A Novice to Bullet Journaling! (A bookish one)

Posted January 7, 2019 by Emma in Bullet Journaling, Featured, Personal, Random Post / 9 Comments


9 responses to “A Novice to Bullet Journaling! (A bookish one)

  1. My problem with my BuJo is I start with good intentions and just slump. Each and every month. Good luck to you, hopefully you’ll do better than me! 😂

      • Well I’m just a catastrophic mess, I’d benefit hugely from using mine daily but 🤷🏻‍♀️ problem is I’m someone who beats themselves up if I forget to do it for a day or two, completely ignoring that that’s the beauty of the method and that you CAN do that and it’s okay 😂

  2. Love this! Gorgeous pages. 🙂 I found a middle ground between bullet journalling and using a regular planner/diary. I have a Nomatic planner which has monthly and weekly pages already set up but then lined and blank pages at the back which I use for reading logs, blog planning, quotes etc. I love it!

  3. Madam Mim

    Love your bullet journal! I looked into keeping one myself a while ago, and, exactly like you, found all the pages and advice super overwhelming. I’ve taken some of the tips on board for my own regular journal though, so it was all useful 🙂

    • Emma

      Aww thank you. It was really overwhelming and just went with my simple layouts and devloped from there. 🙂