place that Elias is planning to escape. If he succeeds, he will be named deserter. If found, the punishment will be death.
But once Laia and Elias meet, they will find that their destinies are intertwined and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself.
In the ashes of a broken world one person can make a difference. One voice in the dark can be heard. The price of freedom is always high and this time that price might demand everything, even life itself.

POWER. We all feel powerless sometimes. Have you ever fought against someone in a powerful position and stood up for yourself – if so, how did you do it? What advice would you give to someone in a similar position?
If I’m honest, I really haven’t fought against someone in a powerful position. But if I were to give some advice I would say; Be true to yourself and your opinions, don’t be afraid to express them at all. That being well, it can be incredibly tough and courageous to stand up to someone like this. But don’t give up either….
FREEDOM. Modern life often means doing things we don’t want to do (as in fantasy). What do you do to keep yourself feeling positive during a difficult day? Are there any songs/places/people that make you feel happy?
There is always a time when we have a difficult day, I’ve had a load of those sadly. To keep myself feeling positive I do have a couple of things; I have a ‘Happy’ playlist on my iPod that I like to switch on loud and read to fully escape the atmosphere even if it is for an hour on my break. That usually lets me recoup myself. Another is that I think of a very special person in my life. It corny I know, but he really makes me so happy and just thinking about him, makes my world a brighter, glowy and the happiest place I could be.
CONTROL. We all have moments where we feel out of control of our own lives. What helps your regain control? Have you ever been a victim of peer pressure, or felt pushed into doing something you don’t necessarily agree with? What advice would you give someone in a similar situation?
When I think I’m being pushed to my limit, I find that my control is pretty good but I have a tenancy to let things build inside of me which doesn’t really help. I tend to do the classic, Count to 10 or 100 depending on the situation. But it can also show on my face rather than the use of my words, emotions can get the better of me sometimes. I was given this advice and I recommend it; give them dumb insolence, then you will slowly try to regain your composure when faced in that predicament.
DESTINY. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason and your destiny is laid out for you? What do you think you can do to change your own destiny? What makes you happiest now – and how does it differ from what made you happiest this time last year?
I do believe in destiny and indeed fate too. I’ve always believed that things happen for a reason and I believe it for a good reason as it’s happened to me. If you want to take another path then that’s up to you because I think that your destiny will follow you wherever you will go and will help in the process. Maybe that’a bit far-fetched but I guess this is what I feel in me. What is making me happy is that everything in my life couldn’t be better, my job, my family, my relationship and my blog. Everything changed nearly a year ago and now I feel that everything is just fitting together nicely and I couldn’t be happier.
So there you have it, I’ve completed my challenge of the #FantasyIRL tag. Now it’s your turn… I know a lot of you are a tag-free zone so some of you may not do it, but I’m challenging you to be a part of this. Answer each of these questions in your own post or vlog to join in on the conversation that is #AnEmberintheAshes
Interesting cover! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!!
I know such a different cover too US. Thanks for stopping by.
Wonderful answers, Emma! I know a lot of people listen to happy music to get out of a funk, but I'm the opposite. I need then music for the mood I'm already in and roll through it. 😀
Haha! Yeah I can go through that funk too!
What lovely answers! It's so nice to learn a bit more about you. When I have one of those difficult days, there's only one thing that can help, and that's rereading my personal favorites. They are the same books I always turn to, which means I've more or less read them 10 to 20 times. It's usually the Kate Daniels series these days. Entertaining, with familiar characters and fast-paced plots.
Aww, thanks Maja! Yeah I used to do that when I'm a reading slump. It was usually Perfect Chemistry. Love that book. I must read the Katie Daniel books!
what a fun way to do a post, I think it would have been really difficult for me though lol but it's was great to read it! I heard so much about this book I confess!
Yes, I'm not one for these posts but I thought I would on this occasion. Can't wait to read this book soon.
I've always found the notion of destiny romantic. Here's what I think, personally: we all have a destiny, an end goal, the ultimate destination of who we will be, but how we get there will depends on us. It's much more satisfying for me to think that way, knowing I still have some control over how I get there and who I will be when getting to that point.
Fantastic answers, Emma!
Faye at The Social Potato
I love that answer Faye and I think you are completely right. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Wow, this is such a fun and interesting challenge! Great answers all of them Emma!
I loved doing it. Thanks Pili!
Great post, Emma! I think your answers for what to do to keep yourself happy and positive are wonderful. Recalling the positives in our life and the people who make us happy is a great way to combat difficult days. 🙂
I think so too. The people especially. Couldn't be without them on a difficult day! 🙂