Best Books of 2017 & Books I’m most anticipating in 2018!
It’s been a long time I admit – the last post on here was November but to be honest I don’t feel I’ve been around much at all lately. Reading has been sparse, I’m lucky to have read one book in two weeks, which too me is really bad, or I would pick a book up and put it back down again. It doesn’t mean I haven’t stopped buying books though – that’s kind of backwards thinking really. But 2018 is a new year and you know what they say – New Year, New Start, New Resolutions!
Best Books of 2017
I’ve read some amazing books which I’ve been lucky enough to receive from publishers or I’ve bought. I’ve read some books from my top authors, some totally outside of my comfort zone and discovered some new authors too. This is why I love blogging and being a reviewer – I’ve explored such a range of YA that I can recommend to other readers as well as my students as a school librarian. I had 15 top books but I managed to whittle it down to 12 – 1 for each month – Top 10 is just impossible there has been some incredible books last year!

My most anticipated books of 2018
You know when you get so overwhelmed with the books of 2017 that you draw a blank as to the new year and the new books ahead. So here are a few books that I know I definitely can’t wait for, but I’m sure there are many more.

Books already received in celebration of 2018
I’ve been very lucky that the lovely publishers have sent me some of my most anticipated and some surprises along the way. I’ve already read Zenith and let me tell you – that is bloody amazing.

Goals of 2018
1. More Blogging/Reviews
So at the end of the year I seriously considered somethings about my blogging. It hasn’t been regular – I feel like at the beginning of every year I start out good and then it drifts off, when I’m on school holidays it gets better than drops off in term time. So I put out a tweet with any tips on reviewing and I can’t thank you enough for the response. I’ve got some good ideas including shortening my reviews to a paragraph if I know I don’t have time to write more and even give myself a few questions to answer about the book, as well as making notes during my reading of the book too.
I also don’t want to worry about the no. of comments on one post or views because at the end of the day this blog is mine and what I love to do, longs the most important people know i.e. the authors, publishers and recommending on Twitter then I’ve done my little bit. I hope this works out for me.
2. Reading more and what I fancy too…
My plan is to at least read one book at week, and then hopefully more when I’m on school holidays. I’m also going to prioritise my proofs that I’ve received for 2018. I’m also not requesting any Netgalley unless I really want it and will read it – I don’t really read my kindle very often these days, I’m very much into my paperbacks, although that’s not very good for my bedroom/shelf space.
3. Book Events
I intend to hopefully go to YA Shot in April and YALC in the summer!
2017 Highlights
A privilege of being a school librarian and a blogger I meet some outstanding authors and I thank you for coming to my school and being a part of my journey in 2017. I hope I meet many more in 2018
All there is left to say is,
Happy New Year and may 2018 be filled with wonderful memories and adventures both personal and bookish.