Book Tag | The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag

Posted September 21, 2020 by Emma in Book tag, Bookish Post / 3 Comments
Book Tag | The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag

Happy Monday my lovely bookworms. I’m sorry I didn’t post that much more last week, work got the better of me and I got super tired. But this week I wanted to start off with a fun book tag. I really love doing these and I got tagged by Books Are 42 to do the Anonymous Bookaholics Tag. So here it goes. 1) What do you like about buying new books? The thought of going into a bookshop to buy a new book is so exciting. Browsing the shelves and smiling when I see my favourites displayed. Buying a book […]


August Monthly Wrap-Up – The ‘It’s been a while’ edition!

Posted September 14, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Monthly Wrap-Up Post, Wrap-Up / 7 Comments
August Monthly Wrap-Up – The ‘It’s been a while’ edition!

Helllllllloooooooo everyone. I haven’t been around, how are we all? I’ve missed you and posting on my blog. It’s been nearly over 3 weeks since I last posted. The reason mainly was work. I’m back to working as a school librarian after 6 months off, the constant thinking and over thinking was certainly draining and I just wanted to read and not blog. I found it difficult as I lacked the inspiration and brain power to come up or start writing some posts. BUT I’M BACK!! So this will be a month and half worth of a wrap-up post, including […]


Top 5 Books that make me Smile

Posted August 17, 2020 by Emma in Book List, Booked-In, Bookish Post / 3 Comments
Top 5 Books that make me Smile

Hello my lovely bookworms. Hope you had a lovely weekend, least it wasn’t too hot that’s for sure. Today I thought I would do another one of my famous top 5 posts. I guess I started these during Lockdown and somehow continued them. I’m coming up with new themes all the time and I love it. Today is all about the books that make you giddy, and you can’t stop smiling throughout. I’ve got quite the variety as well. So here they are…. Top 5 Books that make me Smile 😁       I would also recommend Only Mostly […]


Book Review | Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

Book Review | Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

Happy Wednesday my bookish friends. Yesterday I finished my most anticipated read in like forever!! I’ve been waiting a long time for this book so my excitement for Midnight Sun was off the charts. So here is my spoiler free review and my extreme fangirling over the fifth book in the Twilight Saga.   My Review This book, this series is what really started my love of reading and YA, and the dark fantasy genre. It was the highlight of my teenage years, and when I heard this book was finally coming out, I don’t think I’ve felt such genuine […]


Book Tag | My Life in Books Tag

Posted August 10, 2020 by Emma in Book tag, Bookish Post / 3 Comments
Book Tag | My Life in Books Tag

Hello my lovely readers. A new week and a hot one it is in the UK. Hope you all had a lovely weekend. I went out on Saturday which was lovely but mighty hot and Sunday I pretty much read all day which I loved. It’s been a long time since I did that without any distractions and just the mind of Edward Cullen to read. Today I thought I would start the week with a book tag, that my friend Steph from Bookslovereaders tagged me in. I’m excited as I haven’t done one in ages and this looks awesome. […]


Blog Tour Review & Guest Post | Boy Queen by George Lester

Posted August 8, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Blog Tour, Book Review, Guest Post, LGBTQ+, UKYA, YA / 4 Comments
Blog Tour Review & Guest Post | Boy Queen by George Lester

Happy Weekend my lovely readers. I hope you are staying as cool as possible. It’s mighty hot here in the UK isn’t it. Anyways, today I’m really excited to be part of the blog tour for Boy Queen by George Lester – his debut LGBTQ+ YA and I loved it! I am sharing my review of this wonderful book as well as George sharing his tips for writing about inclusivity and diversity. But before that here is a little bit more info of this A-M-A-Z-I-N-G book! My Review I feel like I’m bringing out John Barrowman in this review. This […]


Blog Tour | Interview – Chelsea High by Jenny Oliver

Posted August 4, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Blog Tour, Bookish Post, Interview, UKYA / 0 Comments
Blog Tour | Interview – Chelsea High by Jenny Oliver

Hello my lovely bookworms. Today I’m really excited to be part of the Virtual Blog Tour for Chelsea High, a debut YA by Jenny Oliver. Jenny is best known for her adult contemporaries and romance books and I’m so excited for this new journey in her writing career. Chelsea High is described as ‘UK’s answer to Gossip Girl.’ I feel this is the perfect Summer Read. Make sure you pick it up. As part of the blog tour, Jenny has stopped by my blog to answer a few of my question about her upcoming book. So I hope you enjoy […]


July Monthly Wrap-Up

July Monthly Wrap-Up

Happy Monday my lovely readers. It’s August, where is time going?! 2020 is just whizzing away, sometimes I can’t seem to catch up especially as I write another monthly wrap-up for July. In June I suffered the reading slump, which I hated immensely but July took a turn for the best and I got my reading mojo back. Yay! It’s another month, I always feel like it’s a do over of reading and choosing my books for the month. I love it. The middle of July also saw the beginning of my summer holidays as I work in a school. […]


Book Review | The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh

Posted July 30, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book Review / 4 Comments
Book Review | The Beautiful by Renée Ahdieh

Happy Thursday my lovely readers. Today I’m bringing you a review of dark fantasy that I simply loved. Lately I’ve been into vampires books as a whole, with Midnight Sun and rewatching Discovery of Witches. Steph from Bookslovereaders recommended me this for a while that it was about time I read it. Plus the sequel The Damned has just been released which I will need to read ASAP. So enough of my rambling, let head onto the review. My Review The days of vampire books has returned and it’s like the inner teenager in me who loved Twilight and the beginnings […]
