Top 5 Fictional One True Pairings (OTPs)

Posted November 25, 2020 by Emma in Book List, Booked-In, Bookish Post, YA / 4 Comments
Top 5 Fictional One True Pairings (OTPs)

Hello my lovely readers, I am back again with another Top 5 post. I really do love these. So back in the original lockdown I created the Booked-In series of posts, as we are once again in a similar situation, Steph BooksLoveReaders and I wanted to expand it. We are going to be doing a Top 5 series every week, so do let us know if you would like to take part and we will send the prompts in advance. Today is all about our favourite romantic pairing, soulmates, the true pairings. This is really hard as I haven’t read a […]


It’s Friday – What are you reading?

Posted November 20, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Bookish Post / 1 Comment
It’s Friday – What are you reading?

Happy Friday my lovely bookworms. So I’m excited because I’m finally reading and enjoying a book that I will finally finish this weekend. It’s an accomplishment to actually finish a book which I haven’t done in ages!! So I’m taking this moment to record the fact that I’m reading and tell you all about the book that has cured my reading funk. Also a nice quick post so I can get back to reading and sadly working at this time, but I’m a librarian I can sneak in the odd page or two! 😅 I missed this, my blog, so […]


Top 5 Books EVERYONE Needs to Read!

Posted November 18, 2020 by Emma in Book List, Booked-In, Bookish Post, Favourites, UKYA, YA / 2 Comments
Top 5 Books EVERYONE Needs to Read!

Hello my lovely readers. Who am I, is this another post in 2 days?! Ha. I have this renewed energy for blogging and I love it! This is also down to the lovely Steph from BooksLoveReaders as we’ve been chatting about blog ideas for the next month, including today’s post. So back in the original lockdown I created the Booked-In series of posts, as we are once again in a similar situation we wanted to expand it. We are going to be doing a Top 5 series every week, so do let us know if you would like to take […]


Mini Book Review | The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Posted November 16, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Blog Tour, Book Review, YA / 1 Comment
Mini Book Review | The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Hello my lovely readers and welcome to my first review in months I think. Whoops. The last few months I’ve really struggled with the motivation to read, hence the lack of review posts. But this particular book that I’m writing my review for took me 3 weeks or so to read and a further month to review as I really did have a blogging break. But felt I really needed to review it. So before I go into my review I wanted to say that whilst it took me that long to read, it didn’t in any way effect my […]


Top 5 Red Books to commemorate Remembrance Day

Top 5 Red Books to commemorate Remembrance Day

Hello my lovely readers. I abandoned you again. Back to work and more tired again. Ha. But I’m hoping to kick my ass into gear and actually get myself organised again. Stay tuned for the relaunch of the blog series Booked-In that I started during the original lockdown. So today I wanted to commemorate Remembrance Day/Armistice Day and all those that fought and died in the armed forces in the line of duty. I decided to recommend by books that are red which is obviously the colour of the Poppy. Each of these books are read and I absolutely loved […]


My Top 5 Spooky Reads for this Halloween

Posted October 30, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book List, Bookish Post, Favourites, YA / 4 Comments
My Top 5 Spooky Reads for this Halloween

Happy Halloween Eve my lovely readers. 🎃 This week I have been right into spooky reads and spooky films. I’ve watched my fair share of horror movies that’s for sure. This week I will be doing a lot of reading of The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow which I can’t wait. So to start of this spooky weekend I wanted to share my Top 5 spooky reads across all genres that I have loved over the years. 🎃 MY TOP 5 SPOOKY READS 🎃 I read this years and years ago, it was a series that got […]


Blog Tour: Guest Post | WITCH by Finbar Hawkins

Posted October 28, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Blog Tour, Guest Post, Middle Grade / 0 Comments
Blog Tour: Guest Post | WITCH by Finbar Hawkins

Hello my lovely readers. So to continue the seasonal posts this week, I am really excited to be part of the blog tour for WITCH by Finbar Hawkins. This is a historical children’s book about a girl who want to avenge her mother’s death after being tortured and killed by witch hunters. The writing is unique and beautiful and I’m really enjoying it! So today I have an amazing guest from Finbar on his Research for writing WITCH. But before that here is a little bit more about his debut and look out for my review later this week.   […]


Life and Books Update | Wondering where I have been?

Posted October 26, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Random Post, TBR, YA / 1 Comment
Life and Books Update | Wondering where I have been?

Hello my wonderful readers, how are you? Well you might have been wondering… or you might not have been but I feel the need to kind of explain as I said a good month ago I was back to blogging and well I sort of vanished again. Before that I wanted to say hello and thank you to the 800+ followers that my blog has! Another milestones and I’m so pleased that it’s still being viewed and read in my absence. So THANK YOU! Life Update Life for me is just one thing, work and sleep these days, with a […]


Interview with Katharine McGee – Author of American Royals

Posted October 5, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Bookish Post, Interview, Q & A, YA / 0 Comments
Interview with Katharine McGee – Author of American Royals

Happy Monday my wonderful readers. I said I was back and I am but I’m just getting back into a routine what with work at the moment. But I’m sitting here, a Sunday evening, writing a blog post after a day of being cosy with a coffee and good book! It’s been a good day. Anyways I digress. Today I’m really excited to say that I have one of my favourite American authors on my blog today. If you follow me on Instagram, you would have had a sneak peak already, but I got the opportunity to interview Katharine McGee, […]
