Siege and Storm
by Leigh Bardugo
Publisher – Indigo
Release Date – June 6th 2013
Buy – Amazon | Book Depository
Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.
The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her–or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.

As the read-along of the
Grisha series continues with the lovely ladies, Glass and Tanja, of
Ja čitam, a ti? I am once again entranced by this beautifully written YA fantasy. We all know that we suffer with the sequel syndrome, when it doesn’t quite live up to the debut in the series, and lacks any plot-line and character development. My time in reading I can probably only count on one hand how many series have totally lived up to my expectation and that of the series too, I am pleased to say that
Siege and Storm has passed with flying colours.
Together we have discussed and created a group review, which you will be able to see Glass & Tanja’s review here.
What do you think of atmosphere and pacing change in this book?
When we entered into the magical realm of Ravka, in Shadow and Bone I was truly awed and transported into an entirely new dimension. However, Siege and Storm still held that atmosphere but at a controlled pace if that makes. The novel itself was more focused on the character development and the introduction of new characters Reading them together as a trilogy, I don’t stray away from this new world, so changing the focus really progressed the novel as a whole. Siege and Storm is driven by the intense power and Alina’s survival from the Darkling!
Your thoughts on Sturmhond?
Oh Sturmhond or Nikolai, whomever you are, you are just a joy to read. The multiple personalities was somewhat refreshing for the novel. You could say that the character relationships are quite serious when it comes to the likes of Mal and Alina (more on that in the nest question). So having Nikolai on board brought some fun and humorous side. If I was to pick between the ‘Privateer’ or ‘Prince’ then personally I prefer Sturmhond.
The development of Mal and Alina’s relationship.
I found that the relationship between Mel and Alina grew more frustrating and fragmented as the plot-line went one. Granted I did agree to some extent that Mal was right in some situation when it came to Alina’s power driven focus of the amplifier and the Darkling. However, I did feel that they couldn’t catch a break either. At times I wanted to scream at Mal and Alina, or bash their heads together to see some sense at least. Given that I niggled about them individually, I felt that this sequel provided us with more insight into their lives and hints of their childhood and parentage.
Love-triangle. Yes? No? Maybe?
Maybe/Yes. (Can I choose two, girls!?) If I’m honest I somewhat expected it. With the likes of Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass series. Although I felt this wasn’t a problem, actually rather enjoyed it as a distraction of Alina’s focus.
Which book did you love more?
Shadow and Bone. A very strong sequel but the introduction to a new magical fantasy, I loved more.
Describe Siege and Storm in one word?
(Can’t think of one apart from) A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
What do you expect from Ruin and Rising?
An embrace of power, love and glory!
Rating – 4.5
I'm a sucker for really heart-breaking, impossible relationships and Mal and Alina's rocky relationship in this book cemented my love for it. Plus, Alina's growth and the difficulty she faces, not to mention the Darkling's chilling and scattered appearances, all made this my favorite book of the trilogy. I'm glad to see you enjoyed it, though, Emma, and I hope Ruin & Rising continues to live up to your expectations. Wonderful review, dear! 🙂
Ok, I'm getting really tired of saying this: I CANNOT READ YOUR REVIEW *SOBS* But I will read it someday. I SHALL. I WILL. And *peeks at your rating* YAYYYY you loved it! So glad, Emma 🙂
LOL Keertana is right when she says it's a rocky relationship. It truly is. Anyhow I'm so glad to see your answers even though I knew you loved this one. About that love-triangle, yeah that one was hard to pin down. I guess now after R&R we can truly understand it. Great review, Emma 🙂
Everyone is reviewing this recently and I have to skim read all the reviews because I still have to read Siege and Storm as well as Ruin and Rising. So I had to skim read yours but you rating clearly shows that you loved it!!! I am getting more and more excited to read now. 🙂
I expected that The Darkling would get more space in sequel. 🙁 I agree with you about Mal and Alina relationship, they were acting like idiots sometimes.
I love our read-a-longs, Emma. 😀
I didn't know what to think after the first book, I thought like it had been overhyped you know? But now I know why, because it sounds like S&S goes through the character development a bit more. But wow, even more new characters, especially Sturmhond? Sounds really interesting! Thanks for the review!
I loved Shadow and Bone and this one even thought I really liked it, didn't love it as much. Felt a bit of a middle book syndrome, but now after reading Ruin & Rising, I feel differently about the book! I feel like on a future re-read I will be able to love this book much more!
And yeah Alina and Mal were quite frustrating in this book!!
I'm happy you liked this sequel! For me Siege and Storm didnt seem like it suffered from middle book syndrome but it definetly centered more around the characters than anything else, i'll admit that. I loved the addition of some characters in this one, especially Sturmhold. LOL i remember loving him so much! His humour was great 🙂
Yay, you liked it! I'm happy to see that this series continues to be promising. I only read the first book and I agree that it was so magical. I hope that I'll be able to love this one as much as you did… I read the first one so long ago that I've forgotten so many things and I think I need a refresher. Haha! And there's that with Alina and Mal… frustrating banter is not awesome in my book. There are awesome ones, and there are angst-filled-drama-galore ones that just grate on my nerves!
Faye at The Social Potato
I plan on reading this sometime soon especially now that all the books are out and I can read one right after the other. Yay! I'm not thrilled to hear there is some frustration on the romance front, though. Glad to see you loved it in spite of that. Great review, Emma! So much fun to do a read along and with great people like Tanja and Glass! Hope you enjoy the next one. 🙂