Happy Sunday everyone. Today I bring you a post as part of the blog tour for Kathryn Evan’s brand new science fiction thriller, Beauty Sleep. This is a book was featured on my most anticipated reads of 2019 and today I am finally reading it. It’s brilliant. Also the cover, the real book is even more beautiful. So today I am talking about my favourite women in sci-fi across books and film. But before that here is a little bit more about the gorgeous Beauty Sleep.

Published by Usborne Publishing Ltd on April 4, 2019
Laura was dying. There was no cure for her illness. So her family decided to grasp a desperate last hope - Laura was frozen until she could be cured.
But what happens when you wake up one day and the world has moved on forty years? Your best friend is middle-aged, your parents presumed dead. Could you find a new place to belong? Could you build a new life - while solving the mystery of what happened to the old one?
Dark secrets lurk in the future of the girl from the past…
My Favourite Women in Science-Fiction
So instantly when I said I love to this post I had some of my favourite science-fiction books lined up. Especially since a few of them have turned to amazing films and played by some amazing actors. So here is my list.
Tris Proir (Divergent series)
I adored these books when I’m younger. I’m mostly certainly thinking of re-reading these. Standing up to Jeanette and proving that Divergent bring the system together, not destroy it. I am miffed that they never continued to the end movie. That was annoying. I thought the films were brilliant. Did you enjoy them?
Catarina (Cat – This Mortal Coil by Emily Suvada)
Cat is such a strong heroine of the novel, I love her bravery which you will note more throughout the book. Being the daughter of a genius, her intelligence speaks volumes. Cat is a survivor, she was born one, and I love that she didn’t take no crap from anyone. She’s independent force of scientific nature. You will love her. This Mortal Coil series is one of the best ones I’ve read and was my best book of 2018. I can’t wait for the finale this year.
Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins)
Well I couldn’t not add this book, film, character. I’ve recent;y been thinking of rereading these book after seeing the book recently. Anything that Jennifer Lawrence plays is kick-ass like Passengers. But Katniss is an exceptional character to teenagers everywhere. Surviving and challenging a society, much like Tris, they have spirit and determination and sacrifice.
The crew of the Maruder (Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings)
This crew is an all girl, kick ass wacky bunch of immense women on board the starship, Maruder. I loved their friendship as a crew, the way they relied and supported each other and they certainly didn’t take any prisoners. They fight as one, they are family fighting amongst the stars.
Lacey Chu (Jinxed by Amy McCulloch)
Lacey Chu is an inspiring character, she reminded me of me a little, her determination, her perseverance of not giving up. What I loved about was her relationship with mum, much like mine and it was the love and support she would go to help her. Building Baku’s is her passion and she will continue to do so no matter what.
There is one thing they all have in common, determination and inspiration. I think Laura, will be joining this list when I’ve finished the book.
Who are your favourite women in sci-fi?
About Kathryn
Kathryn Evans is an award winning author and an accomplished public speaker with a background in theatre. Kathryn likes to be busy. As well as writing YA, she flirts with poetry, fences competitively, bellydances for fun, runs a farm with her husband on the South Coast of England and volunteers as Co-Regional Advisor for the SCBWI British Isles. Kathryn has two children who are mostly grown up and two cats who are mostly not.
Kathryn believes you can like pink and still be fierce. That’s her below, in the pink mask (obviously.)
I bought Beauty Sleep recently and I can’t wait to start reading it 😁 Also love Tris and Katniss!