Book Review | A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

Posted January 10, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book Review / 1 Comment

The sequel to ACSDAL! One thing I mentioned in all of the first book is that I wanted to more Grey and boy did I get that. It’s really hard to review without giving so much away in terms of spoilers if those who have or haven’t read the first book. I started this a good week and but before Christmas Eve but work was terrible so I really started it on Christmas Eve and I couldn’t put it down. It was finished at the end of Christmas Day. An unputtadownable series. I really hope this review doesn’t become a love letter to Grey! Haha.

Book Review | A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid KemmererA Heart So Fierce and Broken (Cursebreakers, #2) by Brigid Kemmerer
Published by Bloomsbury on January 7, 2020
Genres: Fantasy
Amazon | Book Depository

Find the heir, win the crown. Win the crown, save the kingdom.
Harper has freed Prince Rhen from the curse that almost destroyed his kingdom. But all is not well; rumours are rife that there is a rival heir with a stronger claim to the throne and that 'Princess' Harper of Disi is nothing but a fraud.
Grey has fled the castle carrying a terrible secret. When he is discovered by soldiers and returned to Ironrose by force, Grey's allegiances begin to shift. And as he grows closer to an enemy princess, he is forced to decide whether he will stand against Rhen for the crown he never wanted.


Grey is alive but on the run as he knows a great secret that could tear their chances of being King of the future of Emberfall. He doesn’t want to go back and fave the one person he’s followed all his life and been cursed with. He doesn’t want to disappoint anyone. But to survive he has to start living and making his own choices for his own future.

Lia Mara, the rightful heir to her own throne but her mother chose to success her sister instead. Feeling like she is just the clever daughter and nothing more. But she wants to make peace between her own land, and Emberfall. At the beginning she is far to good natured to get what she wants. But she’s a lot stronger that people make her out to be. So proves herself a lot during the book, especially when Lia and Grey bump into each other. Together they form a union to survive on the run and survive the crown of both of their kingdoms.

Favourite Quote (subject to change from ARC copy) – “Ah, yes, the most dangerous person at the party is always  the girl sitting alone with a book.”

Ok, pause for second… I just reread my review of A Curse So Dark and Lonely and I said Rhen had my heart. But I said in the beginning, there was something about Grey and I should stand by that. Oops sorry Rhen I think after this book I am most definitely Team Grey.

We found a brand new heroine who totally exceeds expectations. It took me a while to warm to her character but I grew to like her a lot. She’s no Harper in my eyes but she is someone to look out for. What a treat to have the whole book dedicated to Grey’s story too. Like I said earlier, I wanted more Grey and I did. My love for his character grew exponentially. Whilst I missed Harper and Rhen, we also witnessed Noah and Jacob having their starring roles in Emberfall. We see them struggling to fit in and I really enjoyed see them mellow out on the journey and it certainly led to some surprises. One character I really loved is Tychto, a labourer Grey met on the run. He became a true and loyal friend to Grey, Tychto really became a very dear character you cared for.

Is it possible for this to get any better? Brigid has this unique and profoundly mesmerising way of writing her books. The world building of Emberfall and thus into Syhl Shallow was surreal. I felt she really upped her game in this book, the pacing and adventure of the book was fantastic. I devoted my time to this book and read it in a day and half and for that speaks volumes. I just don’t know what my heart can take in the next book. I think it could break me. But I still have a whole year to prepare myself.

Thank you so so much to Bloomsbury YA for sending me a copy in exchange for a honest review. 


One response to “Book Review | A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

  1. I’m 53% into the book right now so I only skimmed your review. She’s killing me with Rhen, but I’m definitely enjoying all the Grey!