Under the Cover #11 with Ginny Myers Sain – author of One Last Breath

Posted August 30, 2024 by Emma in Bookish Post, Interview, Under the Cover, YA / 0 Comments

Under the Cover #11 with Ginny Myers Sain – author of One Last Breath

Hello my lovely bookworms, I am currently in my mystery era of YA books and I am excited to be bringing you a new to me author that I read recently, Ginny Myers Sain to my blog to talk about her twisty , supernatural YA mystery – One Last Breath. I recently reviewed this book which you can check out it here.

Under the Cover is where I interview some of favourite authors and authors I’ve recently read and discovered. I’m trying to refresh my blog and I love interviewing authors and getting an insight into their storytelling, hence Under the Cover was born.


Can you share with us something about the book that isn’t in the blurb to introduce your brilliant new YA, One Last Breath?

There is a true crime element to this story, and that part of the book was inspired by a couple of real crimes that affected me deeply as a child and a young adult. First, I grew up in Oklahoma near the scene of the infamous Oklahoma Girl Scout murders, which was literally the stuff of nightmares. Three little girls murdered in their tent at sleepaway camp. It was this huge dark cloud that hung over our whole state at that time, and it became kind of a lifetime obsession for me, in the same way the Hidden Glen murders do for Tru in the book. The other true crime that inspired this story was what happened at the University of Florida in Gainesville in 1990, the murders committed by Danny Rolling, who was known as the Gainesville Ripper. As a young person about to graduate from hight school and head to college, those murders had a big impact on me. I was glued to the news. So when I started thinking about adding that true crime element into this story, I knew I had to include elements of those two stories that had affected me so much. 

It’s a classic question, but one I love to ask authors, what started your love for writing?

I grew up in a family of writers, and I always did some writing. But I never really considered myself a writer until Covid hit and shut down the world. Theater had always been my art form, and for the first time ever in my life, that was taken away, which meant I was forced to find another way to tap into my creativity and search for connection. So I turned to writing. 

I loved the supernatural connection with Tru and Rio and the murder case. What inspired this?

All of my stories have just a hint of the magical or supernatural running through them like a thread. Although I’m a pretty firm skeptic, that idea of magic hiding in our very real world has always fascinated me. In Tru and Rio’s case, I was particularly intrigued by the question of why we sometimes feel those instant, burning connections with people. What could cause us to be pulled so hard toward someone we’ve just met? This story is a supernatural exploration of that kind of instant connection and where it might come from. 

Did you do any research behind the world building for your book? Was there anything you learnt or found interesting that inspired your story? 

I’d fallen in love with the fresh water springs of central Florida decades before this book was written, and once I started writing, I knew I wanted to set a book in that beautiful and mysterious, but potentially deadly, environment. Because I’d spent a lot of time at the springs, I didn’t have to do a lot of research on the setting itself, but I did have to do a lot of research into the sport of freediving, which I found absolutely fascinating and completely terrifying. 

This is your third YA book, what has been the highlight of your writing career so far?

Having so many readers say things like, “This is my favorite book,” or “You’re my favorite author.” Nothing prepares you for that. It’s such a gift and an honor, and it still blows my mind every single time. Other than that, when DARK AND SHALLOW LIES won a Crystal Kite award from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, that was a huge moment for me because that award is voted on by the organization’s members. So it’s a peer awarded honor, which is a big deal. Plus, my mother has been very active in SCBWI for many, many years, and it’s an organization that’s been a part of my life for so long. It just felt like a tremendous, and very touching, honor. 

I’m always curious about how authors write horror/mystery novels. How do you plan? Do you know who dunnit and work backwards or does it change whilst you’re writing? 

I’m not a detailed plotter, but I do generally have a pretty basicoutline with six or eight major plot points before I begin, and I do always know the ending.  So I know what A, B, C, and D are going to be in the story, but I don’t know how I’m getting from A to B or from B to C or from C to D. Those are the details I work out as I go, and sometimes it feels like magic how things just fall into place. Working backwards is very helpful to me when I’m writing mysteries. I tend to think, ok … this is where I need to be in the last scene. Now let me work backwards to figure out where to put those clues and red herrings so that we end up in the right place by the end of the story. 

Who was your favourite character perspective to write? 

This story is told only from Tru’s perspective, so I didn’t really get to write from anyone else’s point of view, but I did particularly enjoy creating and crafting the character of East. He has such a golden heart, and it’s been fun to see how much readers love him. 

Were there any deleted scenes that you wished were in the book, but never made it in?

No, I don’t think so. I don’t really think any scenes ended up being deleted, although we did end up coming a few of the diving segments. I don’t think I’ve ever had a full scene that ended up being deleted in editing, although there are always things that need tightening and trimming, of course.

