Category: Graphic Novel

Blog Tour | Over My Dead Body – Interview with Sweeney Boo

Posted November 25, 2022 by Emma in 2022 Books, Blog Tour, Bookish Post, Graphic Novel, Interview, YA / 0 Comments

Happy Friday my lovely readers and do I have a treat for you today. I gidderly excited about this post and especially as I’m kicking off the tour for Over My Dead Body. Which is OUT TODAY! SO HAPPY PUBLICATION DAY!

It’s the perfect autumnal graphic novel by Sweeney Boo. So today I’m interviewing Sweeney Boo, and after reading Over My Dead Body (review to follow next week) I did some reserach as I’ve never interviewed a comic book artist before. When I was looking at her previous work, I was completely starstruck and flabberghasted because she drew the characters of W.I.T.C.H. my first obession when I was younger.

BUT I won’t say no more as it’s completely covered in my fangirly interview. So without further ado, here is a little bit more about the book…

Blog Tour | Over My Dead Body – Interview with Sweeney BooOver My Dead Body by Sweeney Boo
Published by Titan Comics on August 30, 2022
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Graphic Novel
Amazon | Book Depository | Waterstones

Fans of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina will love diving into the mysterious and witchy world of award-nominated creator Sweeney Boo. Enchanting full-color illustrations will be sure to charm readers as they explore the halls of Younwity's Institute of Magic and the forbidden forest that lies beyond.
In the days leading up to Samhain, the veil between the world of the dead and the living is at its thinnest.
One day, everything was exactly as it was supposed to be. And the next, the closest thing Abby ever had to a sister, Noreen, was just… gone.
Distracted by the annual preparations for the Samhain festival, Abby’s classmates are quick to put Noreen’s disappearance aside. The Coven will find her, Abby’s friends say. They have it under control.
But Abby can’t let it go. Soon a search for answers leads her down a rabbit hole that uncovers more secrets than Abby can handle. As mounting evidence steers her toward the off-limits woods that surround the academy, she begins to see that Noreen’s disappearance mysteriously has a lot in common with another girl who went missing all those years ago…

Here’s my fangirly Interview with Sweeney Boo

1. First off, after reading Over My Dead Body I did some research and I am super excited and a little in awe at the fact that you did drawings and illustrations of W.I.T.C.H. – that was my favourite ever series when I was younger in books, comics and tv shows. They were my escapism when I was younger and to interview you who also drew them, I mean how did you get involved with them? Who is your favourite character as well?

Copyright Sweeney Boo

I was reading W.I.T.C.H as a kid. It would come out monthly in France in a Minnie Magazine. It was our equivalent of monthly comics haha! And I was OBSESSED! Will was my utter favourite. And I remember collecting frog things just because of her! So I always come back every few years or so to re-read them and whip up some fan arts! Getting to do something for W.I.T.C.H one day would be a dream!

2. Which book or comic inspired you the most to become a comic book writer and artist?

Well W.I.T.C.H was one of the big ones, but I remember reading SKY-Doll which is made by the same creative team. I loved the combo they had with a very Disney-like style, pink, blue, round shapes but a more serious and more adult tone. I thought it was just perfect, and exactly what I’d like to do one day.

3. What was your earliest memory of you wanting to become a comic book artist?

Reading these comic books as a kid I remember going from “I want to be one of these characters” to ” One day I wanna draw something like this”. All that to say, I got the itch pretty early.

4. I should really ask about Over My Dead Body, so can you introduce your book in a few sentences.

Of course! The story takes place at the Younwity Institute of Witchcraft. It’s close to Samhain, and the entire school is preparing for the event. When a student suddenly disappears in mysterious circumstances, who happens to be our main character Abigail’s pupil. The school’s starts to investigate, but it’s not going fast enough to Abigail’s opinion. She takes it upon herself to find her, but it will not be without surprises…

5. Over My Dead Body, is so different from your other creations, where did the idea, inspiration come from?

I’ve been fascinated by witchcraft since…forever, and boarding schools. So, getting to mix them both in a story of my own was bound to happen one day. I also wanted to make something maybe a bit darker than what I am used to. So after one day, I kinda sketched Abigail out of nowhere, I knew I had to do something with her.

6. After reading Over My Dead Body, what came first the words/story or the drawings?

Drawings are what comes first to me, at least the characters. But after that, before I really get started on the pages, I need to put together the story/script as tight as I can to make sure of where I am going.

7. What is a day in the life of a comic book artist look like?

It is probably not as glamorous as some people must imagine. But I wake up fairly early, and usually work on emails up to 10ish. Then I move on to whatever I have on my agenda that day, a cover, a page or a script. Then I usually take a nap in the early afternoon, and if I’m lucky one of my cats joins me. Then I get back to work until 5ish. After that I take a break, make dinner, workout, and watch a show with my partner. And I get back to work in the evening until bedtime! It might sound pretty boring but it’s my happy place, and I love it!

8. Do you have a favourite scene to draw in Over My Dead Body?

Abigail’s dream sequence in the woods, when she is followed and attacked by the vines. It was the first time I was drawing something scarier and darker than I am used to and I loved it!

9. Having worked for Marvel and DC which I am in awe and massive fan of, do you have a favourite character you have worked on?

Oh gosh, that is so hard! Carol Danvers will always have a special place in my heart because she was the very first character I got to draw but I cannot wait to get started on Harley Quinn. She’s so fascinating, and crazy, it’s going to be so much fun.

10. What advice would you give to a budding comic book or graphic novel artist?

Do not give up! It’s a really hard industry to both break into combined with the personal struggles of creativity. But perseverance will always get you there, in the end it is so incredibly rewarding, but so is learning so enjoy the whole process!

11. Would you ever want to create a graphic novel version of one of your favourite books?

I would LOVE to. I’m a Jane Austen fan, and getting to draw an adaptation of one of her books one day would be a dream.

12. Final question, if you could pick a character or series to only write and draw them forever, who would it be?

Oh my! That is hard…. hmmm but maybe Sabrina? I mean, you already know about my love of witches and all. But she’s part of my childhood and I’ve loved her and I think there is so much to explore about her character!

So there’s my very excitable review and I would highly recommedn you pick up your copy of Over My Dead Body TODAY!!!!

Thank you to Titan Comics and Sweeney Book for today’s epic post and copy of the comic.


Series Review | Heartstopper by Alice Oseman

Series Review | Heartstopper by Alice Oseman

Hello my lovely readers. Happy Thursday evening – I hope everyone is staying cool. I am so very glad it’s the weekend tomorrow! Today I thought I would bring you a series review for a change. The last month or so I have devoured the Heartstopper series both reading them then watching them and then reading them so more. I have absolutely loved it so so much and I can’t believe it’s taken me so long. Most of you would have read Heartstopper I’m sure, I felt like I was the last one in the world that hadn’t read them. […]


Blog Tour: Review – Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige

Posted April 14, 2019 by Emma in Blog, Blog Tour, Book Review, DC, Graphic Novel, Superheros, YA / 3 Comments
Blog Tour: Review – Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige

I’m reading on the train down to Wales, this is kind of perfect considering it’s set under the sea and the sea is where I’m heading too. Anyways I digress. This graphic novel comes at the perfect time considering that Aquaman has just come out on Blu-Ray and I can’t wait to finally watch it and now we have Mera: Tidebreaker and how her origin story began. Before I get to my review, here is a little bit more about the graphic novel. Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige Artist – Stephen Byrne Publisher – DC Ink  Release Date – 2 […]
