Blog Tour | Book Review – Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis

Posted May 14, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, 4.5 Stars, Blog Tour, Book Review / 2 Comments
Blog Tour | Book Review – Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis

Hello my bookish friends. Today I’m really excited to be part the #UltimateBlogTour by TheWritesReads for the haunting and chilling horror YA, Harrow Lake by Kat Ellis. I’m not going to say any more apart from here is my review and a little bit more about the book. My Review Who doesn’t love a good horror movie?! I admit that it wasn’t until my boyfriend that I enjoy more horror films. Favourites include Resident Evil, or any good Zombie movies, and A Quiet Place at the moment. But what about reading them, where do you stand? So Harrow Lake is […]


Self-Care for Bookworms | Surround Yourself with Colour

Self-Care for Bookworms | Surround Yourself with Colour

Hello my bookish friends, hope your all well and had a great bank holiday weekend. Today I’m bringing you another post on my Self-care for Bookworms series. I love creating these posts, and I feel we need these now more than ever. I touched upon this tip in my previous post Self-Care for Bookworms whilst Staying at Home but I can’t believe how much I’ve relied on this. Today Self-Care tip #4 – Surround yourself with Colour So if you are follower of my instagram and my blog, (duh) you will notice a common theme. Orange (and Mustard). My entire feed […]


Let’s Talk Books!

Posted May 8, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Let's Talk Books / 5 Comments
Let’s Talk Books!

Happy Friday and VE Day my wonderful readers. Today in the UK is bank holiday and I’m fully taking advantage of the day by reading LOADS. I’m also hosting, along side Steph (bookslovereaders) a readathon called Bookedin-athon over the whole weekend! So if you want to be part of it check out my posts on Twitter here. Today’s post is about Emily from A Short Book Lover and I, are revamping an old series we used to called Let’s Talk YA. This time, we have a new logo, new name -ish and a new vision to it as well. Let’s […]


Book Review | Eve of Man by Giovanna & Tom Fletcher

Posted May 6, 2020 by Emma in 2018 Books, 5 Stars, Book Review, Dystopian, UKYA / 5 Comments
Book Review | Eve of Man by Giovanna & Tom Fletcher

Happy Wednesday my lovely readers. Today I’m sharing my review of a reread. I didn’t review the first time round as I was on a blogging slump. But nothing is stopping me now. Two years ago I read this book. Last month the long awaited sequel, The Eve Illusion was released. Whilst I remember the story, I really wanted to go back to the world they created so when I get to the sequel it would be like I never left. My Review So when you see two famous people writing a book, what’s your first impression?! Reading this a […]


Discussion | How I Organise my Reading Journal

Posted May 4, 2020 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post / 5 Comments
Discussion | How I Organise my Reading Journal

Hello my lovely readers. Today I thought I would do a discussion post on my Reading Journal, which I mentioned in my How to track your reading post back in January. I wanted to show you my progress with my reading journal and the array of pages I’ve created. Last year, if you remember I started a bookish bullet journal. It was more of novelty in the first couple of months and it took quite a lot of time. I really wanted to try again and I saw Vicky’s from What Vicky Read post on her Reading Journal and she inspired […]


Blog Tour Review – Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson

Blog Tour Review – Good Girl, Bad Blood by Holly Jackson

Hello my bookish friends and fellow detectives too! A first for a Saturday post that’s for sure. Today Pip is once again taking over my blog for Part 2 of the Good Girl, Bad Blood blog tour. All week I’ve been reading this very book and today I finally put into words how amazing this book is… I have been giving subtle hints all week as well.   My Review “Mysteries always seem to find their way to you, don’t they?” I’ve hinted all week but whilst both books are 5 stars, Good Girl, Bad Blood is even better than […]


April Monthly Wrap-up – I read more books edition!

April Monthly Wrap-up – I read more books edition!

Happy Friday my bookish friends. As I write this the brief sun of the day on Thursday is fading and it’s suddenly getting gloomy. But my blog hates gloomy – it loves colour so let’s forget about the rain for a minute. I missed my wrap-up post last month, I guess I got swamped with life in lockdown. But since then I’ve had a new blog series and my blog hasn’t seen so many visitors and views before and I’m really happy. I’ve also read over double the amount of books I usually read, and I’m stoked about that. Whilst […]


Blog Tour | In the Mind of an Author with Holly Jackson, author of Good Girl, Bad Blood

Blog Tour | In the Mind of an Author with Holly Jackson, author of Good Girl, Bad Blood

Hello my wonderful readers and detectives. I’ve got the magnifying glass out and my notepad as Pip and Holly Jackson take over my blog this week. Today is one of two post for the blog tour of Good Girl, Bad Blood – the sequel to A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder.  I’m currently reading it and I’ll let you on to a little secret, I loving it even more than the first book and I can’t put it down. Holly Jackson has to come to my blog to be part of my author series ‘In the Mind of an Author’ […]


New Book Releases to look forward to this Month

Posted April 27, 2020 by Emma in 2020 books, Booked-In, Bookish Post, UKYA, YA / 1 Comment
New Book Releases to look forward to this Month

Hello my lovely readers, it’s a new week and soon to be a new month. This is part 2 of a similar post I did last month, Booked-In | My Top Releases this Spring – Part 1 . So today I thought I would bring all the YA and Fantasy Releases that I’m looking forward in end of April/May. I have to say that books have been a lifesaver during this lockdown, so I can’t wait to discover and promote loads more books. Authors need the support now more than ever so don’t forget to order online with Amazon, Book […]
