BLOG TOUR | REVIEW – Harley in the Sky by Akemi Dawn Bowman

BLOG TOUR | REVIEW – Harley in the Sky by Akemi Dawn Bowman

Happy Tuesday my bookish friends. Today I’m really excited to be part of the blog tour for Harley in the Sky. It’s one of my most anticipated reads this year. I discovered Akemi last year and she’s on my auto-buy/read list ever since. The only book I haven’t read is Starfish which I think will do sooner rather than later. My post is a review but before that here is a little bit more about the book. (Just on a side note, I haven’t totally finished the book yet due to work craziness last week with Ofsted so my reading […]


IN THE MIND OF AN AUTHOR | With Kate and Liz Corr – authors’ of A Throne of Swans

IN THE MIND OF AN AUTHOR | With Kate and Liz Corr – authors’ of A Throne of Swans

Happy Friday my bookish friends! This week has been a really really long one so I’m ready for the end of today and the weekend as well. But with the weekend comes the end of February and the end of Fantasy Feb too. Today is the last feature post before my wrap up of the month and it’s with two of my favourite authors. I’ve met them and they are just so lovely and their books are amazing too. Today’s post is another one from my new author series called ‘In the Mind of an Author’ where I feature authors […]


Top 5 Adult Fantasy Books I’ve Love

Top 5 Adult Fantasy Books I’ve Love

Hello my bookish friends, we are half way throughout the week! Yay, we are nearly at the weekend but that also means we are near the end of February already. I really hate how time flies. But anyways I digress. I still have a few more Fantasy themed posts to post. Today’s one is chosen by you via Twitter. Now when I wrote the title I actually thought I’ve read 5 Adult Fantasy books, in a way I have but I’ve read the rest of the series to ones I’ve chosen. So one of the books will be from the […]


NEW! IN THE MIND OF AN AUTHOR | With Bex Hogan – author of Viper

NEW! IN THE MIND OF AN AUTHOR | With Bex Hogan – author of Viper

Happy Monday my bookish friends. Today I’m back at work, back to reality, urgh. But to start off my week on a happier note, today I bring to you a new author series that I technically launched as part of a blog tour last week but I want to officially dedicate a post to it. In the Mind of an Author …is a new author series, where I bring some of my favourite authors talking about their journey being a writer, what goes through their mind when they are writing their book, the places they write and much more. It […]


BOOK REVIEW | The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith

Posted February 21, 2020 by Emma in Book Review, Fantasy Feb, Librarian / 5 Comments
BOOK REVIEW | The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith

Happy Friday, my bookish friends. It’s been a while since I reviewed a book hasn’t it?! I’m sorry, I finally finished my first book for February and it was amazing, despite it taking me over 2 weeks to read it, (I blame work for that.) I don’t want my slow reading to takeaway the fact that it was a brilliant read. This will probably be the only review for Fantasy Feb – boo! But it’s a cracking book that you should all read.  My Review When I got the email about The Library of the Unwritten, I knew it was […]


Top 5 Fantasy Books I’m looking forward to Reading

Top 5 Fantasy Books I’m looking forward to Reading

Hello my bookish friends, I’m on half term! Yay! I’m so looking forward to catching up on my reading – especially a book that I’ve been reading for 2 weeks. I know, it’s crazy how work has been that I’ve just been too tired too read. So I want to read a few books off my TBR that I’ve received over the last couple of weeks. It’s just nice having a break and not worrying about work. Reading and Relaxing is what I need right now and I can’t wait! So today I thought I would showcase some of the […]


Fantasy Feb | My Ultimate Fantasy Reading List

Posted February 12, 2020 by Emma in Discussion Post, Fantasy, Fantasy Feb, UKYA, YA / 3 Comments
Fantasy Feb | My Ultimate Fantasy Reading List

Happy Wednesday my bookish friends. We are half way through the week and half way closer to the weekend and for me a week off. Yay! I’m continuing my fabulous Fantasy Feb content today with the best post ever – a reading list! This reading list had no limits, what it is, is my Ultimate reading list of Fantasy Books. So I will keep adding to it. But for now these are the books that everyone should read and certainly my favourites.* *Side note – I was scrolling through my Goodreads to check through all of the fantasy books I’ve […]


BLOG TOUR | Guest Post & New Author Series – Wilder Girls by Rory Power

BLOG TOUR | Guest Post & New Author Series – Wilder Girls by Rory Power

Hi Everyone, Happy Monday! Well I hope it’s a happy one for you. I love starting the week off with promoting one of my anticipated reads of this year – WILDER GIRLS by Rory Power. I first heard about this book back last summer and I kept on seeing it across social media – I knew I needed to read it. The cover alone is gorgeous. So I’m super excited to kick this blog tour off for the UK publication of Wilder Girls. I have my copy ready to read so in the meantime for my review I have a […]


Harry Potter Book Night | My Harry Potter Journey

Posted February 6, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Harry Potter / 1 Comment
Harry Potter Book Night | My Harry Potter Journey

Hello my Wizarding friends. So today is Harry Potter Book Night! I did my event at work yesterday – here’s me in my full Ravenclaw gear! It’s was an exhausting event to host but I honestly love sharing the magic of Harry Potter with my students! As it’s Harry Potter themed I thought I’d would talk about Harry Potter and had grown as an adult. Happee Birthdae Emma! I got the first book on my 7th birthday from my aunt! So that’s 18 years ago! I read it and guess how long it to me! A year! 😂 I was […]
