Category: A Booklover Tells All

NEW BLOG SERIES – A Booklover Tells All…Do you miss the Dark Romance section in Waterstones?

Posted May 22, 2019 by Emma in A Booklover Tells All, Blog, Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Feature, Featured / 5 Comments

Hello Booklovers. The last couple of months I’ve been thinking about doing a blog series of discussion posts, but wasn’t sure what to do. So let me introduce ‘A Booklover Tells all…’ a blog series with some personal book stories, memories or things I’ve come across in the bookish world. These posts maybe completely random topics, topics of meaning and any topics you want me to talk about. This combines my love of books as a reader, book blogger and as a librarian so it’s perfect. So I hope you enjoy today’s post.

Do you remember this?

Dark Romance?

Twilight for me was a big deal, it rekindled my love for reading in my teen years. I loved the films and still do this day. But one particular highlight was going into to my local Waterstones and having TWO bookcases full of Twilight inspired Dark Romance books. This is where you would find me when I was 12 or 13 years old. I LOVED IT!

Twilight took on a whole new era to books, it created its very own genre, one I feel has been left out now. I think I read Twilight series at least 3 times each, apart from New Moon that wasn’t my favourite book at all. I was very much Team Edward mad and there was certainly a lack of him in there. What you will notice if you scroll back to the first pages of my Goodreads ‘Read’ Bookshelf there is a distinct repeat of dark romance books. I was never bored by them and I found some of my favourites on there. So I thought I would share my favourite dark romance books of that time.



My favourites have to be The Hollow by Jessica Verday, – perfumes, ghostly boy and the Headless Horseman.

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead was by far my favourite vampire series after Twilight, then it was Morganiville. The film was terrible though.

Then By Midnight by Mia James, an addictive vampire dark romantic novel, that was one other book that I read multiple times.

The Dark Romance section of Waterstones influenced my reading a lot at that time, it also made me fall in love with books and reading so much than I used to before that, I could never find that book I could love, instead a found a whole section. I felt there was more books aimed at teens around that time, the books that had bite.

Do you remember the Dark Romance section? Do you have any fond memories, any favourite books around the time of Twilight? I’d love to know, let me know in the comments.

