June Monthly Wrap-Up

June Monthly Wrap-Up

Hey everyone, once again the classic phrase – I can’t believe it’s July already! Which means it’s another monthly wrap-up post. I think this month I’m super excited by the start of the month, I feel it’s like a do-over of June as it was a pretty terrible month both reading and also not as active on here as I hoped. All these plans at the beginning of last month literally went out the window. I couldn’t read until the very last few days of the month. It’s been a very long time since I’ve been in a reading slump […]


Blog Tour | Book Review – Love on the Main Stage by S.A. Domingo

Blog Tour | Book Review – Love on the Main Stage by S.A. Domingo

Hello my lovely readers, today I’m really excited to be part of the blog tour for Love on the Main Stage by S.A. Domingo. As I mentioned in my previous post, I read her debut book Love, Secret Santa and simply adored it. Guess What!? I loved this one too. As part of the blog tour I’m sharing my review and my festival playlist. It’s a bit of a mix, but I sort listed to a lot of this whilst reading the book. THIS BOOK GOT ME OUT OF MY READING SLUMP! I was excited that after a month of […]


It’s Friday – What are you reading?

It’s Friday – What are you reading?

Hello my lovely bookworms. The last couple of days has been scorching in the UK and I like many others hate it. It’s certainly not a nice heat, sticky and no sleep comes to mind. I’ve also been in a reading slump since the beginning of the June. But yesterday because I couldn’t sleep I opened a book, and I read. I loved it! So who knew a heatwave could cure a reading slump. Today would usually be a Let’s Talk Books post and in a way it still is. But I thought I would let you know what I’m […]


Top 5 Books I would love to read for the first time again

Top 5 Books I would love to read for the first time again

Hello my bookish friends. I didn’t post on Monday as I was pretty knackered from building my bookcase on Sunday. So today I’m bring you another one of my famous top 5 lists as parted of my Booked-In series. This time I’m revisiting and reminiscing some old favourites, books I wish I could open that book for the first time again and be immersed into the world. These books opened a whole new world of literature for me. There is so many books out there it can be overwhelming. So I’m going back to where my reading really began for […]


Let’s Talk Books Book Tag

Posted June 19, 2020 by Emma in Book tag, Let's Talk Books / 3 Comments
Let’s Talk Books Book Tag

Happy Friday my fellow bookworms. I’m super excited for the weekend. Guess who has bought her first proper bookcase!? ME! It’s coming on Sunday morning and I’ll be spending the afternoon putting it together. Eeek be prepared for a updated bookshelf tour. 😁 So every Friday, myself and Emily from A Short Book Lover post a weekly feature Let’s Talk Books and we thought we do something a little different, by creating our own book tag with our feature as the main theme. A book tag created by us! I’m so excited as I always wanted to create one and we […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Books on My Summer TBR

Top Ten Tuesday – Books on My Summer TBR

Evening my lovely readers. Another post the day after my review. Who am I? Well I very rarely do TTT, and I saw this week’s prompt and I couldn’t resist. Top Ten Tuesday Is A Weekly Meme Hosted By The Lovely Ladies At The Artsy Reader Girl! Each Week, A New Topic Is Put Into Place And Bloggers Share Their Top Ten Accordingly.  I’ll be honest lately I’m not a huge TBR list person, I’m very much mood reading but I just love putting together a summer TBR. A lot of them will be summer themed as if I’m going on […]


Book Review | Seafire by Natalie C. Parker

Posted June 15, 2020 by Emma in 2019 Books, 2020 books, Book Review, Girl Power, YA / 0 Comments
Book Review | Seafire by Natalie C. Parker

Happy Monday my lovely readers! I’m back, I kind of had a bit of a blogging break the last week as I just needed the time for me. I haven’t been reading very much these days and had no enthusiasm to blog. Today I’m ready to get back into the swing of blogging again. I’m bringing you a review of a kick-ass feminist fantasy novel. I loved it and the sequel is coming out next month. So I hope you enjoy it.     My Review At a very young age, Caledonia was sent on her first mission by her […]


Top 5 Pride books I can’t wait to read

Posted June 8, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book List, Bookish Post, LGBTQ+, TBR, UKYA, YA / 0 Comments
Top 5 Pride books I can’t wait to read

Happy Monday my lovely bookworms, hope you had a wonderful weekend. I finally got my reading mojo back and thoroughly enjoying Aurora Rising. I have another top 5 book list for you, I know everyone seems to enjoy them and I love creating new topics. As its Pride month I wanted to show you the top 5 books I’m going to be reading (hopefully) all this month. These are mostly recent releases and a lot of these have had amazing reviews especially from my friend Steph (bookslovereaders). Top 5 Pride books I can’t wait to read       I […]


Let’s Talk Books #5 – 3 Books that might not be on your radar this Month

Let’s Talk Books #5 – 3 Books that might not be on your radar this Month

Happy Friday my lovely bookworms. It’s the end of the week and the first week of June already. Today’s is another Let’s Talk Books, a feature I cohost with Emily A Short Book Lover. A weekly series where we are highlighting particular books (Teen/YA/ Adult etc) coming out during this time, that we will review, or get bookish content from authors and so much more.  Today’s post for me is all about books that I’m looking forward to their release and to reading. I decided to pick a few books that I think might not be on your radar that […]
