Hello, my lovely readers! As 2024 is drawing to a close, it’s time for me to recap my year of reading and select my top ten books of 2024. This year, choosing my favorites was surprisingly easy. I’ve discovered incredible new writers, stumbled upon underrated YA gems that deserve much more attention, and found books that were not only unforgettable but ones I’ll recommend forever. Best of all they are all 5 star + reads! I couldn’t keep it to 10 unfortunately, it was too hard.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have met some of these authors throughout the year where I could share my genuine admiration for their amazing works. I’m thrilled by what 2024 has brought to Young Adult literature, and I’m absolutely ecstatic for what 2025 will bring!
So without further ado, in no particular order, here are my…
Top Reads of 2024

Signed Sealed Dead by Cynthia Murphy
Signed Sealed Dead is an ode to my favourite horror movies, Scream. You can feel the atmosphere of the movies in the books. The classic small town horror, and the nod to the nostalgic 90s vibes. with thrilling, sensational twists, the leaving the reader me completely wide-eyed and wanting to know more. One of the best small town murder books I’ve read.

Little Bang by Kelly McCaughrain
I first described this book in my notes as a YA version of 10 Things I Hate About You. Little Bang will consume you. It’s a beautiful and poignant contemporary YA novel that needs to be read. It made me cry and feel so much, it took me a good couple of days to really take it all in.

Sing if You Can’t Dance by Alexia Casale
The disability rep is outstanding! It was so realistic, especially in that pushback when you have a deterioration in ability and having to learn to accept aids and help. She also a journey on knowing her limitations. She won’t let her disability define her. It’s such beautiful, unique and captivating contemporary romance YA book.

Compass and Blade by Rachel Greenlaw
Compass and Blade is epically written layered fantasy. Rachel’s writing is deeply evocative the way she weaves so many elements of the story. It isn’t just pirates, ships, smugglers or treasure it’s more than that. I had a tether to this book and needed to find what lies beneath.This book is perfect for the fans of Alexandra Christo. If you love To Kill a Kingdom, you love this.

The Prisoner’s Throne by Holly Black
This has been my most anticipated read when I finished The Stolen Heir last January. But it’s the writing, the world building and escapism of the world Holly creates. It’s the beauty and simplicity of the Faerie world that we as readers never want to leave. Holly Black has this way with hers that is pure escapism. It’s magical in every sense of the word. It’s Elfhame!

The Reappearance of Rachel Price by Holly Jackson
This is an unpopular opinion but this book is my favourite of Holly’s. It beats AGGTM in my eyes I have to say. The acceleration, tension and pace of the book was incredible and I couldn’t put this book down. Holly went down a different thriller pathway and it was one I had no idea who it was. I will re-read AGGTM to see how I compare but I sticking to it.

Find Me After by A. Connors
Find Me After is another incredibly compelling book that I couldn’t put down. I read and devoured this book and it’s easily my new favourite of the year. Imaginative and hauntingly real. Inspired by true experience. A page turner. Still to this day it gives me goosebumps.I dropped everything to read it and just like last time, I couldn’t put it down. I love a book that completely consumes you, that invades you every thought process. To give you a book hangover.

Something to be Proud of by Anna Zoe Quirke
This book is heartfelt, no filter comedy. I loved it. A beautiful friendship forms between our MCs Ollie and Imogen (with Nick and Charlie vibes). A book that embarks change and challenges stereotypes and opinions. If you love Heartstopper you’ll love. Challenges and champions stereotypes and neurodiversity.

A Sea of Wolves by Sarah Street
A Sea of Wolves is a brutal, fresh, and angsty imaginative retelling of Red Riding Hood. I loved returning to the world of the Heartless King in a whole new chapter. If you loved A Cursed of Salt then you will love this. This fresh and innovative storytelling that she writhes with classic fairytales and pirates is phenomenal and is the one setting that I completely escape too.

Death at Morning House by Maureen Johnson
This is actually my first of Maureen Johnson books and I loved that I started with her latest book. She writes a multi-layered mystery that the reader just sinks into. I found myself completely immersed in the mystery and found it hard to resurface until I finished the book. Death at Morning House is compulsive, addictive and deeply immersive mystery that you won’t be able to put down. Maureen Johnson is now one of top YA Thriller authors and I can’t wait to read more.

Let’s Split Up by Bill Wood
This book gave me all of the supernatural, horror, Mystery Inc. nostaglaic vibes. We have the classic horror movie tropes, small town vibes, new girl, friends to lovers, found friendship, library research scene, and the scooby doo crew. We also have the slasher serial killer with an ode to Scream which for me was some of the best scenes. This book just had it all. It was creepy, haunting, and atmospheric.

Wicked Lovely (series) by Melissa Marr
Wicked Lovely feels like a nostalgic YA that’s had a new lease of life. This book has feels and world building of The Cruel Prince and I loved every second of it.Melissa’s writing is seamless and immersive. It’s the series I needed to feel fully escaped the world which I haven’t felt for a long time not since reading The Folk of the Air series which is high praise. If you love Holly Black, and Sarah J. Maas then you will love Wicked Lovely series.
I’m glad to see you praise The Prisoner’s Throne, I am hoping to pick it up soon, but I might need to search for a recap on The Stolen Heir first. The only problem with sequels is my memory 😂
I really enjoyed Wicked Lovely when I was a teenager so it was fun seeing it mentioned on your post. What a throwback!
Hope you discover lots of favourites in 2025! ✨