Review – Heart Search: Lost by Carlie M. A. Cullen

Posted October 31, 2012 by Emma in Blog / 2 Comments

Title – Heart Search: Lost (#1)
Author – Carlie M. A. Cullen
Genre – Paranormal Adult
Pages – 421
Publisher – Myrddin Publishing
Source – eBook Supplied by Book Tour

When Joshua Grant vanishes days before his wedding his fiancée Remy is left with only bruises, scratch marks and a hastily written note. Heartbroken, she sets off alone to find him and begins a long journey where strange things begin to happen.

As Joshua descends into his new immortal life he indulges his thirst for blood and explores his superhuman strength and amazing new talents while becoming embroiled in coven politics which threaten to destroy him. But Remy discovers a strength of her own on her quest to bring Joshua home.

Fate toys with mortals and immortals alike, as two hearts torn apart by darkness face ordeals which test them to their limits.

My Review:

First of all is like to comment on being part of such a brilliant tour and how I have thoroughly enjoyed being involved and experiencing the aspects of a debut author through the posts I have recently uploaded. Sadly, today I have come to end of my part of the tour and to Carlie’s tour. I hope I end this with a bang for her.

Remy is one of those characters that you can relate and feel every emotion connected to the reader. The one characteristic that is the most prominent and heart throughout the whole novel is her braveness and courage for searching for her soul mate, her true love. Remy’s innocence portrays her beliefs and how she isn’t easily persuaded by the unnatural or supernatural; she would easily dismiss it to keep the normality to maintain the strength of her relationship. I envy Remy with her strengths yet she has her moment when you just want to shake and say “Your not hallucinating! Vampires do exist! Everything isn’t perfect and it’s not natural! Believe!” But that is what makes the novel that more engaging and so unique from others, her character builds the tension of the storyline and how she evolves as a character and becomes that much vulnerable yet determined.

Remy’s view of their relationship is of pure happiness, content and of the truest love that they both can endure as a couple. Remy knows from the minute she departs from the plane that she would be the next Mrs. But untold events changes the whole the sequence of her life and various relationships ahead. Her life is full of surprises.

Joshua has never been head over heals in love with a woman before and he knew he can’t wait to start his married life with Remy! Joshua’s character is strong, caring, considerate and just the perfect gentleman and the perfect hotness of the novel. In the beginning of the novel you feel ecstatic with the happiness that he endures, but then you know something is going to go wrong, but you didn’t know that it would be fatal to the whole novel. That broke my heart and I couldn’t put it down now as it can only get better.

When Joshua has to alter and accept his new lifestyle , you can see that all his recent and most precious emotions have been heightened. Rage and Anger seem to be the more prominent and that what makes me as a reader more distant to his personality. The is the one thing that Joshua has no control over his humanity, yet he tries to prevent his past from disturbing his new life, this makes him seem selfish and unappreciative of the life his once had. Joshua’s view on life changes drastically and complete the book with the two varied perspectives of the novel, making it more surprising and unique from the books I’ve read before.

Aside from the main perspectives of the novel, there is also the Coven that the Joshua becomes aligned too. As they play a significant part in the novel, Carlie creates such a dynamic and flawless structure to the two points of view that you are instantly in the mind of these characters. What I loved is that this is not  book of an omnipotent narrator but of two protagonist characters assigned to the the significance of the multiple characters that’s play in each of their lives. That it’s such a creative and thorough perspective, that you get the complete experience of the whole novel.

Carlie’s debut novel as set a very high expectation with myself as a reader and I can’t wait to read her next novel. She is a very talented and extraordinary woman that I have come to know over the past couple of months into the a blog tour. As well as that I can see that she will be a very successful author from her brilliant novel of “Unique paranormal romance with bite!” Which I absolutely, totally agree with! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and highly recommend this book.


2 responses to “Review – Heart Search: Lost by Carlie M. A. Cullen

  1. Sam

    What a brilliant review! I haven't heard of this before, so thank you for drawing my attention to something new and worthwhile. I'm glad you enjoyed it, Emma! 🙂

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