Hi Everyone, I am very pleased to be part of the
No More Confessions, Book 3 in the
Confession series through YA Bound Book Tours. Please find the scedule
here. I read Books 1&2 for the their tours previously in the last couple of years and I had to see how Rose turned out in Junior Year. If I’m honest I truly forgot I was part of this tour and I didn’t know if I was going to post this review or not today. But before I share my review with you, here is a little bit more about the book…Oh and don’t forget to enter the giveaway…

No More Confessions (Confessions #3)
by Louise Rozett
Publisher – Stonesong
Release Date – 25th January 2015
Buy – Amazon | Book Depository
For Rose Zarelli, freshman year was about controlling
her rage. Sophomore year was about finding her voice. With all that behind her,
junior year should be a breeze, right? Nope. When a horrific video surfaces,
Rose needs the one person she wants to be done with, the person who has broken
her heart twice—Jamie Forta. But as the intensity between them heats up, Rose
realizes she isn’t the only one who needs help. The thing is, Jamie doesn’t see
it that way—and that could cost them both everything.
ROSE ZARELLI is done confessing because confessions are for people who have
done something wrong. And I haven’t done anything wrong. Here, I’ll prove it
to you.
1) After my mother got that call, I “borrowed” her car. (Because you can’t
steal your mother’s car, can you?) I don’t really remember driving downtown,
but I do remember…
2) …getting past the bouncer at Dizzy’s (I mean, it’s his job to spot a fake
ID, so that’s on him)…
3) …and then later, telling my mother the truth about the bar but lying about
how I got in. (A truth totally cancels out a lie, right?)
After all, what’s a little duplicity when finding Jamie Forta is the only thing
that’s going to keep you from losing what’s left of your mind?
See? Junior year is off to a great start.

The Confessions series by Louise Rozett has been an interesting experience for purely because in the beginning it didn’t start it very well but the sequel blew me away and that it was pretty much what happened with book 3. No More Confessions sees Rose, leaving behind her anger issues and that of her past love too. She able to talk with her mum calmly and truthfully without any lies. She is in my eyes finally growing up. When you first begin the novel you see her entering a club with her fake ID, it’s typical thing these days of a teenager but my thought were, where could this be heading? Good or bad? I didn’t want Rose to retract to who she was, which was growing up to be someone she isn’t and following someone around to make herself be apart of the society today. However, she had a valid reason, one that was quite simply horrific to describe and she needed someone to look after her and that is what Jamie Forta is good at.
When a video of her father was uploaded on the internet of him being blown up, she didn’t know where to turn, so she went to Jaime knowing that he would be able to give her some comfort despite the fact that they are no longer together. Although that doesn’t stop both of their feelings for each other. Jamie is a bad-ass but I feel that he also has a heart of gold when you really get to know him. Rose is an exclusive VIP into his heart and you can really tell that from this novel. I struggled to remember what happened in the previous book as it was such a long time ago but thankful to my reviews I could pick right were they left off, plus Louise is really good at giving you snippets from the previous summer. However, I felt that Jamie declined as a character, he was a complete tool to be honest, he alcoholism probably didn’t help either. I know that he has had a hard life especially with his father taking early retirement and relying on him on to keep the household going whilst ignoring him. I know that these days in this climate and society, that pressure and stress can send someone into an ordeal in the shape of the bottle these days. I felt the spark in there that we once saw and Rose saw was slowly deteriorating which so sad to see.
Rose and Jamie’s relationship is a rocky one. We see such growth in the both characters, moment of pure passion and happiness. Whilst I’m thinking that this will be okay, that Rose is finally Jamie’s girlfriend and that are finally meant to be. No such luck there. In the end I think it was the lies and non-confessions from Jamie that was keeping a distance between them and one I hope they will rectify soon. We both know that they love each other, but I think we also know that some things aren’t meant to be or they aren’t right at this moment. They are unfortunately unlucky in love. All I want for this couple is a HEA and I don’t know if they are going to get one.
When one character declines another saws and that is what Louise encompassed in this novel. Rose was by far at the her strongest. The video didn’t just tear her apart inside but she was able to look past it rebuilt herself into to someone else entirely, a person she was happy to be. I’ve seen Rose at her worst and her most childish and immaturity. No More Confessions, is what it says it is… she has nothing more to give but to be who she wants to be. I felt that Louise really knew how to hit the key points of teenage life the society we live in.
My curiosity was certainly peaked as I wanted to see how Rose has tuned out in Junior year. I also wanted to see how she has grown as a character. I could relate to her so much more which made this book a delight to read. Is there going to be another book… I really hope so. I really enjoyed just a short contemporary in between novels.
Rating – 4
Louise Rozett is an author, a playwright, and a recovering performer. She made her YA debut with Confessions of an Angry Girl, followed by Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend, both published by HarlequinTEEN. The next book in the series, No More Confessions, is due out January 2015. She lives with her 120-pound Bernese Mountain dog Lester (named after Lester Freamon from THE WIRE, of course) in sunny Los Angeles, and pines for New York City. Visit www.Louiserozett.com for more info.
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Glad this was such a great read for you and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you get another book. 😉
It's the first time I hear about this one but it sounds well done and really intriguing. I'm curious all the about the whole story as well as the relationship between the 2. thanks for the discovery.
"They are unfortunately unlucky in love. All I want for this couple is a HEA and I don't know if they are going to get one."
WHAT?! NOOOOO EMMA! I need them to have an HEA! I really, really hope there's going to be a 4th book and everything works out for them!
Book 3 is finally here – YAY!!! So happy to learn that Rose has grown up a bit but sad to see that she and Jamie are going through relationship issues. Great review! 🙂
Hm…. Interesting trajectory for the series indeed. I love HEAs, but not if they're contrived and there just to appease the reader. Excellent review, Emma.
I'm glad this series continue to be engrossing for you! I'm intrigued by the concept. 🙂
It's nice to get positive character growth like you did with Rose, but I think I'd be a little disappointed with the romance in this series. Great to hear the series is a win for you in spite of that, and I hope you get the HEA you want for these two by the end. Wonderful review, Emma! 🙂
Rose and her character development sounds wonderful
Rose and her character development sounds wonderful
Lovely review, Emma! It really is satisfying seeing the characters we care for develop into beautiful people! Thank you for the amazing giveaway too 🙂