What’s your experience been like as a writer so far? 

It’s been a lot of fun, and a bit of a wild ride! There are times I look back and I can’t quite believe I’ve had three books come out since 2021. It’s been such a dream to step into this life, and I’m so grateful to everyone who has made that possible, but especially to everyone who has read one of my books. Of course, there are times of stress and anxiety too. Lots of self-doubt and imposter syndrome and worry. But I try to remind myself in those moments what a gift it is to be able to do this full time. 

Can you give us a sneak peek as to what’s next for you?

My fourth supernatural thriller, WHEN THE BONES SING, will be out in early 2025. This one is set in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas, and I spent twenty years living in that area, so it’s really special to me. It’s magical and dark and romantic, and I can’t wait for you all to read it!

Finally, if you could recommend 3 books to read, what would it be?

THE ACCIDENT SEASON by Moira Fowley Doyle (This was one of the books that helped me figure out what kinds of stories I wanted to tell. It was a real-world story, but with that hint of magic running thought it.  I’d never read anything quite like it before, and DARK AND SHALLOW LIES probably wouldn’t exist if I’d never picked it up.)
WATCH OVER ME by Nina Lacour. (This is such a strange, but lovely little novel. It’s very ethereal and weird, and a little bit heartbreaking. It was one of the inspirations for parts of SECRETS SO DEEP, which was my second book.)
Anything by Erica Waters. I love her dark, atmospheric storytelling.

Thank you so much to Electric Monkey and Ginny for to be interviewed on my blog. One Last Breath is out now!


Book Review | Death at Morning House by Maureen Johnson

Posted August 26, 2024 by Emma in 5 Stars, Book Review, Thriller / 0 Comments
Book Review | Death at Morning House by Maureen Johnson

Hello my lovely readers. It’s been a summer of thrillers for me this holiday and I’ve loved it. I feel it’s the genre I read the quickest. Today I’m bringing you a review of a book/author I wish I read sooner. I love a YA Thriller and I was missing out. I am also meeting Maureen on Tuesday and I can’t wait. So here is my review of her latest book, Death at Morning House. It’s been the Summer of Thrillers for me. This book. This is actually my first of Maureen Johnson books and I loved that I started […]


Under the Cover #10 with Helen Comerford – author of The Love Interest

Under the Cover #10 with Helen Comerford – author of The Love Interest

Happy hump day my lovely book friends. It’s been a while since I did an ‘Under the Cover’ post and I have the pleasure of interviewing Helen Comerford author of The Love Interest to my blog, talking all things inspiration and her favourite superhero and powers. Under the Cover is where I interview some of favourite authors and authors I’ve recently read and discovered. I’m trying to refresh my blog and I love interviewing authors and getting an insight into their storytelling, hence Under the Cover was born. INTERVIEW WITH HELEN COMERFORD Can you pick a quote to summarise your debut book The […]


Mini Book Reviews: The YA Romance Edition | The Love Interest by Helen Comerford & Slowcoach by Bethany Rutter

Posted July 29, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Book Review, Romance, YA / 0 Comments
Mini Book Reviews: The YA Romance Edition | The Love Interest by Helen Comerford & Slowcoach by Bethany Rutter

Good morning my lovely bookworms. It’s even a while. End of term was brutal for me and I just needed some time for myself and reset I guess. But it’s the start of my summer holidays and I intend to return my blog and bookstagram and I have a lot of books to catch up on so over the next week or two you have will have see some mini-reviews starting off with 2 week YA Romance reads. Me and romance reads, I know I very rarely read or review some but here we are. They are so different and […]


Blog Tour | Find Me After by A.Connors – The Case for Lazy and Chaotic Research

Posted July 1, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Blog Tour, Bookish Post / 0 Comments
Blog Tour | Find Me After by A.Connors – The Case for Lazy and Chaotic Research

Happy Monday booklovers! Today I’m so excited to be kicking off the blog tour for one of favourite reads of 2024, Find Me After by A.Connors. You can read my fangirly review here. I am a huge champion for Adam’s books as they are just amazing, atmospheric and immersive YA books. Find Me After, his second YA book is out this Thursday, 4th July. So I urge you to pick up a copy. But before I share this epic guest post with you here is a bit more about the book. The Case for Lazy and Chaotic Research One of […]


ARC Book Review | Find Me After by A.Connors – The best book of the year so far.

Posted June 7, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, 5 Stars, Book Review, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 1 Comment
ARC Book Review | Find Me After by A.Connors – The best book of the year so far.

