Reading Heartstopper in the exact location – Nick & Charlie’s first date!

Posted September 10, 2023 by Emma in Bookish Post, Heartstopper, Personal, YA / 4 Comments

Hello my wonderful readers,
Today’s post I’m really excited about. Heartstopper has been my bookish obsession since Season 2 released in the summer. I can confirm I have watched it a lot and I love every second of it, even the playlist which I have on all the time. The ultimate feel good watch. It’s everything!

When I was on holiday in Kent in the summer, I found out from an independent bookstore, Harbour Books, that parts of Heartstopper Season 1 was filmed in Herne Bay. I couldn’t not take a trip and experience it for myself where it was created.

Check out the locations as I follow Nick and Charlie’s date at the beach! It was a special experience that I won’t forget.

On location: Heartsopper Season 1, Episode 8: Boyfriend – Nick and Charlie’s first date…

Nick surprises Charlie on their first date, this is the small high street in Herne Bay.
Enjoying the attractions on Herne Bay pier.
Best scene where Nick declares officially confirm they are boyfriends.
With thanks to my very patient boyfriend, I got this iconic shot in front the beach houses.

It was very special for me, I’m living my best bookish life. ✨


4 responses to “Reading Heartstopper in the exact location – Nick & Charlie’s first date!

  1. This is so super neat! Ahhhh, excuse me while I fangirl a little (and pretend I’m not jealous). The shots are amazing, and the setting looks stunning. Seems like it’d be a lovely place to read (and an even better place to read Heartstopper). Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you and taking us along on your trip. :3

    • Your welcome. <3 It was so unexpected to find something like this and I absolutely loved every second of it. I am hoping to go there for a whole week as the beach/seaside is really lovely. Something I won't forget. I event rewatched the series and bought the special editions in that bookstore, just to make it that extra special trip. 😀

      • Waaaait, are there special editions? Why is this the first I’m hearing of it?! I know B&N is releasing a special edition of the first book soon in the US. Is this a UK thing? Gosh, I’ve told hubby we just need to move over there already. xD

        • There are the fairyloot but I wasn’t a subscriber so I couldn’t get them! So I’ve got the Waterstones editions! They are stunning! I’ll share a photo on X!