DISCUSSION | Organising my future bookshelves

Posted October 7, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Featured, TBR / 5 Comments
DISCUSSION | Organising my future bookshelves

Hello my book friends, it’s been a while since my last discussion post. A good month ago I did a Bookshelf Tour post and I enjoyed talking about bookworms accommodating to space restrictions and lots of books. If you missed it then check it out here. So Ella commented on my post, and asked about a how I would organise my bookshelf if I had bookcases, so I thought I would dedicate a post to it.  This is a Bookworm edition, later this week I will do a post as part of my new feature ‘ A Day in the […]


Let’s Talk YA #4

Let’s Talk YA #4

Emily from A Short Book Lover and I have created a weekly feature called Let’s Talk YA. – a feature simply to just share and talk about the books you love. So our posts will all be centered around amazing UKYA authors. It’s been a while since I did a Let’s Talk YA and I feel I left Emily a bit to pick it up on her blog. I’m so sorry. But I’m back and I’m going to make sure I keep up with it a bit more. I have so many amazing UKYA authors to talk about and these […]


Review – The Places I’ve Cried in Public by Holly Bourne

Review – The Places I’ve Cried in Public by Holly Bourne

Content warnings – Abuse, unhealthy relationships  This is her tenth YA book and Holly Bourne isn’t Queen of YA for nothing! It taken me a while to really put this book into words. If you saw my tweets when reading this book you will understand that this book pretty much ripped me apart. There was snot, I’m happy to admit that. When you read this book, please have a box of tissues with you, you will need them. I promise you that.  Amelie starts 6th Form completely alone and straight into the unknown, but she still has herself, her cardigans […]


Blog Tour Review – The Wrong Side of Kai by Estelle Maskame

Posted September 23, 2019 by Emma in Blog / 1 Comment
Blog Tour Review – The Wrong Side of Kai by Estelle Maskame

Hi Everyone, I’m starting off the week with a blog tour review of one of my favourite romance YA writers, Estelle Maskame. I adored her DIMILY series which is no surprise. I miss Tyler and Eden a lot, but I always look forward to anything Estelle writes.  Also make sure you come back to my blog around the end of the blog tour as I will have a very special post from Estelle. So without further ado here is my review, but before that there is a little bit more about the book, The Wrong Side of Kai. This a […]


DISCUSSION | Are you a Mood Reader or TBR lister?

Posted September 16, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Featured, TBR / 11 Comments
DISCUSSION | Are you a Mood Reader or TBR lister?

Hello my bookish friends, I’m back with a little discussion post. I was thinking about this recently, I do TBRs and then I don’t stick to them. I get annoyed and then I don’t enjoy reading them. It’s only really yesterday when I was talking to Steph from Booklovereaders that I feel I need to change how I read. I need a balance not only in life but also in my book choosing. Are you a TBR Lister? A TBR is a ‘To be Read’ list or pile. Sometimes these can help readers and bloggers as we have so many […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Books On My TBR I’m Avoiding Reading and Why

Posted September 10, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, TBR, Top Ten Tuesday / 10 Comments
Top Ten Tuesday – Books On My TBR I’m Avoiding Reading and Why

Top Ten Tuesday Is A Weekly Meme Hosted By The Lovely Ladies At The Artsy Reader Girl! Each Week, A New Topic Is Put Into Place And Bloggers Share Their Top Ten Accordingly.  It’s been such a long time since I did a Top Ten Tuesday, so today is all about that dreaded TBR. There is some books I’m avoiding on my TBR, and it’s loads of reasons, hype, scared for the end of the series, if I’m a mood reader, another just gets added to the TBR that I’m desperate to read and so much more. So here are the […]


NEW FEATURE: A Day in the life of a School Librarian

Posted September 6, 2019 by Emma in Discussion Post, Feature, Librarian / 9 Comments
NEW FEATURE: A Day in the life of a School Librarian

Happy Friday my book friends. I’m very glad it’s the end of the week and the beginning of the weekend. First week back at work and I’m pooped! 😴 So today I’m really excited to bring you a new feature to my blog and venture further into the world of books that I live in. For those of who don’t know I’m a school librarian. I love my job there is no doubt about that, I get to inspire students with the books I read daily and support them in their education and daily lives. I’m proud and so privileged […]


ARC Review – American Royals by Katharine McGee

Posted September 4, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, 5 Stars, Book Review, YA / 0 Comments
ARC Review – American Royals by Katharine McGee

American Royals has everything! Secrets, Scandal, Forbidden Love, Duty and Loyalty. It’s Gossip Girl meets the Royal Family. It’s a delicious book that you can’t get enough of. Meet the Washington’s, America’s Royal Family. Written 4 POVs, being a royal or with a royal is nothing as it seems. Together America’s Royal Family is anything but normal. Far from it, at the end of the day they sacrifice their freedom, innocence, normality and happiness for the sake of the country. First we have Her Royal Highness Beatrice. Bea is next in line and the first female monarch to rule America. Her […]


Monthly Wrap-Up: August & September TBR

Monthly Wrap-Up: August & September TBR

Hello Book Friends, Today I’m back at work, after 6 wonderful weeks off I’m going to really miss the free time. But I love my job and that’s the main thing. I have quite a few inset days coming up this week so my brain will probably fried. 😂 Last month’s reading was some of my best in a while, with hot days and holidays it’s really helped. I think September won’t be as a good but we’ll see how I go. This week I’m also going to launch my new Librarian feature which I’m really excited to share. And […]