Dearest Readers, today I am so excited to bring you my book review of one of my most anticipated reads of 2024. Last year I read an incredible debut that was my favoruite book of last year, The Girl Who Broke the Sea. It’s a book that I haven’t stopped recommending. So today I’m bringing you my glowing review of Adam’s second book, Find Me After – which is out in July. *First off I want to start by saying HUGE thank you to Scholastic who has gifted me a pre-proof ARC copy that I read as soon as I […]


Book Review | Compass and Blade by Rachel Greenlaw

Posted April 10, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Book Review, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 2 Comments
Book Review | Compass and Blade by Rachel Greenlaw

Hello my lovely readers, I’m excited to bring you another review of a 2024 fantasy release set on the sea, Compass and Blade by Rachel Greenlaw. I can’t wait to tell you all about and why need to read it. As soon as this book arrived, I picked it up straight away as my next read. I was hooked from page 1. I have always loved a great fantasy set on the sea and I know I would be drawn into it. Instantly it reminded me of Viper by Bex Hogan with the lyrical writing of The Wicked Deep by […]


Blog Tour: Book Review | The Things We Leave Behind by Clare Furniss.

Posted March 14, 2024 by Emma in Bookish Post / 0 Comments
Blog Tour: Book Review | The Things We Leave Behind by Clare Furniss.

Hello lovely readers, I’m so excited to be kicking off the blog tour on publication day for The Things We Leave Behind. Happy Release Day Clare. So without further ado here is my review for this moving and important YA novel that everyone needs to read. Wow what an powerful and impactful novel. It’s been such a long time since I’ve read a Clare Furniss book, it was How to Not to Disappear which was really moving. The Things We Left Behind I think is her personal best and my favourite as well. It’s modern day London, when a leader […]


Book Review | Sing if You Can’t Dance by Alexia Casale

Posted March 11, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Book Review, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 0 Comments
Book Review | Sing if You Can’t Dance by Alexia Casale

Good morning lovely readers. I’m so excited to be reviewing this book. I wished I read this one sooner and it’s such beautiful, unique and captivating contemporary romance YA book. I couldn’t put this book down. I read it in 2 days which is super good for me but I was on half-term which helped. I picked this book up as I was part of the Discovery Tour for Empathy Lab UK which I was really honoured to be part of. It’s something as a librarian that is close to my heart and something that I promote every year in […]


Under the Cover #8 with Cynthia Murphy – author of Signed Sealed Dead

Under the Cover #8 with Cynthia Murphy – author of Signed Sealed Dead

Happy Thursday my bookish friends and welcome to another ‘Under the Cover’ post! Today I am welcoming, Cynthia Murphy author of YA Thrillers and Horrors. Including her latest Signed Sealed Dead for the fans of Scream which I reviewed at the beginning of the year and was my first 5 star read of the year. Under the Cover is where I interview some of favourite authors and authors I’ve recently read and discovered. I’m trying to refresh my blog and I love interviewing authors and getting an insight into their storytelling, hence Under the Cover was born. I had to know on how Cynthia creates […]


Mini Book Reviews | The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland & Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

Posted February 19, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Book Review, Bookish Post / 0 Comments
Mini Book Reviews | The Invocations by Krystal Sutherland & Godkiller by Hannah Kaner

Hello my lovely readers. It’s been a busy month and I haven’t blogged as much so I have some reviews to catch up on. These two books were from the end of January/beginning of Feb. So let’t catch up on what I’ve been reading. Let me know if you have read these in the comments. Trigger warnings – suicide, rooming, sexual assault and domestic abuse So I’m not sure I had any expectations for this book. I haven’t read Krystal’s debut book House of Hollow yet and I was intrigued by a magical mystery packed with demons, epic magic system […]


January Reading Wrap-Up | 2024 starts with 2 five star reads!

Posted February 5, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Bookish Post, Monthly Wrap-Up Post / 0 Comments
January Reading Wrap-Up | 2024 starts with 2 five star reads!

Hello my lovely readers, today I’m wrapping up the first month of 2024 and what a brilliant month it was. I read not one but TWO 5 stars reads already, I started my first YA book club and I have received lots of amazing ARCS from publishers that I’m so excited to read. My ins for 2024 is to be myself, enjoy life and what I read and I have really tried to prioritise my well-being, switching off from work and doing what I love which is all bookish related. I’ve loved reading, blogging and bookstagramming. So shall we get […]


