My Bookish Intentions for 2021

Posted January 6, 2021 by Emma in Booked-In, Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Happy New Year / 9 Comments

Welcome my lovely readers to the post were we as bloggers and readers set our bookish goals. I’m actually really excited for a new year, it’s like a reset button, a fresh new take on the year. This year with a lot things will be the year I finally read more, blog more and actually enjoy it all.

I really want to refresh my love of reading and sharing that with you. Especially as I don’t want to feel so pressured with reading that I have done in the past. I need to focus on the love of books. So today I thought I would share all of my bookish goals, my intentions of 2021 from reading, social media to blogging.

My Bookish Intentions of 2021!

Read more Literary/General/Adult Fiction

What do I mean by this? I’ve been so focused on YA for so many years, I want to expand my reading as I know there are so many great books out there. The adult contemporaries, maybe some comedy books, or hard hitting type novels. I know so many but I want to discover the ones for me. Also read more in my age group too. YA is for any age, but I would love to move into the adult section when browsing books. I’m not ready for classics though.

Shut off my social media and READ more

I need to dedicate more time to reading. Put my phone away, in another room, or turn off the notifications to Instagram and Twitter and just read. I struggled last year, maybe it was my thinking, or my phone was an easy escape, but I really need to build that enthusiasm and escape in the pages of a book rather than liking or saving buttons. I want to go back to the days that I didn’t need to worry about life and enjoy the moment of the book rather than recording that moment.

Not to buy any books unless I really want them and UNHAUL when I’m finished them!

I have 200 unread books which I counted last, probably a little over now with the recent bookmail from publishers. But I have no room in my small room for more books. There is a book stack everywhere you go in my room. So I want to prioritise the books and series I haven’t yet read. Finish series that I’ve been meaning to for ages. Especially want to read books that don’t get enough love like the fandoms we so all know and love.

Blog more 

Last year I was unpredictable with my blog as it reflected my reading pattern too. I want to post at least 3 times a week and write way more reviews. I seem to do a lot of bookish posts but if I read more books, then I can spread the love of so many books. I love this corner of the internet and like with reading I really want to enjoy it again. The more you enjoy it the more people will come. A bookish Noah’s ark. 😂

Don’t worry about the Goodreads Goal and how many you read…

I’ve set my reading goal to 20 which is a lot lower than last year. I felt like I failed, but someone said maybe a lower goal so I can increase throughout the year would be better! Less pressure and I might surprise myself by beating it and increasing it that little bit every so often. Rather then a big goal and failing! I want to enjoy books not think about a number on social media or compare myself to others. Everyone has a different reading speed depending on their life, doesn’t mean I love reading any less.

I think for me that pretty much covers my main goals for reading and blogging this year. Very simple, but very doable I think and I want to continue to have this mindset throughout the year! 

Let me know in the comments and tell what you Bookish goals or intentions are for 2021!


9 responses to “My Bookish Intentions for 2021

  1. It’s also my goal to clear up more space in my room/shelves. I dream of seeing no unread books on my shelves🙏 All the best to your reading plans this year!

  2. I have the same issue with my phone!! I found that apps like forest or even reading sprints on YouTube help me read more since my phone is occupied with something else.

  3. Very realistic goals or intentions Emma. I also want to stop checking twitter all the time. It will let me do things I love more.