Interview with Natalie C. Parker – Author of Seafire

Posted August 30, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, Girl Power, Interview, YA / 3 Comments
Interview with Natalie C. Parker – Author of Seafire

Hello my Book Friends, it’s Friday you’re nearly at the weekend. I have a treat for you, it’s been a while since I did an interview with an author, so on the blog with me today is Natalie C. Parker author of UK’s debut novel Seafire, publishing with Usborne. I was sent a copy a couple of weeks ago and I can’t wait to read it. It’s been tagged as Wonder Woman meets Mad Max: Fury Road. I love a good all female crew too. So it’s going to be kickass I think. Before the interview, here is a little […]


Review – Under A Dancing Star by Laura Wood

Posted August 28, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, 5 Stars, Book Review, Historical / 1 Comment
Review – Under A Dancing Star by Laura Wood

Hello my Book Friends, I’m still catching up on those book reviews so here is one I read on holiday. It was a last minute addition to my suitcase and boy was that the best decision I made. It’s been a long time since I’ve read something like this, a YA historical novel and this has to be one of the best I’ve ever read.  “The end of the Beginning…” Living in 20th Century, Beatrice is stuck with her future, destined to marry and take over her family’s home as her parents keep reminding her. But Bea (to my delight) isn’t […]


A Bookshelf Tour

Posted August 26, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post / 6 Comments
A Bookshelf Tour

Hello Book Friends. If your UK bound hope your enjoying you extra day off and enjoying the sunshine. Today I thought I would do something a little different and show you my bookshelves*. Now as a book blogger or reader it’s not mystery that we are totally overwhelmed with books. We know that eventually the rate in which we receive books with categorically outweigh the space we have available. This is very much my story. So this is my little corner of my room with books. I think I should call my bookshelves my TBR bookshelves. Most of these books […]


UKYA Mini Reviews – SING (Like No One’s Listening) by Vanessa Jones & Alex in Wonderland by Simon James Green

Posted August 22, 2019 by Emma in Book Review, Friendship, LGBTQ+, Mini-Review, Music, Summer, UKYA / 3 Comments
UKYA Mini Reviews – SING (Like No One’s Listening) by Vanessa Jones & Alex in Wonderland by Simon James Green

Hi Everyone, It’s been a long time since I’ve done some book reviews, I have quite a few to catch up on, some going back to May. 🙊 Today I bring you two very different but perfect Summer YA reads. I would like to point out that by doing mini-reviews this is in no a bad reflection of the books. It sometimes nice to do short and sweet reviews. Do you like the Step-Up movies? Well your in for a treat. I loved this book, whilst it had elements of that finding your talent or where you fit in, with the […]


A Bookworm’s Guide to going on Holiday

Posted August 19, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Featured / 3 Comments
A Bookworm’s Guide to going on Holiday

A couple of weeks I went on holiday to Wales, UK. I had such an amazing time. The weather was most certainly an interesting combination of rain, wind and sun. But that is quite the norm I understand in that part of the UK. But to be honest when you book a holiday you just go with the weather, it’s place away from home, a place to relax to reconnect with life. After returning on holiday I found myself being quite the bookworm on holiday even when I didn’t have my bookshelves. I admit I read more than I have […]




Hello Book Friends. It’s been 2 months since my last wrap-up post. Work has been manic, but August is finally here, how has everyone faired with the heat last week, unbearable wasn’t it. I was reading to pretty early each morning because of it. I’m on my summer holidays and I’m on holiday tomorrow. Yay! So I’m now trying to figure out what books I want to take away with me. That always takes more time than the actual packing. I feel my absence has got noticed because of work, so I’m trying to catch up on reviews and posts […]


Friendship + Magic = A Spell – Inspired by Holly Bourne’s novella What Magic is This?

Friendship + Magic = A Spell – Inspired by Holly Bourne’s novella What Magic is This?

Hello my Book Friends – today I bring to you an inspired post from Holly Bourne’s latest book, What Magic is This? that I reviewed last week. I loved it and if you know me you will know that Holly is one of my all time favourite authors. I felt inspired by this novella so I created a spell, with a little help from Barrington Stoke and Holly Bourne.  This spell and this novella is something for you whether you believe in magic or not, whether you loved magical friendships like Harry Potter (- which I’m sure you all do.) […]


Diving into my Summer Reading – Ten books I’m looking forward to reading!

Posted July 29, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, Summer Reading, TBR, UKYA / 2 Comments
Diving into my Summer Reading – Ten books I’m looking forward to reading!

Hello Friends, Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I couldn’t be at YALC this weekend which is really sad by hope you all had a book-tastic time! I’m going to clear the calendar out next year so I’m free. The benefits of working in a school is the holidays, I’m now on my summer holidays for 6 weeks. Which is very much needed. I feel as a librarian I don’t read enough – I know shock horror. This week with the readathon – The Reading Rush I’ve read 3 books. That 2 more than normal as I’m so tired […]


Review – What Magic is This? by Holly Bourne – A spellbinding novella!

Review – What Magic is This? by Holly Bourne – A spellbinding novella!

Once again, Holly has done it again! As soon a s I started reading it I had a huge smile on my face, it’s that familiarity of her writing style that just makes you feel very excited and warm inside because you know everything is right in the world with Holly Bourne writing her books. What Magic is This? is no exception to that. She never fails to amaze me on writing a story half the size of all of her other books and yet it still packs a punch. Three friends all believe that after one night they have magical […]