Book Review | Little Bang by Kelly McCaughrain

Book Review | Little Bang by Kelly McCaughrain

Hello my lovely readers. I am about to review the first book to make me cry of 2024 and my second 5 star read. I had a glorious glowing book hangover not in a bad way and it took me a while to really process it. 05/01/2023 – Only 17 pages in and already the main characters Sid and Mel, remind me a bit of 10 Things I Hate About You. Especially Sid specifically I think. I’m just getting that vibe and I love it. 10/01/2024 – Well what a book. I’m still crying… that was not what I expected […]


Under the Cover #7 with Jean Menzies – author of Live Like a Goddess

Posted January 23, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Bookish Post, Interview, UKYA, Under the Cover, YA / 0 Comments
Under the Cover #7 with Jean Menzies – author of Live Like a Goddess

Happy Monday my bookish friends and welcome to my first ‘Under the Cover’ of 2024! Today I am welcoming, Dr Jean Menzies author of Live Like a Goddess: Life Lessons from Legends and Lore which I reviewed at the beginning of the year and finished 2023 feeling inspired and ready for 2024 because of this book. Under the Cover is where I interview some of favourite authors and authors I’ve recently read and discovered. I’m trying to refresh my blog and I love interviewing authors and getting an insight into their storytelling, hence Under the Cover was born. I felt so inspired that I needed […]


Book Review | Signed Sealed Dead by Cynthia Murphy – first book, first five star read of 2024

Posted January 18, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, 5 Stars, Book Review, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 1 Comment
Book Review | Signed Sealed Dead by Cynthia Murphy – first book, first five star read of 2024

Hello my lovely readers. Hope you are keeping warm in the minus temperatures this week. Today I’m writing my first review of 2024 and I’m excited! I’m going to try a different style of my review. I’ve been writing what happens and my reactions in my Notion and I thought I would share it. I love the fact that I start off 2024 as I started 2023 with Cynthia Murphy book and a 5 star read! So let me give you a little bit about the book. Paige lived in Manchester all her life until the unthinkable happened, her grandparents […]


Book Review | Live Like a Goddess by Jean Menzies – the book I didn’t know I needed.

Book Review | Live Like a Goddess by Jean Menzies – the book I didn’t know I needed.

Hello my lovely readers. Today is the first book review of 2024 and this book was my last read of 2023. I’m excited to share this book that completely empowered and inspired me for the new year ahead. What a wonderful, inspiring and empowering book. You know when you pick something up and you read it at the right time. Well that’s what happened with book. This was such a surprise of a book and I hadn’t really realised that it was Non-Fiction as well. YA doesn’t have many in this genre and I simply adored it. Live Like a […]


Exciting news! Introducing a new YA Book Club – Never Judge a Book Club!

Posted January 4, 2024 by Emma in Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 0 Comments
Exciting news! Introducing a new YA Book Club – Never Judge a Book Club!

Happy Thursday my lovely readers. So today brings exciting news to my little blog. I’m starting a YA book club! ✨ New for 2024 is my very own book club. It’s been something I’ve been thinking of for a while and I took the courage to create one. I mean sometimes you just have to take the risk right. Since announcing and starting up a little account on instagram I’ve been overwhelmed by the responses. It’s gone global with some many members from different countries. The best thing is that we all love or want to read more YA books […]


My Most Anticipated Books of 2024

Posted January 2, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Book List, Bookish Post, YA / 1 Comment
My Most Anticipated Books of 2024

Hello my lovely readers and Happy New Year to you all! 🎆 I hope 2024 is happy, healthy and filled with amazing books! I love a new year for simple reason of resetting goals, refreshing your bookshelf with brand new books and trying to tackle that ever growing TBR. Today I’m sharing my most anticipated reads of the year! There is some incredible books coming out , some not yet titles from some new authors like Amara Sage and A.Connors which I can’t wait for. So let’s get straight into the books I can’t wait to read in 2024. My […]


My Top Ten Books of 2023

Posted December 30, 2023 by Emma in 2023 Books, Book List, Bookish Post, Favourite Author, UKYA, YA / 4 Comments
My Top Ten Books of 2023

Hello my lovely readers. As 2023 is drawing to a close it’s time for me to recap my year of reading and select my top ten books of 2023. For some reason this was the easiest year to select my top 10. I have found some incredible new writers this year, some very underrated YA books that need loads more love, absolutely unforgettable and a book that I will always recommend. I’ve been extremely lucky to have met these authors at YALC this year sharing my admiration and love for these incredible books. I’m excited by what 2023 has brought […]


Cosy Sunday Reading Update – Heartstopper Volume 4 and 5

Posted December 10, 2023 by Emma in 2023 Books, Bookish Post, Heartstopper, LGBTQ+, UKYA, YA / 2 Comments
Cosy Sunday Reading Update – Heartstopper Volume 4 and 5

