Blog Tour: Review – Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan

Posted July 22, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, Blog Tour, Book Review, LGBTQ+ / 1 Comment
Blog Tour: Review – Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan

Happy Monday everyone. I’ve been ill this weekend so I wasn’t sure if I would make my post for this blog tour. But I have go me! Today I’m super excited to be part of the blog tour for GIRLS OF PAPER AND FIRE BY NATASHA NGAN organised by the lovely Kate from Hodder who have me the opportunity to read and review this powerful book. It kept me going this weekend so I need to do this review justice. I hope you enjoy it and make sure you buy a copy or in some cases take it off the […]


Blog Tour Review – The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg – An Immersive Disney Resort Futuristic Thriller Read!

Blog Tour Review – The Kingdom by Jess Rothenberg – An Immersive Disney Resort Futuristic Thriller Read!

Hi Everyone, Today I’m really excited to be part of the international blog tour of THE KINGDOM by Jess Rothenberg, I’m posting my review today and it’s a belter. If you need a recommendation this summer then look no further than this book. It is truly something. First of all, isn’t the cover gorgeous.?! Out of both of the covers, our is literally glowing and I love it, although it’s a UK cover so I will be a tiny bit biased. This was book I wasn’t sure what to expect, I had no expectations it was a book that I […]


Review and Interview – The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews

Posted July 8, 2019 by Emma in 5 Stars, Autism, Book Review, Interview, YA / 2 Comments
Review and Interview – The Boy Who Steals Houses by C.G. Drews

Today I’m back to writing my reviews and this is one particular book that is quite close to my heart. It’s been quite a while since I read it over 3 months ago and it still lives with me even now. It explores something that I feel isn’t in YA book very often, autism. So today I have my review and Cait was very kind enough to let me interview her for my blog too. Two brothers Sam and Avery just want to find a home, to find a family that accepts them as who they are. Sam’s older brother, […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Books On My Summer 2019 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday – Books On My Summer 2019 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday Is A Weekly Meme Hosted By The Lovely Ladies At The Artsy Reader Girl! Each Week, A New Topic Is Put Into Place And Bloggers Share Their Top Ten Accordingly.  Ah I love this theme this week. As a librarian I’m always excited by my summer reading … why because I get 6 weeks off. The benefits of working in a school. Although I admit I probably have more than 10 books on my TBR. It’s all the books I never get too and more. Also as a school librarian we have a long list to read too […]


LGBTQ+ Bucket Book List

Posted June 20, 2019 by Emma in Discussion Post, LGBTQ+, Summer Reading, YA / 1 Comment
LGBTQ+ Bucket Book List

So this is a first for me to write a post on LGBTQ+ books. It’s come to my attention I haven’t read enough of them! Why you might ask? I guess as a reader I’ve been stuck in my ways a bit with what genre books I read. Before I was blogger I used to read cute contemporary romances this was like 12 years ago. Then as a blogger I’ve developed my love for fantasy and I can’t stop reading them. Then there is me not only a reader but a librarian too. My pupil librarians love anything I read […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2019

Top Ten Tuesday – Most Anticipated Releases of the Second Half of 2019

Top Ten Tuesday Is A Weekly Meme Hosted By The Lovely Ladies At The Artsy Reader Girl! Each Week, A New Topic Is Put Into Place And Bloggers Share Their Top Ten Accordingly.  The last time I did a most anticipated was the beginning of the year, how are we half way through 2019 already. There has been some A-M-A-Z-I-N-G books coming. I have to say I seem to favouring a lot of UKYA lately, so be prepared for some more. Here are my Top Ten Books I’m looking forward too in the next part of 2019. What Magic is This? […]


A Letter Review of Jemima Small Versus the Universe by Tamsin Winter

A Letter Review of Jemima Small Versus the Universe by Tamsin Winter

Today my review is written slightly different, Ms Winter’s new book, Jemima Small Versus the Universe really resonated with me and what better way than writing a letter to the main character. I really enjoyed this and I hope you do too. Tamsin’s new book is out in July so make sure you pre-order a copy because you won’t want to miss this one. Dear Jemima, I read your story Jemima Small and you are truly an inspiration. Your creator, Miss Winter is a beautiful writer to embrace everything about you, to show that we may have flaws but its […]


Blog Tour – Nexus: Q&A with Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings

Blog Tour – Nexus: Q&A with Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings

Today I’m really excited to bring you my post on the Nexus Blog Tour which is Book 2 and the final book in The Androma Saga by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings. Zenith, Book 1 came out last year and it was one of my favourite books that year, I read it over Christmas and I was completely hooked. Check out my Review here. It had the connection to the characters that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I’m currently reading it and absolutely loving it once more. So look out for my review next week. So today I’m […]


Review – My Secret Lies With You by Faye Bird

Review – My Secret Lies With You by Faye Bird

I first discovered Faye’s books when I went to my first author event as a librarian, it was an exciting moment being a blogger and librarian. I bought both of her books and devoured them instantly, so gripping and thrilling, Faye’s latest book My Secret Lies With You is no exception. This book was totally addictive and definitely what I needed last weekend. I read it practically in one sitting. Cait is on holiday in Wales for the first time since my her dad died. Along with her mum and her new partner, she is missing her dad a lot. […]
