BOOK REVIEW | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

Posted November 28, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, Book Review, Fantasy, Favourite Author, Featured, YA / 1 Comment
BOOK REVIEW | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

You might have seen from my post last week that I was taking part in the Global #Cursebreakers Readalong . It is my first time reading it if you can believe that. Why I didn’t get on this fandom this year was the hype and I’ve really been trying to be mood reader too. Now was the time, the perfect season and cosy nights to just to escape into Emberfall. Right now, as I’m writing this, I’ve just finished it and I’m a little hangover from it. In once sense I want to continue to A Heart So Fierce and […]


DISCUSSION | Book Blogging vs Bookstagram

Posted November 25, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Featured / 7 Comments
DISCUSSION | Book Blogging vs Bookstagram

Hello my bookish friends, I have one of my famous discussion posts where I tend to blur out the line between discussing and ranting. Since I wrote ‘The Pressures of Book Blogging’ post, (thank you to all those who commented about it) I seem pretty chill about my book blog and also enjoying everything I do with it. I also had a bit of a break in-between as well which really helped me. Although, last week I’ve been thinking about my blog and bookstagram specifically and how we are so focused on one (bookstagram) and not the other (blogging). For me my blog […]


EMMA CHATS… | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer – #CurseReadAlong: Week 1

EMMA CHATS… | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer – #CurseReadAlong: Week 1

Emma Chats… returns. I thought over the few weeks I’d talk about what I’m taking part in. One of 2019s fandoms has been A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer. I have to say it’s one book I wanted to read since I received it back in February, but with hype and mood, it never happened until now. YOU DIDN’T TELL ME HOW AMAZING THIS BOOK IS!!!??? (or did I not listen!?) So I’m taking part in the GLOBAL read along that Bloomsbury YA are hosting, each week we are reading 20 chapters (or so!?) I’m actually sticking to the readalong […]


The Sunshine Blogger Award

Posted November 18, 2019 by Emma in Book tag, Random Post / 5 Comments
The Sunshine Blogger Award

Hello my bookish friends. I’m starting the week off by catching up with some of the tags/awards that I’ve neglected acknowledge and do on my blog. So thank you to Steph from Booklovereaders who nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. *hugs* If you haven’t checked out her blog then please do, she is amazing and it was from her gorgeous bookstagram that we chatted all things books. I will be answering the questions that Steph has set for me. So what is the Sunshine Blogger Award? The Sunshine Blogger Award is given to those who are creative, positive and […]


Book Review | A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

Posted November 11, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, Book Review, Favourites, Feature, UKYA, YA / 2 Comments
Book Review | A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

Hi Everyone, Happy Monday it’s been a while since I last written a review, I think I’ve got a bit rusty. I have to admit something as well…I read this back at the end of May and I’m only reviewing it now. But the amazing thing about this book is that I still remember it. Doesn’t that tell you something?! I hope you enjoy my review and let me know if you’ve read it or any amazing murder mysteries I should read.  So I’m going to admit something here. I read this back at the end of May and I’m […]


October Monthly Wrap-Up

Posted November 6, 2019 by Emma in Monthly Wrap-Up Post, Wrap-Up / 0 Comments
October Monthly Wrap-Up

Hello my bookish friends. It’s been a while since I’ve done a monthly wrap-up or in fact updated you on books, blog life in general so here I am. 🧡  The last few months have been crazy busy, ever since term has started it’s been non-stop. I went on holiday down the coast during the half term, much needed that was. The first term is always the longest and hardest so just relaxing, exploring and being a tourist is a nice change, I felt refreshed and ready to face the real world again. Before holiday I was having some serious […]


All About Halloween Book Tag

Posted October 31, 2019 by Emma in Book tag, Horror / 4 Comments
All About Halloween Book Tag

Happy Halloween my bookish friends! I love this time of year, the nights have drawn in, heating is on, pumpkin is a light and I’m nice and cosy while writing this up. Whilst I don’t trick or treat anymore, I do have some very fond memories of going out on Halloween, I was going to post on top spooky reads, it then sort of turned into a bit of a book tag. I was inspired by Madame Writer, you can find the original post here.  So I hope you enjoy! Fondest Halloween Memory My best friend and I used to […]


Emma chats…| Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden |

Emma chats…| Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden |

*CAUTION this post may contain fangirling. Hello my bookish friends. Happy Wednesday. You are half-way through the week, yay. I’m going on holiday on Saturday so I can’t wait to get to the end of the week. Thank you so much to everyone who commented on my earlier post on Book Blogging pressures. It’s really nice to see I’m not the only one. Today’s post, ‘Emma chats…’ is the start of something new for my blog, to bring back my enjoyment of blogging and love it once again.  This idea came to me only yesterday, I wanted something I could […]


DISCUSSION | The Pressures of Book Blogging

Posted October 14, 2019 by Emma in Blog, Featured / 19 Comments
DISCUSSION | The Pressures of Book Blogging

…or blogging in general.  Hello my bookish friends. Happy Monday. So the idea for this post came from Sofii from A Book a Thought. I tweeted about her blog, how autumnal, bookish and inspirational her posts are. I would love to grow my blog like hers and she said ‘The most important thing is to enjoy blogging, right?’ It was a bit of an eye-opener that, I feel I’ve lost some of the love I used to have for it at the beginning of my blogging. I’ve had my struggles sometimes, with some occasional negative thoughts about blogging that has […]