Hello my lovely readers, I took a bit of lengthy unintentional break from the blog. Like with everything, work got super busy. But I’m hoping as I my term comes to an end in a week and half I’ll be coming back. But today, I had a very chilled and cosy Sunday, reading and I want to record it, here on my blog. I wanted to document my feeling for Heartstopper whilst reading it. Blanket + Christmas Tree lights + Christmas fireplace ASMR + BOOKS = A Cosy Sunday Reading I’ve been unwell the last few days and today I […]


5 Books I want to read this Spooky season 🎃

Posted October 23, 2023 by Emma in Book List, Bookish Post, TBR, YA / 0 Comments
5 Books I want to read this Spooky season 🎃

Hey Everyone, it’s been a while again. I’m currently on my half term after one really busy first term of the academic. My goodness, that was a long one. But I’m survived, I’m here. Now, I’m living for the autumn, cosy vibes that this week and a bit off will bring including some spooky books I can’t wait to read. In a way I’ve set myself quite the pile of books but I’m joining the Spookathon that Booksnest is hosting this week on her patreon and I can’t wait! I would love to know what yours would be. Let me […]


Under the Cover #6 with Victoria Wlosok author of How to Find a Missing Girl

Posted September 22, 2023 by Emma in 2023 Books, Bookish Post, Interview, Under the Cover, YA / 1 Comment
Under the Cover #6 with Victoria Wlosok author of How to Find a Missing Girl

Happy Thursday my bookish friends. Today I am welcoming, Victoria Wlosok author of How to Find a Missing which I reviewed earlier this week AND it’s officially out in the UK today! Under the Cover is where I interview some of favourite authors and authors I’ve recently read and discovered. I’m trying to refresh my blog and I love interviewing authors and getting an insight into their storytelling, hence Under the Cover was born. Happy Publication Day yesterday Victoria! So as a way to celebrate I have an amazing interview with Victoria talking behind the scenes of her debut saphhic YA novel that […]


ARC Book Review | How to Find a Missing Girl by Victoria Wlosok

Posted September 19, 2023 by Emma in 2023 Books, Book Review, Bookish Post, LGBTQ+, Mystery, YA / 2 Comments
ARC Book Review | How to Find a Missing Girl by Victoria Wlosok

Good evening, my wonderful readers. As I’m writing this, I’m wrapped up in a blanket, I can certainly feel that Autumn is coming. Today’s is an ARC review, I feel I haven’t read a book before publication for ages and it feels so good. I’m really excited for you to read this book and this is great for your Autumn TBRs too. I’lll also be interviewing the author on publication day about this book so welcome to How to Find a Missing Girl themed week! On to the review shall we… How to Find a Missing Girl saved my reading! […]


Exclusive First Chapter Reveal of Find Me After by A.Connors

Posted May 24, 2024 by Emma in 2024 Books, Bookish Post / 0 Comments
Exclusive First Chapter Reveal of Find Me After by A.Connors

Happy Friday my lovely readers. Let’s start the bank holiday weekend with an epic reveal. Today I’m so so excited to share an exclusive chapter reveal of one of my favourite books of the year. I was very lucky to have received a super early, pre-proof copy of A.Connor’s new YA Thriller, Find Me After. Below is a bit more about the book. I am partnering with Scholastic UK, to bring you the first chapter of the book to celebrate National Epilepsy Week. In one of his epileptic seizures, Kyle realizes that he has the ability to travel to The […]


Book Review | The Prisoner’s Throne by Holly Black (Spoiler Free)

Book Review | The Prisoner’s Throne by Holly Black (Spoiler Free)

Hello my fellow fae, today I bring you a review for one of my most anticapted reads of 2024 the conclusion to The Stolen Heir. I was exceptionally late to the party to reading Holly Black and the Folk of the Air series. But I honestly feel this is one of the best. I talk about this series a lot on my Instagram but I don’t think I’ve put my thoughts and feelings of anything relating to Holly Black on my blog before. So here I am reviewing The Prisoner’s Throne the finale to Stolen Heir duology. It will be […]


These gifts are the way to a book-lovers heart

Posted May 13, 2024 by Emma in Book Gifts, Bookish Post, Discussion Post / 0 Comments
These gifts are the way to a book-lovers heart

Hello my lovely readers, from one book-lover to another, I thought I would collate some of my favourite bookish items that I have recieved as presents from myself or others. Sometimes buying for a book-lover can be hard if you think ‘oh I’ll get them a book’ but they already have that book? So whether it’s a treat for yourself, or you want to buy for someone who is a book lover here is a list of personlised and bright bookish items from small businesses. *I am not affilated with any of these shops. I am a loving customer. Book […]
