8 Year Blogoversary! | 8 Tips of being a Book Blogger

Posted July 21, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post / 15 Comments

HAPPY 8 YEARS OF NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!!! *cue the balloon, confetti and cake* Very rarely do I celebrate my blogoversary, I don’t know why but this year I feel I’ve really enjoyed and cherished my blog that it’s really sawed this year. So I wanted to celebrate! 8 years is a long time, it begun on Blogger when I was in Sixth Form. Now I’m 25 and a school librarian and I owe a huge debt to my blog. This platform, my passion for books, this community that has guided me to what I love. BOOKS!

So today two things will happen, I’m going to share my tips for being a book blogger, the good and the bad, what I’ve learnt in my 8 years. AND there is a Book Depository International Give-away on my Twitter here!

8 tips of being a Book Blogger

1. Make your book blog your own, let it reflect you! It’s your corner of the internet! Make it stand out.

Over the years my blog has changed, as I’ve grown in design skills, or finding me, who I am, my theme, my colour scheme (which is mustard and orange in case you didn’t know. ) I want that to be reflected in my blog. Everything I love in one place. I know it’s mine and hopefully when people think ‘Never Judge a Book by its Cover’ blog they will think of me. Don’t be afraid to write whatever you want either, it’s your corner of the internet, make it count, make it memorable, make it stand out!

2. Enjoy it! Be excited by every post you write!

The whole point for having a book blog is sharing your favourite passion, BOOKS! It’s your hobby you should be excited by it. There was a time where I considered this a chore, this time last year actually. I did a post on it called The Pressures of Being a Book Blogger and there is some. But it took a revamp to really both of the blog and my view on it to overcome it. Every post I do is full of excitement and passion and I hope that comes across. It’s your hobby after all, you have to love it otherwise what’s the point. This leads me onto the next tip…

3. Don’t worry about stats or likes or views or follows. (I’m still working on this one..)

As I said I’m still working on this one. SEO and stats can be brilliant on WordPress to see how successful your blog is doing. But when you post you are constantly looking at the likes and views. Recently I’m really trying to not worry so much. Like I said before, this is my corner of the internet and I hope those who do see it love it as much as I love writing it. Plus I’ve been told the more passion and love you put in your blog it will show and people will come. Kind of like a book blogger version of Noah’s Ark. haha.

4. Make sure you have room for books! An extra, book blogging will make you buy and request LOADS OF BOOKS! Your TBR will get even longer than normal…

This I live by this tip. If you have loads of books now and a long TBR and you’re not a book blogger yet, then be prepared for for a never ending TBR and buying or requesting loads of books. I mean you’ll never run out of books that’s for sure. Being a book blogger amongst so many, you see so many recommendations and other people’s reviews and you get a bit buy happy. ‘I need to read this book will constantly roll around in your thoughts.

5. Be open to different books and new genres…

Ever since being a blogger I started reviewing romance and contemporary, I couldn’t get enough to it. Now I read everything, but I feel like I haven’t scrapped the barrel with the books out there. Now my favourite genre is Fantasy! If it wasn’t for my blog or the book blogger community then I wouldn’t have discovered all of those worlds and characters that I simply adore.

6. Connect with other book bloggers…

The book blogger community is amazing! I’ve met so many people over social media and my blog and I certainly have my favourites. Ever since joining Instagram and Twitter more, I have more friends than I thought and we talk about what we love which is books and we laugh and read each other’s blog posts. There is loads of us out there, and they are there for you like so many are there for me. So don’t be afraid to ask questions or chat. That’s what I/we love to do! I’m here if you want to chat too. 

7. Be inspired…

…by everyone around you. Visit and read book blogs, chat to book bloggers and you will find inspiration everywhere. So many of my bookish friends and authors inspire me everyday to keep going on my blog. Your comments and chats, keeps me going to hopefully inspire you. Use your social media to share you inspirations and passion for books. I use it all the time. It’s amazing what you can find on Twitter, the book community really are amazing.

8. Don’t be afraid to take a break! 

If life is busy, or your struggling, be honest and admit that to yourself. Sometimes you need to break, to refresh, revitalise yourself. Maybe you’re burning out, or you’re simply going on holiday. Take that break, you might even be inspired to write new posts or new series. Sometimes taking a step back helps you refocus on what you love.

Side note: these tips are for everyone! Everyone can be a book blogger and and I purposely left out requesting ARCs (advanced reading copies) from publishers or anything like that. I feel being a book blogger is sharing your love and passion for books across the internet for everyone to see. That’s who we are and always will be! 

That’s it! Those are my tips that I’ve learnt over my 8 years! I’ve learnt a lot but loved every minute and here’s to another 8 years! 

Have a great day everyone!


15 responses to “8 Year Blogoversary! | 8 Tips of being a Book Blogger

  1. Great tips! Still learning Tip 3, so far a week without looking at my stats! A big big congratulations on your 8th blogiversary! Hip hip hooray! *throws confetti*

  2. First of all, congratulations on your anniversary!!! Also, thank you for this post. It’s easy to get lost in the ridiculous number of books on our TBRs, increasing post stats, and completely forgetting why we started this project. It’s all about passion 🧡

  3. Such great tips! Congratulations on the 8 years! Reading this has made me regret coming away from the community for so long, but I’m thrilled to be back now 😁💕