Category: Bookish Post

My Year in Books | Favourite Reads of 2019

Posted December 30, 2019 by Emma in 5 Stars, Bookish Post, UKYA, Wrap-Up, YA / 2 Comments
My Year in Books | Favourite Reads of 2019

Hello Everyone, I’m back from my Christmas break yesterday and I had such an an amazing time with my family. It was also more like a Christmas Reading Retreat too. I read 3 books in 5 days which is a first in a very long time. 2 of which are Harry Potter books and another a hotly anticipated 2020 release. It was so nice being totally away from my social media and blog for 5 straight days that I feel amazing in myself and ready to plan 2020 with lots more books and lots more blog posts – I think […]


My Christmas Break & TBR

Posted December 23, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, TBR / 2 Comments
My Christmas Break & TBR

Hi Everyone, how are we? Are we all on our Christmas holidays yet? I hope you are, you all deserve it! I am and loving it! I broke up onThursday and won’t return to school until the 6th Jan, I think this could potentially be the longest Christmas holiday’s we’ve had. I started it with pretty much cosy days in front of the TV and letting my brain relax. You need that right!? 🎄 One thing I love about Christmas break is family and books. Why you might ask? Well a) I spend a whole week stay with my grandparents. […]


EVENT RECAP | Simon & Schuster Big Book Brunch

EVENT RECAP | Simon & Schuster Big Book Brunch

Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you had a very festive weekend, not long till Christmas now! I had an amazing weekend and this was partly down to where I went on Saturday, the Simon & Schuster Big Book Brunch where we saw previews of 2020 titles, whilst meeting loads of amazing bloggers. I’ve been to one in February and loved it. Many book events as they are largely in the evenings and I’m just so tired from work that I never make it. But events on a weekend I can, and I try and make every effort to go. What I […]


The Titan Christmas Gift Guide

Posted December 6, 2019 by Emma in Book Gifts, Bookish Post, Discussion Post / 0 Comments
The Titan Christmas Gift Guide

Hello my bookish friends. It’s Friday, and so nearly the weekend. Today and until the rest of the year, I thought I might do a series of posts rounding up what an incredible year publishers have had with their books and creating a Christmas Gift Guide. Each of these posts will have carefully selected books so there if something for everyone. There is something for everyone! Today I’m partnering up with Titan Books. I have only joined their mailing list this year and I’ve been so unbelievable grateful for the books they have sent me this year, they have been […]


November Monthly Wrap-Up

Posted December 2, 2019 by Emma in 2019 Books, Bookish Post, Monthly Wrap-Up Post, TBR / 2 Comments
November Monthly Wrap-Up

Hi Everyone, it’s the 2nd December, the LAST MONTH of 2019! How is that possible? I mean it’s seriously crazy how time flies, I personally hate it. I think it goes more quickly when I work in a school as you are constantly counting down the days until the next half term holiday. Just to let you know that’s in 17 days. 🧡 Nothing much happened in November for me. It was a busy month in terms of work and I didn’t read much whatsoever. Got some great books and bought loads but the ratio of my book haul to […]


DISCUSSION | Book Blogging vs Bookstagram

Posted November 25, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Featured / 7 Comments
DISCUSSION | Book Blogging vs Bookstagram

Hello my bookish friends, I have one of my famous discussion posts where I tend to blur out the line between discussing and ranting. Since I wrote ‘The Pressures of Book Blogging’ post, (thank you to all those who commented about it) I seem pretty chill about my book blog and also enjoying everything I do with it. I also had a bit of a break in-between as well which really helped me. Although, last week I’ve been thinking about my blog and bookstagram specifically and how we are so focused on one (bookstagram) and not the other (blogging). For me my blog […]


EMMA CHATS… | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer – #CurseReadAlong: Week 1

EMMA CHATS… | A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer – #CurseReadAlong: Week 1

Emma Chats… returns. I thought over the few weeks I’d talk about what I’m taking part in. One of 2019s fandoms has been A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer. I have to say it’s one book I wanted to read since I received it back in February, but with hype and mood, it never happened until now. YOU DIDN’T TELL ME HOW AMAZING THIS BOOK IS!!!??? (or did I not listen!?) So I’m taking part in the GLOBAL read along that Bloomsbury YA are hosting, each week we are reading 20 chapters (or so!?) I’m actually sticking to the readalong […]


Emma chats…| Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden |

Emma chats…| Winternight Trilogy by Katherine Arden |

*CAUTION this post may contain fangirling. Hello my bookish friends. Happy Wednesday. You are half-way through the week, yay. I’m going on holiday on Saturday so I can’t wait to get to the end of the week. Thank you so much to everyone who commented on my earlier post on Book Blogging pressures. It’s really nice to see I’m not the only one. Today’s post, ‘Emma chats…’ is the start of something new for my blog, to bring back my enjoyment of blogging and love it once again.  This idea came to me only yesterday, I wanted something I could […]


DISCUSSION | Organising my future bookshelves

Posted October 7, 2019 by Emma in Bookish Post, Discussion Post, Featured, TBR / 5 Comments
DISCUSSION | Organising my future bookshelves

Hello my book friends, it’s been a while since my last discussion post. A good month ago I did a Bookshelf Tour post and I enjoyed talking about bookworms accommodating to space restrictions and lots of books. If you missed it then check it out here. So Ella commented on my post, and asked about a how I would organise my bookshelf if I had bookcases, so I thought I would dedicate a post to it.  This is a Bookworm edition, later this week I will do a post as part of my new feature ‘ A Day in the […]
