TWENTY TWENTY Reading and Blogging Goals (and a brand new look!)

Posted January 4, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Happy New Year / 6 Comments

Hello my bookish friends. My first Saturday post too! How are you? I bet so many of you are back to work now. Totally sucks. I’m making sure that I use the rest of my free to schedule some posts and much needed reading as well. Today I’m posting about some reading and blog goals and what I want to achieve this year, because I feel 2020 is my year!

First off, did you see my new blog header?! Well you can’t miss it, it’s the first thing you see when you click on my blog. Ha. Here’s a closer look. Two things came to me when designing a new header; mustard which as you know I love on here and on my bookstagram and Harry Potter. Lately I’ve been stuck at Hogwarts rereading the books the first time as an adult, I took my Pottermore test and I’m finally embracing my inner Ravenclaw too. Plus one of our qualities is being creative which is me to a tea!

Blogging Goals

Yesterday was my 1 year anniversary on WordPress self-hosted. I’ve been blogging for over 7 years but having this little space on the internet my own and my own is amazing! Whilst my first year was up and down with posts and feeling the pressure of it as well, I want to thank every one of you for supporting and following me by getting me to 600 (now 603) and over 10K of page views before the end of 2019.

I’ve learnt a lot about blogging last year especially when I wrote the Pressures of Book Blogging and I think a lot of my blogging goals will stem from that.

  • I need to enjoy blogging more.

  • Write more discussion posts

These seem to go down very well and I seem to like waffling as well.

  • New series of blog posts

I have 2 new series lined up which I’m really excited by.

  • Start an Engagement Group (more news on that soon.)

  • Keep up with reviews!

  • Reach 1000 followers!Other than my blog, I also want to continue my very orange theme on my bookstagram as well as monthly challenges with Steph from Bookslovereaders.

Reading Goals

Now last year I read 41 books. I beat my Goodreads goal which I’m so happy about. So my first goal will be very obvious but some others that I really want to act on.


  • Finish and start more series

  • Try audiobooks for the first time

  • Read more diverse, own voices and LGBTQ+ books.

  • Read some more books from my Backlist TBR.

I have over 150 books and I need to reduce the space on my TBR trolleys they are getting a bit overwhelmed with books and I have hardly no space at all.

  • Create and Use a Reading Journal

I started one and I will show you my spread. Very simple and less complicated that my bullet journal I did last year which FAILED!

So those are my goals, nothing too strenuous but some that I really want to achieve. Like I said at the beginning I feel 2020 is my year! What reading or blogging goals are you setting yourself this year? Let me know in the comments.


6 responses to “TWENTY TWENTY Reading and Blogging Goals (and a brand new look!)

  1. Your new blog header is awesome! I haven’t put up my own blogging goals yet, but I know that I definitely want to read more diversely too. Good luck with your goals — I’m sure you’ll be able to achieve them 😀

  2. Wowow, LOVE your new look!!! I love the mustard color, it’s one of my favorites <3 Best of luck with all of your bookish goals in 2020!