Book Review | Influential by Amara Sage

Posted April 6, 2023 by Emma in 2023 Books, Book Review, Bookish Post, YA / 1 Comment
Book Review | Influential by Amara Sage

Hello my fellow readers, long time no post. Before I head on to my review of this brilliant book I just wanted to update you on my MIA from the blog. The last two months I’ve been unwell, one thing after another, flu and such and it’s taken me a while to bounce back to normal. To get back to reading, to blogging to really get my energy back. I think I suffered from massive burn out at work, But I’m typing this with the sea in front of me whilst I’m on holiday, relaxing and just feeling refreshed I […]


My Most Anticipated Reads of 2023

Posted January 31, 2023 by Emma in 2023 Books, Book List, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 3 Comments
My Most Anticipated Reads of 2023

Evening all, I can’t believe January has gone and now we are in February tomorrow and I still haven’t shared my most anticipated new releases of 2023. So better late than never. Two of them in them have already been released but these were my highly anticipated ones, one of which I’ve nearly finished. My goal is to read each and every one of them. There’s a few familar faces for sure. So lets head straight to it… The Stolen Heir by Holly BlackSince reading for the first time The Folk of the Air series last year, I love that […]


Book Review | The Midnight Game by Cynthia Murphy

Posted January 24, 2023 by Emma in 2023 Books, 5 Stars, Book Review, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 2 Comments
Book Review | The Midnight Game by Cynthia Murphy

My first book review of 2023 and it’s a 5 star read!!! What a way to kick off my reading for this year. The Midnight Game by Cynthia Murphy is everything I needed and more from a gloriously twisty, scary, thrilling horror YA. One of my goals this year is to read as many 2023/ARCs as I can so I started with Cynthia Murphy’s latest release The Midnight Game and it was the best choice I made. I read Last One to Die a few years ago which I loved. Cynthia has a way of writing that you can’t put […]


My 2023 Bookish Intentions

Posted January 4, 2023 by Emma in Bookish Post / 3 Comments
My 2023 Bookish Intentions

Welcome 2023 my book friends! I do love a new year purely as a refresh for mind, body and soul right?! That’s the same for books as well. I reflect on 2022 reads which went amazingly well. See my previous post for my top reads of the year and I feel reinvigorated for the year ahead. I love setting myself new goals and I can’t wait for the a year of new books and discovering new authors. I feel like this year I am more organised and more put together with my home, my business taking flight and everything feels […]


My Top Ten Books of 2022 – The Best Reading Year so far…

Posted December 30, 2022 by Emma in 2022 Books, Best Books, Book List, Bookish Post, YA / 0 Comments
My Top Ten Books of 2022 – The Best Reading Year so far…

Hello my wonderful readers. With 2023 fast approaching in the next couple of days I think it’s about time I reflected on my year of reading and select my top 10 books. I feel this year not only have I read more than last year but I also completed by Goodreads Reading challenge for the first time in ages. I have also read more diversly this year and read books that have been on my TBR in forever. I feel this year has been the best reading year in a very long time. So choosing my top 10 was really […]


Blog Tour | Over My Dead Body – Interview with Sweeney Boo

Blog Tour | Over My Dead Body – Interview with Sweeney Boo

Happy Friday my lovely readers and do I have a treat for you today. I gidderly excited about this post and especially as I’m kicking off the tour for Over My Dead Body. Which is OUT TODAY! SO HAPPY PUBLICATION DAY! It’s the perfect autumnal graphic novel by Sweeney Boo. So today I’m interviewing Sweeney Boo, and after reading Over My Dead Body (review to follow next week) I did some reserach as I’ve never interviewed a comic book artist before. When I was looking at her previous work, I was completely starstruck and flabberghasted because she drew the characters […]


Mini Reviews – A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik, Nothing More to Tell by Karen McManus and Sixteen Souls by Rosie Talbot

Mini Reviews – A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik, Nothing More to Tell by Karen McManus and Sixteen Souls by Rosie Talbot

Hellooooooooo my lovely bookworms. The last time I posted was middle of the summer and now it’s Autumn. Bring on the cosy nights of reading with blankets, slipper boots and autumn drinks. I’m sorry it’s been so long , neglecting my blog, something I absolutely love, but since I went back to work, it’s just been extremely busy. But I’m back slowly. I’ve trying to be more organised and forward planning some content as well. Whilst I may have been absent, I haven’t stopped reading even if it has been a chapter or 2 a day, I still reading so […]


Blog Tour – Book Review | With Fire in Their Blood by Kat Delacorte

Posted August 30, 2022 by Emma in 2022 Books, Book Review, Bookish Post, Fantasy, Romance, YA / 1 Comment
Blog Tour – Book Review | With Fire in Their Blood by Kat Delacorte

Hello my fellow bookworms, I am once again back with another book review. Today I’m excited to be sharing my review for a new witchy fantasy set in Italy, With Fire in their Blood as part of TheWriteReads blog tour. I am going to get straight into the review, but here is a little more about the book. Italy, what really comes to mind, beautiful Mediterranean coastline and culture. But there is a hidden, isolated city – Castello, that holds more than just secrets but also dark power, old ways, and past sins. Castello, is where Lilly find herself after […]


Book Review | The Honeys by Ryan La Sala – Don’t miss this Summer’s Hottest YA Horror!

Book Review | The Honeys by Ryan La Sala – Don’t miss this Summer’s Hottest YA Horror!

Hello my lovely bookworms. I said I had many reviews to write and here I am writing yet another which is 5 star read. This a book that took me by surprise and I love when that happens. So let’s straight into my thoughts shall we but first here is a little bit more about the book. The Summer’s hottest YA Horror! The Honeys follows Mars, when his twin sister, Caroline, is horrifically dies in front of him, he is haunted by it. Ever since attending Aspen Summer Academy, Caroline changed, she grew cold and distant from him and his […]
