Tempest (Tempest #1)
by Julie Cross
Publisher – Macmillan Children’s Books
Release Date – August 30th 2012
Buy – Amazon | Book DepositoryJackson Meyer is hiding a secret. He can time-travel. But he doesn’t know how he does it, how to control it or what it means. When Jackson, and his girlfriend Holly, find themselves in fatal danger, Jackson panics and catapults himself two years into his past, further than he’s ever managed before, and this time he can’t find a way back to the future. All the rules of time-travel he’s experienced so far have been broken and Jackson has no choice but to pretend to be his younger self whilst he figures out a solution. Jackson is tearing himself apart with guilt and frustration, wondering if Holly survived. He’s also become the target of an unknown enemy force and it seems even his dad is lying to him. Jackson is racing against time to save the girl he loves, but to do that he must first discover the truth about his family and himself.
REVIEW – TEMPEST by Julie Cross
Time Travel, is an odd thing, it’s amazing in it’s scientific capability both on screen and off. Like all of us we have no doubt been influenced and captivated by Doctor Who (Tennant era), Back to the Future, Jumper, and recent works like All Our Yesterdays. But for me it can be a difficult genre to get into in the written element. However Julie Cross surly didn’t disappoint. Whilst reading it with the lovely Jasprit from The Reader’s Den, It was certainly an enjoyable read.
Nineteen year old Jackson from LA in the year 2009 (just in case you get confused) is just your somewhat average teenager, but can jump back or forward in time. Along with Adam, who I’d like to think his companion (like Rose from DW), they test the theory of time and how to master his talent. Finally, his girlfriend, Holly who holds the shred of reality together, the person he will always come back for. After a traumatic event, Jackson is forced back to 2007, which now becomes his new home base. In a way he has a second chance at everything, to stop any future event from occurring, and finally uncovering things closer to home. With the EOTs (Enemies of Time) on his every move, he has no where or time to got too.
Jackson, an impulsive yet caring character. Jackson is rather a difficult person to pin point, from a male POV he is quite a plain character, there was no real interest in him aside from his ability to travel in time. Without giving away spoilers, there were moments in the novel that really brought out his emotional side as well as my own. However, what I enjoyed the most were the secondary characters; Adam (both 007 and 009 Adam’s) brought the scientific yet humorous qualities to the book. What I loved was the friendship and relationship between him and Jackson, they were The Doctor and Rose but in opposite places. The appearances of Courtney, Jackson’s sister, really shows his personality and I wished there could have been more memories, or moments with her in. Finally, Jackson’s father, he’s a slippery character, distrustful, secretive, and yet sparked my curiosity.
With a rocky start to the novel, I found myself going through the motions, not really quite connected. Until I finally reached the middle of the book, that’s when the plotline thickened, it was the mystery, the pace, after that I couldn’t stop myself from turning each page. In the beginning I felt that the romance was more of a plot device. By fault it inspired Jackson’s character as a time traveler, not necessarily as a person. If anything I would’ve loved Cross to use alternate POVs between timelines, with Adam and Jackson to really highlight their relationship both in the past, present and future.
As you can see there are some similarities between the scientific genres that have encouraged and inspired time travel. Overall I felt that Cross created an enjoyable and plot-driven beginning to the series. I felt that the secondary characters with the likes of Adam and Jackson’s father really fueled the novel. With an exception to the beginning, I was hanging on to every second of the end and I can’t wait to read Vortex.
There is just one question that I wondered… We’ve seen male time travelers but what about a female one? I’m not being sexist or biased but is there a YA novel with a female time traveler because that would be kick-ass and I would read that in a heart beat. Let me know in the comments!
Rating – 3.5

I agree! Jackson is very impulsive, but he cares so much and I love him for it! I LOOOOOOVED the bromance so hard. And so true! When you hit the middle point, it just gets going and turns into the most wonderful thing basically. I loved the second half a lot. Heh! And true again. The romance wasn't a huge tear jerker at first, but boy did it develop into something that brought so much growth in Jackson. here is a female traveler π in Ruby Red! I haven't read it yet, but that's one tha has a girl as the MC π
Exactly, me too Siiri! The middle point was certainly a turning point in the novel…if that didn't happen then I think I would have DNF-d it unfortunately. Oh yes I've heard of Ruby Red I think they done a BBC adaption to the book! Thank you, Siiri! π
I'm not sure if I should give a chance to this book so I'm actually writing because I saw the book what Siiri recommended before me (Ruby Red) and it's one of my favorites, I loved that book sooo much, you should give it a try if you really want to read about a female time traveler.
