May Monthly Wrap-Up

May Monthly Wrap-Up

Happy Wednesday my lovely readers. Once again another month has gone by. You would think in lockdown it would go slowly but if I’m honest it’s gone really fast. I think it’s getting into a routine that really helps, the world has suddenly become a weird sort of normal, wouldn’t you agree. But I have to say I am very excited at the prospect of my local Costa or Pret opening for takeaway this week, I have to say. I know, lockdown priorities. Once again, this month I hosted a readathon with Steph for Bookslovereaders and read 3 books during […]


Would You Rather? Book Tag

Posted June 1, 2020 by Emma in Book tag / 6 Comments
Would You Rather? Book Tag

Hello my lovely bookworms! I was tagged by the lovely Amy from amysbookishlife to do the Would You Rather Tag. I don’t do enough of these tags, I need to do more. I’m excited for you to see the questions that Amy has asked me, these have really got me thinking that’s for sure. I’m not very good at creating questions so lets see shall we. The Rules 1. Answer the questions given to you by your nominator 2. Make your own questions and tag others Would you Rather… 1. Would you rather read a book where the page was missing […]


Let’s Talk Books #4 | Guest Post – Why Hideous Beauty is my first LBGTQ+ novel by William Hussey

Let’s Talk Books #4 | Guest Post – Why Hideous Beauty is my first LBGTQ+ novel by William Hussey

Hello my lovely bookworms. Happy Friday! Another week, another Let’s Talk Books – a feature I cohost with Emily A Short Book Lover. A weekly series where we are highlighting particular books (Teen/YA/ Adult etc) coming out during this time, we will review, or get bookish content from authors and so much more.  This week both Emily and I are featuring a new LGBTQ+ YA thriller HIDEOUS BEAUTY by William Hussey. It was released yesterday and this is another book I can’t wait to read. I have so many but now is the best time with lockdown. When I was […]


Book Review | The Paper and Hearts Society: Read with Pride by Lucy Powrie

Book Review | The Paper and Hearts Society: Read with Pride by Lucy Powrie

Hello my lovely bookworms. Happy Wednesday! On Monday I was talking about Books and Books and I’m so excited to read the sequel to The Paper and Hearts Society. I literally just finished Read with Pride last night and I have so much to say about it, so here is my fangirly review, I hope you enjoy it. I loved it! My Review In The Paper and Hearts Society, I found me people, I found my inner Tabby, she is my teenage self. Read with Pride spoke to me in a different way, from the point of a librarian and […]


Top 5 Books about Books

Posted May 25, 2020 by Emma in Book List, Booked-In, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 12 Comments
Top 5 Books about Books

Hello my lovely readers. In the UK it’s Bank Holiday Monday and half-term so I hope your all enjoying it and the weather. It’s meant to be lovely and sunny. I hope. I will be spending it by finishing The Paper and Hearts Society: Read with Pride. Which falls nicely into today’s post. This is another Booked-In series book list. Being a librarian and a lover of books, of course, I also love reading about them. So I thought I’d put together a list of books that are abut books. I’ve spilt it into my my Top 5 I’ve read […]


Let’s Talk Books | In the Mind of an Author – Camp by L.C. Rosen

Let’s Talk Books | In the Mind of an Author – Camp by L.C. Rosen

Happy Friday my lovely bookworms, it’s nearly the bank holiday week and half-term for many of us. It feels kind of strange doesn’t it?! But I will be enjoying it by escaping in literary worlds of new found favourites and enjoying the sunshine. I digress, Today I’m merging two of my features, Let’s Talk Books and In the Mind of an Author for an exciting post. Don’t forget to head over to Emily at A Short Book Lover to see her pick for Let’s Talk Books. Let’s Talk Books, formerly Let’s Talk YA, is a weekly series where we are […]


Top TBR Books during Booked-In

Posted May 20, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Booked-In, TBR / 1 Comment
Top TBR Books during Booked-In

Hello my lovely readers, how has your week been? Honestly I feel like time is going so fast and each day is blurring into one. Anyone else feeling like this?! But I’m thankful fo my books and blog to keep me sane at the moment. They are a life saver. Today I have another Booked-In Top 5 post, I’m rather enjoying these. One of the many things that has surprised to say the least is that during lockdown I seem to be reading old books of my TBR. Whilst I do have some ARCS, I feel quite proud for every […]


Book Review | Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales

Posted May 18, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Book Review, LGBTQ+, YA / 0 Comments
Book Review | Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales

Hello my lovely readers, today I’m sharing my review of Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales. ‘Tell me more, tell me more how good is this book?” I’m sorry I couldn’t resist starting my review in a sing song of Grease. After all it is a queer imagining of Grease, so I couldn’t not. It might not be the last either. I also happened to have watched Grease fairly recently so I was so up for this. My Review ‘I met a guy crazy for me and he met a boy as cute as can be.’ Ollie’s family changes their […]


Let’s Talk Books | EXTRACT – The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper

Let’s Talk Books | EXTRACT – The Gravity of Us by Phil Stamper

Happy Friday my lovelies! Today myself and Emily from A Short Book Lover, are back with Let’s Talk Books. Together we’ve created list of all of the books coming out and going in release order. Let’s Talk Books, formerly Let’s Talk YA, is a weekly series where we are highlighting particular books (Teen/YA/ Adult etc) coming out during this time, we will review, or get bookish content from authors and so much more. We will then start to focus on books that are maybe underrated in the future and build a conversation about it. It’s all very exciting and we […]
