Review – A Girl Called Shameless by Laura Steven

Review – A Girl Called Shameless by Laura Steven

A Girl Called Shamless (The Exact Opposite of Okay #2) by Laura Steven Publisher – Egmont UK Release Date – 7th March 2019 Buy – Amazon | Book Depository Funnier. Ruder. Angrier. Izzy O’Neill is back in the hilarious sequel to The Exact Opposite of Okay. It’s been two months since a leaked explicit photo got Izzy involved in a political sex scandal – and the aftershock is far from over. The Bitches Bite Back movement is gathering momentum as a forum for teenage feminists, and when a girl at another school has a sex tape shared online, once again […]


Review – TWO CAN KEEP A SECRET by Karen M. McManus

Review – TWO CAN KEEP A SECRET by Karen M. McManus

Two Can Keep A Secret by Karen M. McManus Publisher – Penguin Books UK Release Date – January 10th 2019 Buy – Amazon | Book Depository Ellery’s never been to Echo Ridge, but she’s heard all about it. It’s where her aunt went missing at age sixteen, never to return. Where a Homecoming Queen’s murder five years ago made national news. And where Ellery now has to live with a grandmother she barely knows, after her failed-actress mother lands in rehab. No one knows what happened to either girl, and Ellery’s family is still haunted by their loss. Malcolm grew […]


March Wrap-Up and April Plans

March Wrap-Up and April Plans

Hi Everyone, It’s offically spring time today! – I’m writing this on the 31st, I’m very prompt with my post to start off April which is great! I just read over my previous wrap-up post and my blogging plans went right out of the window this month. It’s end of term craziness which I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with, so I’ve just been exhausted at the end of the day. March is on the busiest month’s for a librarian with World Book Day, although everyday is WBD for us. I did go to a book event at […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Books On My Spring 2019 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday – Books On My Spring 2019 TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies at The Artsy Reader Girl! Each week, a new topic is put into place and bloggers share their top ten accordingly.  So although it’s not feeling very spring like in the UK at the moment, it’s storms, hailstones so it can’t be any more unspring like. So I’ve picked some beautiful bright colours that will make you happy as well as some books that are romantic and some I can’t wait to read the next couple of months so it’s quite the mix. Enjoy.   Opposite of Always […]


Event Recap – #BigBookBrunch with Hashtag Reads

Event Recap – #BigBookBrunch with Hashtag Reads

Happy Monday everyone! Today I’m bringing you my event recap of the #BigBookBrunch blogger event by Hashtag Reads, Simon and Schuster and I had the best time. It was my first blogger event on 2019 and I was so excited to go. It was also the first the blogger event that Simon and Schuster have hosted as well. I hope they do many many more. One week from the event and I’m still buzzing. So today I thought I would share some of the highlights of the event. Lovely publicists Eve and Olivia, presented some of the key YA titles […]


Review – Enchantée by Gita Trelease

Review – Enchantée by Gita Trelease

Enchantée by Gita Trelease Publisher – Macmillan Children’s Books  Release Date – 21 February 2019 Buy – Amazon | Book Depository Paris in 1789 is a labyrinth of twisted streets, filled with beggars, thieves, revolutionaries—and magicians… When smallpox kills her parents, Camille Durbonne must find a way to provide for her frail, naive sister while managing her volatile brother. Relying on petty magic—la magie ordinaire—Camille painstakingly transforms scraps of metal into money to buy the food and medicine they need. But when the coins won’t hold their shape and her brother disappears with the family’s savings, Camille must pursue a […]


February Wrap-Up & March TBR

February Wrap-Up & March TBR

Hi Everyone, I can’t believe its March, where has Febraury gone. (I beleive I keep saying this exact line but just changing the months every wrap-up post, ha!) It’s been a jam-packed month for me more at work and personally, so reading and blogging hasn’t been as much as I hoped. Fantasy Feb, didn’t quite go according to plan either, which I apolgise for. But the posts I did do I’m really pleased with and I seem to be enjoy my TTT these days. Today is a bit gloomy, but we had the lovely weather last week so this image […]


Top Ten Tuesday – Places Mentioned In Books That I’d Like to Visit

Posted February 26, 2019 by Emma in Blog, Book tag, Discussion Post, Top Ten Tuesday / 23 Comments
Top Ten Tuesday – Places Mentioned In Books That I’d Like to Visit

Top Ten Tuesday is becoming a regular feature on my blog and I love it. Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the lovely ladies at The Artsy Reader Girl! Each week, a new topic is put into place and bloggers share their top ten accordingly.  This week is all about bookish places that I would love to visit… Some fantasy worlds that of course you need to visit like Prythian and Hogwarts. Then there is the historical places that I wish I could go back in time like Paris in 1700s and Regency London. There is also […]


BLOG TOUR: The Burning by Laura Bates – Top 5 inspirational books for young feminists

BLOG TOUR: The Burning by Laura Bates – Top 5 inspirational books for young feminists

Happy Saturday Everyone, today I’m super excited to be part of The Burning blog tour. The Burning by Laura Bates, the founder behind Everyday Sexism Project, has created a book based on events that happen in society today, the pressures of growing up and what it takes to be a young girl today. It a powerful YA novel, that every teenager needs to read. Today Laura talks about her top 5 best feminist books, which I would highly recommend too. But before that, here is a little bit more about The Burning…   The Burning tells the story of fifteen-year-old […]
