Blog Tour Book Review | The Unadjusteds by Marisa Noelle

Posted January 22, 2021 by Emma in 2021 Books, Blog Tour, Book Review, YA / 1 Comment
Blog Tour Book Review | The Unadjusteds by Marisa Noelle

Happy Friday! The weekend is so close my readers and I can’t wait! So to close the week and the this blog tour I have another review for the brilliant The Write Reads. Today’s tour is for a YA sci-fi, dystopian The Unadjusteds by Marisa Noelle. I have literally just finished reading it, so here is my review, but before that here is a little bit more about the book. My Review Melody Silver is an unadjusted. She lives in a world where President Bear used nanitites, a pill to alter DNA in it’s purest form. It started as a way to […]


Book Review | Influence by Sara Shepard & Lilia Buckingham

Posted January 20, 2021 by Emma in 2021 Books, Book Review, YA / 1 Comment
Book Review | Influence by Sara Shepard & Lilia Buckingham

Happy Wednesday my lovely readers. What is this another review from me?! Why yes, yes it is! This is another cracking read, and I feel quite an important one at that. So rather I’m going to head straight in and here is a little more about the book. My Review Influence follows 4 main characters, four social media influencers. Jasmine, Fiona, Scarlet and Delilah. They are the centre of their Instagram, they are famous, they have brand deals, collaborations, campaigns. Jasmine, Fiona and Scarlet are the face of Instagram, it isn’t until Delilah, upcoming influencer, and new to LA, gets […]


5 Books from my Favourite Authors coming out in 2021!

5 Books from my Favourite Authors coming out in 2021!

Happy Friday my lovely readers. I thought it’s about time I talk about some of the books coming out in 2021! Usually I would do a whole list of books, but this time I’m focusing on Top 5 books, that I will definitely read as soon as I can get my hands on! If you know me and my blog, you know what books would be on this list. 😅 2021 Favourite Books from my Favourite Authors Well this has to be my most anticipated book of 2021. You know the I’m the Ultimate Holly Bourne fan and I can’t […]


Book Review | A Throne of Swans by Katharine & Elizabeth Corr

Posted January 11, 2021 by Emma in 2021 Books, 5 Stars, Book Review, Fantasy / 3 Comments
Book Review | A Throne of Swans by Katharine & Elizabeth Corr

Happy Monday my lovely readers! Hope you’re all well. Today I’m bringing you the first review of 2021 and also my first 5 star read of 2021. What a way to start the year hey?! So I’m just going to head straight into the review. So before my review, here is a little bit more about the book. My Review Being a huge fan of Kate a Liz’s debut series, The Witch’s Kiss trilogy, I was so excited for another series fantasy series. The Witch’s Kiss series is one don’t usually talk about, it was very early on in my […]


My Bookish Intentions for 2021

My Bookish Intentions for 2021

Welcome my lovely readers to the post were we as bloggers and readers set our bookish goals. I’m actually really excited for a new year, it’s like a reset button, a fresh new take on the year. This year with a lot things will be the year I finally read more, blog more and actually enjoy it all. I really want to refresh my love of reading and sharing that with you. Especially as I don’t want to feel so pressured with reading that I have done in the past. I need to focus on the love of books. So […]


My Top Ten Books of 2020

My Top Ten Books of 2020

It’s a new year my lovely readers. Be 2020 and welcome 2021! I’m writing this with Miss Congeniality on New Year’s Day and I reliving my Top Ten Books of 2020! Last year, wasn’t my finest year for reading. But I still read some amazing literature from Children’s to Adult. I felt last year I really read outside of my comfort zone, not too much but just enough to be comfortable in reading different genres. I read some fantastic middle grade books to fluffy, contemporary adult fiction. After each of my suggestion I will add a reason why it’s my favourite […]


#UltimateBlogTour Book Review | Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston

Posted December 23, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Blog Tour, Book Review, Middle Grade / 2 Comments
#UltimateBlogTour Book Review | Amari and the Night Brothers by B.B. Alston

Hello festive readers, I left you again didn’t I!? But do not fret, today I’m really excited to be writing what will probably be my last book review of 2020 and what a way to finish the year with this incredible middle grade book. This review is part of the #UltimateBlogTour with TheWriteReads gang. I once again commend them for such an amazing tour for a coming-of-age, middle grade fantasy. So before my review, here is a little bit more about the book. My Review This review contains classified and magical information. Do not ‘Read’ without proper permissions! – Okay so […]


Blog Tour Book Review | The Cousins by Karen M. McManus

Posted December 10, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Blog, Blog Tour, Book Review / 1 Comment
Blog Tour Book Review | The Cousins by Karen M. McManus

Hello my lovely readers. I’m so excited to be part of another #UltimateBlogTour for the one and only THE COUSINS by Karen M. McManus! Massive thanks to Dave and TheWriteReads who organises epic blog tours these days. I’m really excited to share my review not only am I trying to experiment with a review style, well I think it’s new, probably shorter and not much else. But I’m going to try CAWPILE created by Book Roast, (I’ll link the video here for you) for a new rating system. I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to use this. […]


November Monthly Wrap-Up – the ‘I redesigned my blog again’ edition

November Monthly Wrap-Up – the ‘I redesigned my blog again’ edition

Hello my lovely bookworms, it’s been a while since my last monthly wrap up post. I think the reason being is because reading has been a struggle the last couple of months. Since my last monthly wrap up post I was saying how I wanted to read and not blog as I didn’t have the brain power or inspiration because of work. Now it’s the complete opposite, the last month has been more blogging and very little reading. But now I think I’ve conquered it back to both. I’m excited because if you are reading this then you may notice […]
