My 2022 Bookish Intentions

Posted January 17, 2022 by Emma in 2022 Books, Bookish Post, Wrap-Up / 2 Comments

Happy Monday my lovely readers. The best thing about the start of a new year is setting yourself new goals, new bookish intentions. Every year I make them and every year I generally fail, last year epically apart from actually passing my Goodreads goal which I lowered. So yay for that, I’m quite pleased about that.

But this year feels like a special year when everything comes together, with a new house, new business comes new responsibilities and this year is all about fitting them in this new chapter of my life. This time last year I did these intentions so let’s see what I win at this year. I love setting myself new bookish goals and I’m really excited for the year to come.

So today I’m revealing all of my bookish intentions of 2022!

Find a new Reading/Blogging Routine (or routines in general) –

So with living with someone different, whom I’ve never lived before with and a new home, my old routines are out the window. I do things differently to how I used to do them and now I really need to create new routines both general ones and also more specifically reading and blogging. So I’m trying to make sure that I go into the library room an hour before bed to relax and read. Both for my escapism and doing the things I love. Plus my boyfrined will join me and he will play his xbox.

The classic goal – READ MORE! – 

I mean I really need to read more, I want to read more and I have to make sure I put my phone away and actually read. Last year I didn’t read nearly enough, but this year I have SO many books to catch up on adn I can’t wait. I really like having my book in the bath which seems to be my go to reading time. My commute is far to short and so is my lunch time.

Tackle that TBR/Unread Books –

Oh my, since moving and putting all of my books in one place, which is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G by the way, it showed me just how many book I had and also the ones I haven’t read. That doesn’t even include the kindle books which for someone reason I don’t seem to be into these days. So my lovely friend Steph aka @bookslovereaders and I are creating our challenge to Tackle the TBR. More news to come on that so stay tuned.

Be more active and organised with my social media and blogging –

This has been quite spardic the last year. I had no real balance between all the social media platforms I have, my blog, Twitter and Instagram. I need to organise myself, take photos in bulk to save time, take pictures of the books I love and not what is always popular and definitley have more of precense on her, the longest running platform I own and Twitter as well.

Enjoy it and take a step back if you need too

I’m going to enjoy it a lot more. Be more creative with it, start a reading journal to record all of my books and just have a blast. I mean books are a hobby and your meant to love them right. If times are tough and I can’t face a book then I need to be honest and not force it.

What are you bookish goals for 2022!?


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