Hello my lovely readers and Happy New Year to you all! 🎆 I hope 2024 is happy, healthy and filled with amazing books! I love a new year for simple reason of resetting goals, refreshing your bookshelf with brand new books and trying to tackle that ever growing TBR.
Today I’m sharing my most anticipated reads of the year! There is some incredible books coming out , some not yet titles from some new authors like Amara Sage and A.Connors which I can’t wait for. So let’s get straight into the books I can’t wait to read in 2024.
My Anticipated Books of 2024
that I can’t wait to read!

The Prisoner’s Throne by Holly Black
As a recent reader of the Elfame series, I now adore Holly Black’s writing. The Stolen Heir was one of my top books of 2023 and I’m excited for the competition of this duology.

The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden
I honestly thought this was coming out last year but it didn’t. I’m so excited to be lost in Katherine writing again. The Winternight Trilogy is one of my all time favourite fantasy series. I am extremely lucky to have an ARC of this already. This has been a book that I’ve been waiting for a long time.

A Sea of Wolves by Sarah Street
A Curse of Salt is one of my all time favourite books now after devouring and crying over it. It was just everything in a fantasy retelling that I loved. I met Sarah at YALC and it was ever more special to meet authors like her after loving her books. She is an auto-buy and I can’t wait for A Sea of Wolves. Red Riding Hood retelling.

The Perfect Guy Doesn’t Exist by Sophie Gonzales
I love Sophie’s books. They are a great, bright, fun reads and especially loved Only Mostly Devastated so long ago. I am making my through her backlist and I just adore them and this sounds amazing.

Heartstopper Volume 6 by Alice Oseman
The final one 😭 – enough said! I honestly can’t.

The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson
It’s Holly Jackson, need I say any more! Her YA mystery thrillers are next level. UK’s answer to Karen McManus and I love how unique they are. I can’t wait for the adaptation to AGGGTM that’s been teased on BBC as well.

Where Sleeping Girls Lie by Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé
Author of Ace of Spaces which I haven’t read, I won a copy at YALC and got it signed. I’m so excited to read this, it’s chonky book too. But it has everything that I love in a haunted YA mystery, I can’t wait to sink into this.

A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft
Let’s appreciate the cover shall we. I loved Allison Saft’s debut book, A Far Wilder Magic. There is something beautiful and magical about her writing that I can’t wait to read it.

Blood Flowers by Jay McGuinness
Did you know that Wanted band member Jay McGuinness has written a YA book!? I was lucky enough to win a copy AND meet and get it signed. He is the loveliest person. This will be in my January reads I hope. The cover is utterly stunning as well.

Royal Scandal by Aimée Carter
I read and adored Royal Blood last year. I do love a hierarchal royal YA contemporary especially as we in the UK have such a strong royal family. I love the familiarity. I’m so excited for the sequel.
So many beautiful covers!