Posted September 10, 2023 by Emma in Bookish Post, Heartstopper, Personal, YA / 4 Comments

First of all I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! It’s 2022 and I honestly don’t know where 2021 has been. I’m writing this post 3 months after my last one. Let’s just say for me 2021 I have been notoriously absent from the book world. It’s been probably been the worst book blogging and books read year but believe me there has been plenty going on that has kept me occupied. I thought I would give you a bit of a life update I guess. The last time I did that was August and since then […]
Hellllllloooo it’s me! Have you missed me? I hope so, I have missed my blog and have often wanted to pick up my iPad and write a review or a post but life has really gotten in the way. But rest assured it’s all positive things. So this post has been half written and in my drafts for a good few months, it’s about time I fill you in right, a lot has happened do I will keep it brief and then update you on some of my favourite books I’ve read recently. I started my driving lessons – ever […]
Oh my gosh what a year! It’s gone by so quick and yet so long at the same time. Now I know why teachers and school staff need those six weeks off. Ha. So I survived my first year as a secondary school librarian, it was challenging, amazing, inspiring and I can’t believe I’ve done it. I feel like I’ve done so much, I’ve got the library how I want it to be and it took the whole year to do it and I’ve never been more prouder. Managing a library is one hell of a job, and we, librarians […]