Book Review | Something Certain, Maybe by Sara Barnard

Book Review | Something Certain, Maybe by Sara Barnard

Hello my lovely bookworms. Happy Monday and hope you had a lovely weekend. Today I’m bringing you a book review *shock horror*. I know – I mean it’s been a while once again. But I’ve read a lot of books this summer so far which I’m loving and I need to catch up on review desperately. Today’s review is my most recent finished book, Something Certain, Maybe by Sara Barnard. With under half way to go on the book, I picked it up before bed and I finished it at 2 am. So here is a little more about the […]


Blog Tour – Interview | Something Certain, Maybe by Sara Barnard

Blog Tour – Interview | Something Certain, Maybe by Sara Barnard

Happy Friday my lovely bookworms. I am currently travelling home from holiday. But today I’m really excited to be ending the blog tour for Something Certain, Maybe by Sara Barnard. This is also my current read for the train ride. It’s been so long since I read a book by Sara and I’d forgotten how much I loved her writing. I would say if you are a fan of Holly Bourne, like I am, as you all know then I would definitely recommend Sara’s books. My favourite of hers is A Quiet Kind of Thunder. Something Certain, Maybe is a […]




Happy August my friends! I can’t believe how quickly this year is going and I’m on my summer holidays so I know that it will fly by – it always does then we’ll be in September and talking about Christmas very soon. The last time I did a wrap up post it was April and I said I had the best reading month. Well I’ve beaten that and I’m so happy. I think with the horrible UK heatwave a few weeks ago, all I did was read as I was too hot to sleep. I would also say that this […]


Blog Tour | Debut YA Spotlight – The King is Dead by Benjamin Dean

Posted July 22, 2022 by Emma in Bookish Post / 1 Comment
Blog Tour | Debut YA Spotlight – The King is Dead by Benjamin Dean

Happy Friday my lovely bookworms. It’s been a while since I last posted. Today I broke up for the summer holidays and I’m excited for 6 weeks off. It’s been much needed and a very long school year. So be prepared for more reading and posts. I’ve got some exciting things planned. Anyways, update aside today I am ending the blog tour for The King of the Dead by Benjamin Dean. Ben is known for his Middle Grade book – Me, My Dad and the End of the Rainbow. Now, he has released his first YA book and all I’ve […]


5 reasons to read The Battalion of the Dead series by Kat Dunn

Posted June 27, 2022 by Emma in 2022 Books, Blog Tour, Bookish Post, LGBTQ+, UKYA / 0 Comments
5 reasons to read The Battalion of the Dead series by Kat Dunn

Happy Monday my lovely bookworms. Today I am really excited to be bringing you my blog tour stop for The Glorious Poison, the final book in The Battalion of the Dead series by Kat Dunn. I decided to do a bit of a different post today for my stop, I wanted to share 5 reasons why you should read this glorious series. See what I did there. 😉 Sadly life got in the way the last couple of weeks and I haven’t had a chance to read Glorious Poison but I will be shortly. But first here is a little […]


Series Review | Heartstopper by Alice Oseman

Series Review | Heartstopper by Alice Oseman

Hello my lovely readers. Happy Thursday evening – I hope everyone is staying cool. I am so very glad it’s the weekend tomorrow! Today I thought I would bring you a series review for a change. The last month or so I have devoured the Heartstopper series both reading them then watching them and then reading them so more. I have absolutely loved it so so much and I can’t believe it’s taken me so long. Most of you would have read Heartstopper I’m sure, I felt like I was the last one in the world that hadn’t read them. […]


Sunday Spotlight – The Knave of Secrets by

Sunday Spotlight – The Knave of Secrets by

Happy Sunday evening my lovely readers. It’s been another hot minute these days since back to work from Easter Holidays. But there is only another week left and it’s May half term and a very lovely long weekend for most of you in the UK. Woohoo. I haven’t been able to read much until this week really but it also means I may have been a little late to a blog tour by The Write Reads. Sorry Dave. So today I’m bring you a spotlight post of a book I was so so excited to read, The Knave of Secrets […]


April Wrap-Up – the best reading month this year!

April Wrap-Up – the best reading month this year!

Happy Weekend my lovely readers. It’s been a week since my last post – [Insert post] – it’s been quite a busy week at work and lots of travel disruptuon as well so I’ve been getting home pretty late and super tired. But I’m here today and that’s the main thing. Today I’m bringing you my first (oh dear) wrap up of the 2022! I can’t believe I haven’t done one but I think it’s largely down to not reading much at all and I felt it wasn’t worth it. As you can see from the title of my post […]


The books that shaped me as a reader – The ‘Twilight’ Years!

Posted April 29, 2022 by Emma in Blog, Book List, Bookish Post, Favourites / 0 Comments
The books that shaped me as a reader – The ‘Twilight’ Years!

Happy Friday my lovely bookworms. It’s so close to the weekend and may bank holiday for us in the UK. Three days of relaxing and reading and I can’t wait. Last week I started a mini feature on the blog, inspired by World Book Day ‘You are a Reader’, it got my thinking about my reading journey. Last week’s post you traveled back to where it all begun ‘ The Books that shaped me as a reader – The Early Years’ and this week I am back with the next part to my reading journey. If you can guess from […]
