Happy hump day my lovely book friends. It’s been a while since I did an ‘Under the Cover’ post and I have the pleasure of interviewing Helen Comerford author of The Love Interest to my blog, talking all things inspiration and her favourite superhero and powers.
Under the Cover is where I interview some of favourite authors and authors I’ve recently read and discovered. I’m trying to refresh my blog and I love interviewing authors and getting an insight into their storytelling, hence Under the Cover was born.
Can you pick a quote to summarise your debut book The Love Interest?
“It’s him. I frantically blink away all thoughts of sculpted muscles and kissable lips. I’ve just been rescued by the brand-new hero.”
It’s a classic question, but one I love to ask debut authors, what started your love for writing?
Reading. Growing up, I always had a book in my hand and at some point, I decided that I wanted to be Enid Blyton. I’m not certain when I started writing, but I can remember the short bursts of ‘writing time’ at primary school and getting very excited about where my story was going – I still get that feeling now. For as long as I can remember, writing has been my favourite thing.
What was the inspiration behind The Love Interest?
I think lots of stories start because the author is angry about something and The Love Interest is no different. As a single woman, I was FED UP with culture/society/other people telling me that I should be in a relationship. I also remembered the feeling of being ‘less-than’ that came with being single in secondary school, whilst, seemingly, the rest of the world paired up. So, I wrote a story for me at fifteen (and me in my thirties) about a girl rejecting the label of Love Interest and staying true to herself.
I loved this unique take to superhero romance. I rooted for Jenna Ray all the way, you go girl. You gave Jenna the power rather than Blaze. You broke down stereotypes and tropes, Did you draw on your own experiences or research to represent authenticity in your writing?
Jenna; her life, her heritage and her family, are all very closely related to my own. It was a real pleasure to write a mixed heritage character in a universe without racism. How Jenna (and the other characters) look or identify is not something to be agonised over. I’m hoping it will give young people a chance to see themselves represented whilst also enjoying some action-packed escapism.
When you created Blaze, what superhero characteristics did you draw him from?
Oooh I love this question. So, the obvious ones first – I gave Blaze the powers of Speed and Flight, which are classic superpowers and some of the MANY that Superman has. I gave him the unrelenting will to ‘do the right thing’ which is the driving force of most heroes. I also aligned his character slightly with Spiderman (my joint favourite teen hero along with Ms Marvel), he’s charming, vulnerable and when you get right down to it, he’s a bit of a nerd.
I feel there is more in the world of EV and HPA, is there more to come?
SO. MUCH. MORE. I’m currently editing the sequel, the second book of the duology, which will be out in 2025. There are more powers and more heroes, there’s more romance, a big shake up for the HPA and a deep dive into the EV. I feel kind of bad for putting Jenna and Blaze through the ringer again, but the book is going to be a lot of fun.
What message do you hope for readers to take away from your book?
Very simply – be who you are, you’re great.
What were your highlights and challenges to writing your debut novel?
I love the writing process and enjoyed all the stages of editing the book with Bloomsbury, but a big highlight was getting to go to the printers and seeing my book come of the press. That was surreal! I also rescued a slightly damaged copy from the recycling and it’s now safe on my shelf.
The biggest challenge has been getting used to talking about my book in public, but it’s gradually becoming easier. It’s such a privilege to be able to tell people about your book, now I do my breathing and get to it!
Did you have a favourite scene you enjoyed writing, without any spoilers. 🙂
I think BLAZECON (the Blaze convention) is up there. There’s some action (no spoilers) which took a while to get right and the interactions between Jenna and Blaze in that scene are right up there with my favourite things I’ve ever written.
Quick fire superhero questions. DC or Marvel?
Marvel every time.
Favourite superhero?
Spiderman. (Morales)
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Teleportation, including teleporting others, then I can take my sister on a cheeky holiday.
Finally, if you could recommend 3 books to read, what would it be?

Thank you so much Helen for joining me on my blog. The Love Interest is out now.