Genre: Fantasy

Top 5 Adult Fantasy Books I’ve Love

Top 5 Adult Fantasy Books I’ve Love

Hello my bookish friends, we are half way throughout the week! Yay, we are nearly at the weekend but that also means we are near the end of February already. I really hate how time flies. But anyways I digress. I still have a few more Fantasy themed posts to post. Today’s one is chosen by you via Twitter. Now when I wrote the title I actually thought I’ve read 5 Adult Fantasy books, in a way I have but I’ve read the rest of the series to ones I’ve chosen. So one of the books will be from the […]


NEW! IN THE MIND OF AN AUTHOR | With Bex Hogan – author of Viper

NEW! IN THE MIND OF AN AUTHOR | With Bex Hogan – author of Viper

Happy Monday my bookish friends. Today I’m back at work, back to reality, urgh. But to start off my week on a happier note, today I bring to you a new author series that I technically launched as part of a blog tour last week but I want to officially dedicate a post to it. In the Mind of an Author …is a new author series, where I bring some of my favourite authors talking about their journey being a writer, what goes through their mind when they are writing their book, the places they write and much more. It […]


BOOK REVIEW | The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith

Posted February 21, 2020 by Emma in Book Review, Fantasy Feb, Librarian / 5 Comments
BOOK REVIEW | The Library of the Unwritten by A.J. Hackwith

Happy Friday, my bookish friends. It’s been a while since I reviewed a book hasn’t it?! I’m sorry, I finally finished my first book for February and it was amazing, despite it taking me over 2 weeks to read it, (I blame work for that.) I don’t want my slow reading to takeaway the fact that it was a brilliant read. This will probably be the only review for Fantasy Feb – boo! But it’s a cracking book that you should all read.  My Review When I got the email about The Library of the Unwritten, I knew it was […]


Top 5 Fantasy Books I’m looking forward to Reading

Top 5 Fantasy Books I’m looking forward to Reading

Hello my bookish friends, I’m on half term! Yay! I’m so looking forward to catching up on my reading – especially a book that I’ve been reading for 2 weeks. I know, it’s crazy how work has been that I’ve just been too tired too read. So I want to read a few books off my TBR that I’ve received over the last couple of weeks. It’s just nice having a break and not worrying about work. Reading and Relaxing is what I need right now and I can’t wait! So today I thought I would showcase some of the […]


Revamped Feature | Let’s Talk YA #1

Posted January 17, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Let's Talk Books / 1 Comment
Revamped Feature | Let’s Talk YA #1

Hello my Bookish Friends. It’s Friday! Yay! What better way to kick off than with a old feature but revamped for 2020. Let’s Talk YA started with my co-host Emily from A Short Book Lover. It’s all about talking books rather than just liking and Retweeting posts. So today I’m kicking it off again and this time it will be about any book we’ve ever loved. It could be an old favourite. A forgotten book and not just UKYA. We are mixing it up. So this will be a weekly feature unless I have something else planned. So welcome to […]


Book Review | A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

Posted January 10, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book Review / 1 Comment
Book Review | A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer

The sequel to ACSDAL! One thing I mentioned in all of the first book is that I wanted to more Grey and boy did I get that. It’s really hard to review without giving so much away in terms of spoilers if those who have or haven’t read the first book. I started this a good week and but before Christmas Eve but work was terrible so I really started it on Christmas Eve and I couldn’t put it down. It was finished at the end of Christmas Day. An unputtadownable series. I really hope this review doesn’t become a […]


The Titan Christmas Gift Guide

Posted December 6, 2019 by Emma in Book Gifts, Bookish Post, Discussion Post / 0 Comments
The Titan Christmas Gift Guide

Hello my bookish friends. It’s Friday, and so nearly the weekend. Today and until the rest of the year, I thought I might do a series of posts rounding up what an incredible year publishers have had with their books and creating a Christmas Gift Guide. Each of these posts will have carefully selected books so there if something for everyone. There is something for everyone! Today I’m partnering up with Titan Books. I have only joined their mailing list this year and I’ve been so unbelievable grateful for the books they have sent me this year, they have been […]


BOOK REVIEW | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

Posted November 28, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, Book Review, Fantasy, Favourite Author, Featured, YA / 1 Comment
BOOK REVIEW | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

You might have seen from my post last week that I was taking part in the Global #Cursebreakers Readalong . It is my first time reading it if you can believe that. Why I didn’t get on this fandom this year was the hype and I’ve really been trying to be mood reader too. Now was the time, the perfect season and cosy nights to just to escape into Emberfall. Right now, as I’m writing this, I’ve just finished it and I’m a little hangover from it. In once sense I want to continue to A Heart So Fierce and […]


EMMA CHATS… | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer – #CurseReadAlong: Week 1

EMMA CHATS… | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer – #CurseReadAlong: Week 1

Emma Chats… returns. I thought over the few weeks I’d talk about what I’m taking part in. One of 2019s fandoms has been A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer. I have to say it’s one book I wanted to read since I received it back in February, but with hype and mood, it never happened until now. YOU DIDN’T TELL ME HOW AMAZING THIS BOOK IS!!!??? (or did I not listen!?) So I’m taking part in the GLOBAL read along that Bloomsbury YA are hosting, each week we are reading 20 chapters (or so!?) I’m actually sticking to the readalong […]