Me too. I certainly find that there is very rarely any female time travelers. I'll be sure to give this one a go! Thanks Veronika! π
I still haven't read this one, but I've heard so many good things about the whole trilogy! I'm very glad to hear that despite a bit of a rocky start this one improved and completely managed to capture you!
Great review Emma!
I can't wait to finish the trilogy. I'm really looking forward to it! I did and that fact that it was a rocky starts and got better really had a great impact on me! Thanks Pili!
I haven't read this one, but might give it a try.
Untimed by Andy Gavin has a boy and a girl time traveller. And it's neat because boys can only travel back in time and girls travel forward, so they kind of need each other.
I hope you give this one a try. And thank you for the recommendation certainly sounds like a really interesting plot. Thanks Megan! π
Despite the rocky start and the lack of connection to the romance in the beginning, I'm glad you ended up enjoying this one overall Emma! My memory of it is a little foggy as I read it a long time ago, but I remember liking Jackson and the way everything played out. Really looking forward to your thoughts on Vortex!!!
Yes, this certainly has been on my list to read for a while. I just received Vortex so I'm looking forward to getting into that one in the next few weeks! Hopefully Jackson will develop in the next book. π
I've actually read about a handful of female time travels. This one is still on my might-read list but it was actually the first I had heard about with a male time-traveller!
I am glad though that despite the rocky start this book picked up and became a lot more interesting. I am definitely more curious about this now!
Lovely review, Emma!! π
Rashika @ The Social Potato
Really!? I've heard so many male time travelers but none of them female. Do you have any recommendations? It definitely did, once you get past the beginning it really took up in the pace. Thank you, Rashika! π
I didn't know you read this with Jasprit! Siiri must have been in on the read too? I recently read her review as well.
I read this a couple of years ago, and I just remember how much Jackson grew from his past to present. He recognized his mistakes, especially in regards to his treatment of Holly and I was happy he tried to change things. Sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the romance more. The whole story with his sister made me so emotional! I still need to finish the series. Wonderful review, Emma! π
Yes, we did! No, Sirri didn't read with but she did read it earlier. I did enjoy how Jackson really developed in the end. His sister was so emotional even a particular moment in the novel. So do I. Have you started Vortex? Thank you, Rachel! π
I have seen this one around but some of my friends didn't really like it so I gave up on it. However it sounds really interesting now. I must say that I like the sound of Adam more thank Jackson. He seems like a really well developed character. I'm glad that you enjoyed this one at the end. Great review, Emma π
I loved Adam, if I'm honest he was probably my favourite character. Loved his geeky and timey-whimey nature. He is the Doctor without being able to travel in time! Hehe! Hope you get to read this one soon! Thank you Tanja! π
Time travel books are so hard to pull off. I almost always get confused, aha. I've found that they are either too complex and confusing or didn't have enough world-building. The characters sound really interesting! Not sure if I would have enough patience to get through the beginning to get to where it picks up though. Nice review!
I thought so too. I've only read a handful of them. This is one of my favourites of the genre so far, despite the rocky start. Hope you get to read this one soon, Alise. Thanks for stopping by! π
I actually started this one a few years ago and ended up DNFing it since it just wasn't for me. It didnt hold my imterest like it could potentially have. I'm debating giving it another shot though since you say you managed to enjoy it after the rocky start. Now i want to read it! LOL
I can see why you DFN-d it. I would if it didn't pick up…but it did. So I do urge you to finish it. I think you would like it! Thanks for stopping by, Lily! π
Time travel has always been a topic that really interests me, especially in books. All Our Yesterdays is one with a female time traveller and I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. Lovely review, the friendship aspect here sounds great!