8 Years Blogging | 8 Top Tips for Requesting Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs)

Posted July 27, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post / 9 Comments
8 Years Blogging | 8 Top Tips for Requesting Advanced Reading Copies (ARCs)

Happy Monday my lovely readers. Last week I celebrated 8 years of Never Judge a Book by it’s Cover and when it came to book blogger top tips post, how to request ARCs was at the top. Now whilst I have been blogging for 8 years, I’m still learning everyday to be on mailing lists and I am certainly not on every one. However, I am super grateful and honoured to be on many to request some amazing YA books over the years. So I’m saying ARC like everyone knows. But you could be a first time blogger or starting […]


8 Year Blogoversary! | 8 Tips of being a Book Blogger

Posted July 21, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post / 15 Comments
8 Year Blogoversary! | 8 Tips of being a Book Blogger

HAPPY 8 YEARS OF NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER!!! *cue the balloon, confetti and cake* Very rarely do I celebrate my blogoversary, I don’t know why but this year I feel I’ve really enjoyed and cherished my blog that it’s really sawed this year. So I wanted to celebrate! 8 years is a long time, it begun on Blogger when I was in Sixth Form. Now I’m 25 and a school librarian and I owe a huge debt to my blog. This platform, my passion for books, this community that has guided me to what I love. BOOKS! […]


Blog Tour | Book Review – The Ship of Shadows by Maria Kuzniar

Blog Tour | Book Review – The Ship of Shadows by Maria Kuzniar

Hello my lovely bookworms. It’s the start of the Summer Holidays for me and I can’t wait to read all of the books! Today I’m so excited to be part of the TheWriteReads Ultimate Tour for a gorgeous new middle grade book, The Ship and the Shadows by Maria Kuzniar. Maria is known for her cosy themed bookstagrams across social media. I was so excited to be able to read her book as part of this blog tour. I pretty much spent my whole weekend reading this book and loving it. So I will be sharing a very glowing review […]


Book Review | Five Little Liars by Amanda K. Morgan

Posted July 17, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book Review / 2 Comments
Book Review | Five Little Liars by Amanda K. Morgan

Hello my lovely bookworms. It’s Friday!!!! It’s also officially the last day of term for the summer break for 6 weeks!! Yay! It will feel strange that’s for sure. Today’s book review is a book I’ve been talking about this book on social media and also in my recent posts as well. I can safely say that thrillers/mysteries really do get you out of a reading slump properly. It’s the thrill, you can’t get enough of it. My Review I went into this book having only the expectation of – ‘for fans of Karen McManus’. I loved her books, she […]


How I recovered from a recent Reading Slump | My top tips

Posted July 15, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post / 3 Comments
How I recovered from a recent Reading Slump | My top tips

Hello my lovely bookworms, today I’m bring you a bit of different post, more of a discussion post. If you’ve kept up with my blog and my social media you might know that last month I was in a reading slump. I tried to pick up a book and read a few pages but my brain wasn’t invested and I didn’t feel like picking any other book. Which was so hard and I hated it – books surround me every day and I just couldn’t pick one up. Let me be honest with you all though…Last month a lot was […]


My Bookish Room | A Tour

Posted July 13, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post / 7 Comments
My Bookish Room | A Tour

Happy Monday my lovely book friends! Today I’m really excited by this post. I’ve wanted to show off my updated room/shelves for a while. Over lockdown I’ve been doing some room improvements I guess. To fit with working from home but also making my room more of a sanctuary to relax in. Last year I shared a bookshelf tour here. With my famous TBR carts, cube bookshelf and wall shelf. Since then I’ve made some changes. I wanted a change, I felt inspired to make a small room as bookish as possible. Oh and it’s very very bright too which makes […]


It’s Friday – What are you reading?

Posted July 10, 2020 by Emma in Blog / 0 Comments
It’s Friday – What are you reading?

It’s Friday my lovely bookworms. A couple of weeks ago I did this random post – It’s Friday, What are you reading? and it got a really good response and I really enjoyed it just talking about what I’m reading at the mo. So I thought I would do another one with a little weekly reading update too. I’m also finally back to to my reading, albeit a little slow than slower, I am enjoying it a lot! This Week’s Reading – I finished a wonderful Middle Grade book, Rooftoppers, which I reviewed this week that honestly opened my eyes […]


Book Review | Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell

Posted July 8, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book Review, Middle Grade / 0 Comments
Book Review | Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell

Happy Wednesday my lovely bookworms. Today I’m bringing you a special review. It’s strange you don’t usually see a review of a middle grade, children’s book as I’m predominantly  YA and fantasy on my blog. But this book has changed my mind and here’s why. My Review This review was featured on my Instagram here as part of the Tandem Collective Rooftoppers Readalong, but I wanted to expand a little on my blog as this book truly appreciated books in a whole new way. I was so excited, I didn’t know what to expect to be honest from this book! […]


My Top 5 Favourite Books of 2020 so far – the year of sequels and debuts!

Posted July 6, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book List, Booked-In, Favourites / 4 Comments
My Top 5 Favourite Books of 2020 so far – the year of sequels and debuts!

Hello my lovely readers, so it’s July, over half way throughout the year. It certainly hasn’t been a great start to 2020 with the current situation but that hasn’t stopped me from reading. If anything it’s what I needed, books to escape into away from this reality. I’ve read some amazing books and I’m not the quickest of readers so rather than list loads, I thought I would list my top 5 from the beginning of 2020. So let’s forget the world right now and focus on my favourite books of the year so far especially during Booked-In. Top 5 […]
